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About Animeluver99

  • Birthday 09/05/1997

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  • Member Title
    Adorable Emo Kitty >^.^<
  • Gender
  1. Those times when ur practically invisible to everyone around you, and you're waiting, wondering when someone will actually take notice of you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Animeluver99


      Speaking up seems like something simple to everyone, except me.

    3. Protoman


      Then you should see some classes for that.

    4. Animeluver99
  2. I really dislike being sick....

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      That's good. It means you're a normal person. But you'll get better soon.

    2. Animeluver99


      ugh... I'm having second thoughts on being normal

  3. Can someoen give me some help on the very last boss for Terra? You know when you fight Xehanort to get ur body back?

  4. "My favorite part about eating gummy bears is knowing they can't fight back when you bite off theier heads >:)" ~ Pon and Zi quote

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OathkeeperRoxas


      greatest quote evar

    3. Koko


      pon and zi is so old omg

    4. Animeluver99


      I love pon and zi.. Idc if theyre old theyre still just so awesome :D

  5. When ur so used to being depressed all the time, you don't even notice it anymore. ._.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cellar Door

      Cellar Door

      as i stated before, if you seriously think you have depression you need to see a doctor so you can get the proper medication. if you are capable of going throughout your day without medication, you probably are just feeling incredibly low in spirits and such, and even then you should still see someone you trust and talk to them about how youre feeling. there are people who are willing to help you if you look. :)

    3. Cellar Door

      Cellar Door

      well, you can have depressed thoughts i.e. sadness, low spirits, emptiness, without having depression, and that's probably where the confusion came in, so no big deal. :)

    4. Animeluver99


      There are some people I trust, but don't want them to know about my possible depression. There are people I want to tell, just don't know if I can trust them. But I think I can do without medication, since I've been sad for an entire day before and felt perfectly fine.

  6. Omg... I suck at remembering to check this place -__-'

  7. Nyan cat is epic. Its my new favorite arcade game thing.

  8. Its nice to have online for games but I wouldn't mind if the game didn't have online play. Its not something I need.
  9. Pocky is my new favorite food :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 4Everbee


      Pocky is awesome

    3. Koko
    4. Animeluver99


      I'll try those other things u mentioned sometime, if I figure where to get them

  10. Someone shoot some goddamn sense into my mother.

    1. Paranoia


      All outta sense, I have bullets though! :D

    2. Animeluver99


      nah bullets wouldnt do any good..how bout shooting the crazy out of her?


  11. I really only buy a used game if its old and I won't find it new anymore. So probably around 10%.
  12. I would nvr get any kind of tatoo. after wat I've seen happen to my brother cuz of them i wouldnt even go into a tatoo place.
  13. I dont usually shut down my laptop if anything when I'm not using it I close it and it goes into sleep mode.
  14. Will I get any spoilers if I start recoded even though i havent beaten bbs yet.

    1. 4Everbee
    2. axel91


      the opening of recoded shows three half-second scenes that shows what happened to the three protagonists in bbs.

    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
  15. Axel FTW!! he's just plain awesome and I feel as if I'm the only on who feels sorry for him .
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