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Everything posted by Maffy

  1. Chopping WAS the easiest, but my favorite one was the salt and pepper one. However, I can't believe there are people voting for the EGGS?!?! Brrr~
  2. Too many details and I suppose the game will still be fairly "easy" to people that like that kind of thing, either way. But new abilities are appreciated! "He said that they really focused on exceeding fans' expectations and wanted to do as much as they could. While other games end up cutting various elements due to cost or time constraints, Yasue feels confident that the team was able to accomplish everything that they wanted to implement." This hurts. I think even a couple spin offs were more complete than KH3 in various aspects, so to say that compared to other games, KH is truly complete... it's a bit of an insult to me. Unless he's mainly focusing on gameplay elements and such, in which case I do agree that I liked everything in it and there was variety in the things you could do. (Though I still don't know why we were able to breathe under the sea in Caribbean. Did Caribbean get Atlantis' leftovers?)
  3. I was torn between Roxas and Terra, but only because those were the longest ones. In the end, I think Terra had just a bit better entrance (though still pretty lacking), because they showed the fight between Terranort and Terra and how Terra came back. Roxas' was a cool scene with everything that was going on, but there were barely any actual details surrounding it. Just whoosh, there he is.
  4. When I first became a fan, only KH1, KH:CoM and KH2 were out, so I didn't have much of a selection, haha. I started with KH1
  5. Many can work with KH easily. Inside Out with all the feelings, Incredibles being awesome (but we did have Big Hero 6 or superheros), Brave with badass Merida and nature (but Tangled is similar nature-wise), but I went with Wall-E, cause SPACE! It'd be an interesting concept we haven't seen before. We had Tron for futuristic stuff, but still!
  6. It now makes sense that the game seems to have such unconnected stories and pretty basic stuff without any real relevance. If you make a story without really thinking how it helps the main plot... what can you expect? :'D I know he probably means what he says, but it honestly looks like he tries to throw Oka and the level design team under the bus since the biggest complaint from people who had complaints was that the stories were meh and the pacing definitely needed a lot of work :'D It's as if he tries to disguise his disassociation with that part of the project as a compliment for other people :'D What trend is that which makes you create 3 mods that are all easy? I understand that "games have gotten easier", but 3 modes! They could have at least tried a bit more. It seems a bit cheap to give a critical mode for free and then make people pay for some endgame content. I haven't played any Mix titles, but at least I remember that KH1 had a few hard side bosses, as well as KH2 which were part of the package. Here you only get battlegates and the secret boss is laughably easy if you have gained a few levels (and I'm saying this when I'm terrible at strategy and even I could do it EASILY cause I had leveled up first). Either way, ofc the DLC will include more than that, but I'd think a couple bosses should be released together with Critical. All in all, a fun interview, though the more I read, the more I get the feeling that Nomura is half-assing everything and gets ideas at the last moment, so it doesn't exactly inspire faith in one's work :'D I see they have a ton of projects now, so hopefully we'll at least get some news soon.
  7. Ahh ok, I was sure I had missed or forgot something, since it seems pretty major, haha. I confused the event of Ephemer and Skuld saving our player as an act of the union leaders, so it didn't make sense meeting later for the first time. But yes, now it's clear! Thank you very much for help I can't wait for the new world and story updates to come forth and confuse me once again, haha.
  8. For around 2 months, no supernova medal has fallen in my grasp. Ofc it was my fault since they were mercy banners, but still! At least the KH3 banners had useful medals, but I decided to not try again for any banner until I gather 30k jewls (and I only have 1.4k now :'D), so it won't be anytime soon~ It's not worth it either way
  9. Xehanort was a huge disappointment, because allllll these games and then that ending... /shrug Kairi was pretty much ALWAYS like this, so not much disappointment there :^) I do agree with another user though, that Nomura is the one that truly disappointed me and many fans.
  10. I have seen the difference, but that's the thing. When the new 5 union leaders first met, there were already numerous keyblades sticking out, hence it must have already been the Keyblade Graveyard. How did that happen?
  11. Thank you, that's what I thought too! This brings me to the question I made in my parenthesis, how did the new union leaders meet for the first time in the graveyard when the graveyard itself existed AFTER the war? The data world first existed before the war, because they were already taking dandelions there. When they took our player to the data world, it was during the war, so there shouldn't have been a graveyard beforehand. Was there any explanation that I missed/forgot or no info yet? But yes, that makes sense. Seeing the glitches happen both inside the tower and outside was an obvious sign that no one was in the real world. I had just understood some scenes wrong and came to the conclusion they must have been outside to be able to maintain the data world. Phew~ It's confusing to always be sure of whatever happens. At first they only mentioned worldlines so I had assumed they had changed a worldline, but when they started specifically talking about data, I changed my opinion. So, seeing some comments like that shake my beliefs since they tend to change easily with every new piece of information, haha. I'm glad I was still on the right track. Thank you both for answering!
  12. I like how they put it indirectly that there will be "at least" one game. We all know there'll be way more :^) Although I do like the spin offs, I don't wanna see 3 games before kh4... It gets ridiculous and each game tends to want a different console. Eiiither way~
  13. That must be the most hilarious thing I've heard :^) "Oh nooo, it's just a coincidence that almost every character looks similar to FFvs13's". As for the rest, I'm not THAT excited cause it's either information we pretty much knew or he says "you'll get to know later". Duh, Nomura, we know we'll find out things later, we just wanted something more specific than that. Nonetheless, a couple of things were a bit nice.
  14. I think this would be a more interesting poll if "100 Acre Wood" wasn't in it :'D It's a miracle that we even count it as a world...
  15. I loved San Fransokyo and how big it was and it felt like discovering something new all the time even though it was just one city, so I voted for it. But I do agree that the PotC was also pretty cool. I was amazed at how big the map was and the idea with the islands was really smart, but I suppose the emptiness (apart from emblems and chests) of it, just brought down the whole experience.
  16. I decided to vote without any bias (since my favorite characters are Roxas and Axel) and I went with Riku. Although Sora is the catalyst for basically EVERYTHING, I think Riku is the best because he hit rock bottom and managed to get back up, something not many people do. He tries to forgive himself for various games and never gives himself enough credit, always just giving it to Sora, because of his past actions. Of course, not everything is forgotten, but his never-ending and conscious efforts at being the best he can be make him the best
  17. I agree with this! But also, maybe it's because I haven't checked out many places and I don't really use Twitter much, but I've honestly seen mostly overly positive opinions over the game and people complaining about people "hating", than actual hate. I wholy agree with the silly argument of "hype was too much/expectations were too high/etc", because that is no argument at all and it's just an easy way to dismiss everything without bothering to listen. Cause the opposite argument can be said back "You are too invested to see its problems/etc". People having problems with the game doesn't automatically mean it was their problem and the game was perfect (nor does it mean the opposite of course), it just means they have possibly come across legit problems that didn't sit well with them. I had fun with KH3, but since my top priorities are always story and characters and don't care as much for the gameplay, I don't think I can even give it a 7. Maybe 6.5. It might seem low, even to my eyes, but putting aside my nostalgia goggles and my general love for the franchise, I found so many problems with the construction of the story and its storytelling (even for KH standards) to say that it is a truly good game. I suppose if I judged every category more equally, it would have a higher score, but it's a personal score either way. That being said, both sides should be open or at least accepting to other people's opinions. I know I won't agree with anyone who says KH3 is a masterpiece, but I can understand and accept that what they saw was satisfactory to them and more power to them for enjoying everything so much. Unfortunately, there are always extreme people in everything, like adoring ot hating something blindly, but those people can be ignored. If only the world had only reasonable people :^)
  18. Mine is silly, because my first contact with KH was the manga. I stumbled on the manga and it was love at first sight. I was enamored by the concept and I HAD to learn everything about the series, which led me to the games and thus, I started my journey of buying them. I bought a ps2 just to play KH, which I couldn't find in my town, so a friend from a nearby and bigger city got me both 1 and 2. I remember beating the games in a few days each. There was honestly no turning back since then. The games made my love stronger and since then I bought every console any spin-off released in the subsequent years and each game made me more involved and in love (except maybe Re:Coded). So, it wasn't really a specific moment for me, the idea of KH was enough and it never truly let me down and even though KH3 was a big disappointment for me due to execution, I am still going to be a fan forever. It just is what it is~
  19. Exactly this. KH rarely had true good writing, but it had lots of charm and my favorite games are actually a couple of the side games, but the next big installment managed to botch everything story-wise, even that charm. No tension, no proper pacing, no gratifying for everything we've been through, nothing. KH is one of the few franchises that has managed to create such a complex universe (albeit convoluted) and even pulled off the suffering of some characters successfully, only to basically skip over them in the end. How did this happen? So many years and we got basically a condensed version of what KH3 should have been. Unfortunately, it's nowhere close to a masterpiece for me and I don't think any dlc is going to change that. I can definitely see them release extra bosses, Scala exploration and maybe side stories for some organisation members or for Terra/Aqua/Ven but nothing can save the way this was handled. At least the central story needed a lot more attention. I wonder when we will get more info for future dlc/games~
  20. I finished the game yesterday and I wanted to share my opinion to find more like-minded people. I've read some raving reviews and some unsavory reactions. I mostly tend to agree with the criticism with the difference that I still enjoyed the game thoroughly so it wasn't a bad experience, just a disappointment. Either way, those were my (extensive) thoughts about it.
  21. I honestly don't understand the big hype or the big hate towards the game. I didn't even see anyone hating it, but there's too much praise to go around for reasons I can't completely fathom. The game was kind of disappointment for me. I adore the franchise and it's true I was hyped about KH3 (even though most of it had died while waiting for years), but it just kinda felt... empty? Everything looks REALLY nice, I loved the textures and details (and I prefer gameplay Sora to animated Sora, he has better hair) and loved how big the maps were, but... were they really used right? I mean, apart from searching for emblems and chests, you literally do nothing with most places. Port Royale was big with 3 places and underwater stuff, but at most, you could just spin on a barrel and maybe eavesdrop on someone for something unrelated. At least Thebes had a mini game with the Hercules dolls gathering, but all in all, every map was big, but essentially useless. Then, it was the story for each world and for the first time it felt like a non-story almost. Half the time in the worlds we were not even involved in the story, other than trying to reach the main characters of each world and we just had to walk, walk, walk. I really didn't feel involved in most of them, which is sad. I'd expand more on that, but "spoilers". And then, the main story felt so little. If you take our the filler that was each world, you're left with almost nothing, but the ending of the game, which was completely rushed. Events that spun decades (literal decades, even) and plans and games and almost everything seemed to pass in matter of seconds or minutes with no questions asked. For all we've been waiting for, I really wanted some events to unfold more realistically. Of course, I didn't and don't expect good writing in terms of dialogue or anything (we love the charas for who they are), but the franchise has sold itself so much throughout the years and it was just really fast in some places. Even Sora sounded out of character for me at some point. In retrospect, I really enjoyed the game, but I don't feel the same as when I finished KH2 (though ok, it has been many many years) or BBS or even Days, for that matter. We got too few answers and even more questions... It had a couple great twists, but in the end, this game feels half-finished or to be more precise, a prologue for a "real" game and that just makes me sad. Maybe we'll get a few dlc to fill some stuff, but eh, I guess we have to start hoping the next game won't take 10 years...
  22. A bit late, but I wanted to say that this is really great! I'm still catching up, but I love how well done it is. I think I'm even learning about stuff that I hadn't noticed haha. Again, thanks for the help I probably wouldn't have found it on my own!
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