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Everything posted by Axelfangirl717

  1. prbly when the game ends... but during the game, not likely
  2. it was a cool battle but it looks hard i dont want to see it in the future games... sorry
  3. you have awsome questions that i can most likely answer. 1.xehnorts hair? well i guess its like a future refrence 2. to be honest you got the time wrong of that its ten years befor sora got the keyblade but when the little boy is talking to ven thats a few months befor he got to leave the LoD so yes sora was born then i mean he was five but still. and yes vens past is still a mystery and so is terra's and aqua's but we know a little bout sora's past. maybe we will learn more about Demyx, Marluxia, & Larxene and i hope its sometime soon
  4. i love the battle style it was tricky but fun
  5. a dog that 1. is an idiot (but i love him any way) 2. clumsy and 3 just out right old no dog has lived to be 90+ years IN HUMAN YEARS AT THATS FACT!! so whats 80x7?!?
  6. umm i would live in either halloween town, radiant garden, or the word that never was
  7. 1. i know for a fact we will see xanort but not sure bout the others 2. as far as i know yes but mickey already knows who she is (he might pass on the message) 3. like i said in answer one i dont know if they have surface but im sure theyre not that different 4. around 25 proof is in bbs he looked bout fifteen and that was ten years before 5. probly not 6. he's dead so no possibly xanort will be able to though 7. i hope but now that the story has taken a shift they might not come back. we might see a couple but if you ask me bout axel i would say no i looked him up in the manga after he died he started to wander in the alley between light and dark so unless they have some miracle and he comes back then YAY!! i hope this helped
  8. it to become a keyblade master since theyre the only two that can weild the keyblade at the moment
  9. it might have been unversed or the symbol that terr aqua and ven wear on their clothing
  10. its quite possible but namine isnt existing her self right now so she cant tell any one =/
  11. give the zero gear all three ability units and that should be good it may be kingdom key but it is VERY strong
  12. First off, just because Kairi didn't produce a heartless doesn't mean Namine isn't Kairi's nobody. Remember, Kairi's a princess of heart. So there is no darkness within Kairi to produce a heartless. It was pretty much thanks to Sora that Namine was born and became Kairi's nobody. Secondly, Vexen didn't make Xion. Xemnas was the one that made her. @aznshadow390, Roxas is Sora's nobody. Not Namine. REALLY i thought it was vexen since he made the repliku ok thnx for tellin me that and bout the kairi thing i went with that theory cause it sounded more beleivable that and its the most recent one i have been told so im kinda at the "A DUR" stage sooo yea thanks for tellin me
  13. first off namine isnt exacly kairis nobody since you need to be a heartless to become a nobody (still trying to figure out details tell ya later) and second xion was made by vexen using soras memories and another thing just because xion lokks kinda like kiari (which isnt entirly true cause of he many apearances) dodnt mean they come from the same person so pretty much what kh125 said only a little more bout xion...
  14. i cried like a baby (i was like six so dont push it and i still cry when i see it) but it was depressing when i saw that i was like "the poor boy he was just separated by his bestist friend" but like i said i was six and i didnt really understand
  15. ZEXY!!!! but wheres demmy and vexen... i sure somone likes even vexen
  16. well max is ok but i still prefer goofy dont get me wrong max is just liek his pappi but um i still frefer the origional goof ball. that and wher would max even fit...
  17. OOOOOO i can help you on that all i did was dodge alot and use chain rave and fire storm when i have the chance i mean it takes a wile but it works cause i just beat him
  18. i agree with sora'smum star wars is the ideal kh (lol i almost put twilight down instead of star wars)
  19. pretty awsom i guess... but i was gonna be a good little girl and wait for to come out so i wouldnt spoil myself (not really)
  20. technecally vanitas is vens darkness and since they colided and ven is still alive im sure they still exist
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