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Everything posted by Maffy

  1. I'm waiting for this game so impatiently I can't wait till they are finished Plus I want the Special Edition So I have to buy it before it's sold out And I'll feel way calmer if I have it in my hands instead of waiting for the exams to finish and buy it
  2. Decided to post mah pic since I'm gonna hang out arnd here -- It's like 2 months old though
  3. O: O: Agreeable = Well , depends rly ... :v Sociable = Can be when I'm up to it x3 Optimistic = Well ... not rly , I'm mainly negative but I can optimistic when bad things happen Vain = Not rly no o-o Rude = Mostly no but if ppl keep annoying me much ... well , no other choice :v Though AB suits me more I'd say
  4. Well every song and melody is awesome in kh So from songs Sanctuary and Simple and Clean (and the jap version Hikari x3) And from melodies is Halloween Town , Treasured Memories , Kairi IIIand some others x3
  5. Oh , right on the spot X3 Aaron ! (just cause I saw ppl talking abt him and saw him online X3)
  6. Hi , I am Maffy and you can call me ... well ... Maffy o-o I am new too , signed up just yesterday but still welcome o/ Hope you have fun arnd here like I do x3 Follow the rules and you'll do great arnd here :> Have fun o/
  7. Maffy is awesome ! Not laughable D: You know it's awesome !! And ty both of you X3 I am already ahving a great time since everyone is so nice :> I already made my Luzze my slave o/ And I got a cookie rival o/ So everything is going better than just fine ;D
  8. Yo Luna ! : D Ty =D ... ... ... .. . *looks at the time* 4 am ... Time to say gn o-o gn o/
  9. Aww lost mah chance :< But nuu , I'm new !! LUNA !!
  10. Aww , I'm sry :0 I didn't read the whole thread o-o That's pretty sad :v So I guess no more new Utada kh songs ? ;~; They should compromise ! And rly Sanctuary doesn't have that many lyrics to be a pain either way :v But yeah , I kinda agree abt the loss of meaning when it coems to Simple and Clean . The content was dif enough But mehh , it's all abt the money nowadays D; Nomura should find a way to convince her D;
  11. Yeah ... indeed I doubt I'd buy it myself I'd proly laugh looking at it
  12. My most fav quote is Axel's usual question "Got it memorized ?" Then there are Roxas' lines which make me so sad every time I think abt them "Only seven days to go, and then my summer vacation's over." "You're lucky, cause it looks like my summer vacation is ... over." And damn there are a lot out there I like
  13. Hmm , even though I know how irritating is when they are in your way especially when I fall down in places and have to go from the start to go where I want "Do you not see that I'm always the one going in front ?! Why do you get in front of me and annoy me ?!" But tbh , I kinda like having teammates arnd me even if I won't need them in the end . Even if they save me just once , I call that rly helpful But I rely on teammates a lot as sometimes the mobs for once stop following me arnd all the time and I can do my thing better So I always use them as decoy I guess o-o I was never good with summons for some reason . I must have never summoned more than 5 times in the story
  14. Oh , nice to meet you cookiestealer RoxSox ^-^ You do indeed seem a great guy ! *hides all the cookies* I'll rely on you if I need help or just then =D or bribe you with cookies if it's necessary to cover stuff up :> And I am reading the guidelines in every section I go just to be sure but they are standard guidelines so I wouldn't do anything against them either way x3 So we shall be forever cookie rivals friends ^-^
  15. Well yeah , I know japanese is more common than spanish arnd us but that alone won't help you learn it well ! Apart from the grammar which is , as every grammar is , confusing , the 3 kinds of writing doesn't make it easy either D: Spanish uses latin characters so that's a huge plus compared to japanese o-o Just objectively , I think japanese would be harder than spanish even with anime/manga arnd o-o
  16. Haha , don't call yer master creepy Luzze ! Don't forget the pinky promise >: D But nice to meet you officially too X3 And shame on you for not being a great fan of kh anymore D: SHAME !! But mehh D: Yer choice D: And you can't leave the forums , yew are bound tothem :0
  17. LOL wow , that is so ridiculous But I wouldn't say no if someone had given me this as a present
  18. They made a film abt FF , they should make a movie abt kh either way X3 It'd be great if they made the first or second game a movie . Take some of the cutscenes , change them a bit , make more scenes like that and done ! Even if it'd turn bad , it's still kh x)
  19. I LOVE the songs but rly kh shold have a bigger variety than just those 2 :v I mean rly , they don't have time to make a new song ? Every game should be more unique than this =/ But I don't mind enough to get irritated , I still sing along happily =D
  20. I'm having some uni exams when kh comes out here but rly idc My mind will be full of bbs either way x) I'll just cross mah fingers and hope the best for the exams
  21. I am a desperate fun and I'mnot rly ashamed I want to play the games and I want to play them whenever I want and that's why I buy the consoles and the games x3 Kh is like my limit when it comes to consoles x3 Knowing me I'd buy a console impulsively cause I'm bored nd that IS waste of money for me >.< So I ade myself wait for kh before buying anything as to save some money for the time being x3 Plus in the end , I end up playing other games in the console either way so I don't rly mind *is buying a PSP pretty soon and a 3DS when the game is out x3
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