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About Xerurue

  • Birthday 08/22/1990

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  1. Rue got slammed by Dark Ryan who was only gaining power by getting hit by Rue. "How is he able to be that powerfull after being split in half" Rue thought. As he stood up Dark Ryan slashes him his Keyblade, Rue was blocking the slashes with his blade and used Firaga at the end to blast him away. Ryan got hit by the heat and most of his body was burned by the attack. the parts that were burned got recovered with a dark glowing red skin with red vapour coming out of it. "It seems your not able to beat me..Rue!" Dark Ryan Exclaimed. He pointed his keyblade at Rue firing a black and red laser at him. Rue did the same but his was blue. As the beams collapsed and exploded the ground beneath them got crushed by the pressure. Rue fell and a rocks fell on him, he had to push them away. the rock almost broke his arm and leg but they were just badly injured. Dark Ryan hit his head and his forehead was bleeding terribly. Rue jumped up to the normal ground level and waited for Dark Ryan to jump aswell. He took his chance and ran to Ryan who was laying on the ground exhausted. "Ryan I need your help to defeat Dark Ryan.. he is badly injured and so am I.. so I can't fight him alone. You are part him right ? maybe you have the same style of fighting.. So we can beat him with your power aswell". Rue said.
  2. Suddently Envus appeared infront of Dexer. "You've got some reputation on this school for sure. First the rebelion actions and entering the tournament, Don't worry I'm not the enemy. If you're searching for that guy that stabbed your friend. he went that way". he pointed to where Ashton ran away. "Waiting here won't solve the problem though". Envus walked to Texsera. he saw her laying on the ground and her heals were healing really fast. He must have used his power to heal her. normally she would be dead by now. It took a while and he was just looking at her. He walked back to Dexen. He stood beside him waiting for his answer.
  3. Envus just got out of the dorms. He noticed all the people standing outside entering this "tournament". He saw the posters on the walls and even some of the freshman girls were giving little information folders. The teachers sure bragged about how they beat everyone at high school. He walked across the halls that leaded him outside to the tournament. "No murdering". ...Thats it ?"He thought. I don't know if I should worry when I enter. Are the fighters at this school strong.. compared to where I came from. Maybe I should enter to test the skills. What does this school has to offer me. THey atleast owe me a desent fight. The principal was talking about a rebelish boy. Named Dexen. This guy seems to be pretty strong.. the math teacher who yelled at him earlier was missing. Well. She wasn't missing. She lost a battle against a student and got injured. They say that is was a female who kicked her ass in combat. It seems she had to stay with teaching mad and just stop with yelling at childeren. "That will teach her" he said. He finally got outside. He decided to enter the tournament. The whole school could was allowed to enter. So a freshman could fight a senior. It depends on the skills. Everyone standing outside seemed to be very skilled in what they are and what they do. Some of them were bragging allot just like the teachers inside the school drinking coffee. After Envus entered He walking in town to get to the cafetaria. He was hungry and haven't had lunch yet. The tournament wasn't about to start yet. He had 3 hours before the first round started. And ofcourse he wouldn't be in the first round. If it was a "rumble pit" maybe he and other 19 fighters were selected to fight in the first round. But he was hungry so he didn't care. He walked to the cafetaria and noticed more students having lunch. THey were hungry aswell or had serious nerves about this tournament. Is it such a big deal ? do we get grades for this ? Are people going to be popular if they win this tournament? all those questions. As he was inside he ordered lunch and sat at the nearest table... The girl infront of him was talking to her friends about how she beat up this teacher. Probably the girl I heared about. The girl sure was brag but she had some wounds to. It seemed that you can challenge the teacher to fight you. I guess only in sertain moments you can fight a teacher. not that they are that strong. they dont seem that strong.. A girl brought his lunch and he ate it. Later he paid the bill and started to look out of the cafetaria window for a while. He could see everyone walking from Kingdom High. (( Sorry for typo's im just tired, lol. OFFLINE ))
  4. ( already 8 pages!? TF) Envus was walking around town, He knew he had to go to school but he didn't felt like going. Nobody would miss him or even notice him sitting there. What the teachers try to teach you at Kingdom High Envus already have learned at his former school. he noticed allot of kids from Kingdom High felt like skipping class and saw them all at the cafetaria. Arn't they suppose to be in class ? He thought. He walked to the outside training spots near the end of town. It is hard to see someone standing at the training spots if your in Kingdom High. MEANWHILE AT KH HIGH Teacher: "Is Envus present ?". The teachers looked around the class and nobody reacted to the name. "It seems that he isn't in class. He must be skipping class. Those awfull teenagers. Children! ..do math ! I'm going to check on this boys file and when I'm back you' all beter be at the end of the first chapter". She yelled. After 2 hours of math Envus started to walk back to school. The kids at the cafetaria were gone by now. He saw them run up ahead, they were late for the next class to begin. Envus knew he would be late for class ..AGAIN.. but he didn't mind at all. When he walked into school he noticed allot of kids standing in the halls. "Recess already ?" he thought. He saw the math teacher. She looked like a b!tch for sure. She started to approach Envus. "What were you thinking ?! skipping math class ! DETENTION". While she was talking to Envus he already was at his locker. He didn't knew that the teacher was approaching him and besides who cares if a teacher yells at you. The lack of respect surely is on every school. The school bell rang. Envus walked right into the next class room following the next class.
  5. Name: Envus Grade: Senior Gender: Male Species: Keyblade Wielder Stereotype: Lone wolf Sports team: Baseball, American football , freerunning, Mixed Martial Arts. Weapon: Hero's Crest Keyblade Appearence: Normal length for kids his age. Has long black hair with blue eyes. Scar on his left eye. He weares a black sleeveless vest with 2 sweatbands on each wrist. Long black jeans with Blue and black nike-like shoes Bio: First he was a student at "Guardian College" but somehow he couldn't manage to stay on that school cause he had to much fights with other students. His parents decided after he got kicked out that school that he could go to Kh High. It looked like a great school to continue his training on being a Keyblade Wielder.
  6. Name: Envus Age: 16 Gender: male Appearance: Reincarnation of one of my early RP characters Rue. His hair is long and black, has blue eyes and has a scar on his left eye. He weares black and blue clothing. Keyblade: "The Time Massacure". ( Not as powerfull as the real one, Atleast not in the beginning ) Amulet Color: Blue Bio (optional): Envus was a boy who grew up in the left overs of new re-build Twilight Town. His family was pretty sure he the one who could wield the "time massacure". since one of his ancestors use to wear it as his keyblade he managed to use it aswell. Although he didn't know how to wield it at first. He started to train himself with the keyblade, The connection between master and keyblade grew and his heart became one with his weapon. He allowed the weapon to have a part of his heart ( if im correct, if not tell me Lexi). There wasn't much to fight in this new world. the ancestors gave the next generation a new world where they could live in peace. He doesn't know whats out there. Cause he never left his home town, he isnt that curious about whats out there. But he surely wants to know something about the worlds out there. Envus is a calm and quit cool person. He doesn't care much about what people say about him, In his heart he knows who he truly is. I dont know if its a dutch brand shampoo, I dont think so. so its FA for men. thats what I just used
  7. Evil Rue felt a warm bright feeling inside of his body. It felt like the warmth of the sun. A part of the purple vapour coming out of his body turned into bright light flashes. His body felt like it was going to split into half. "Ah it seems your finally trying to resist the power of the darkness. But it won't work. I'm almost at my maximum state and even if we split I will find a way to someone else's body and become even more powerfull than I am right now!". The aura surrounding Evil Rue turned part into light. The battle area in the air started to crack. The close to glass pieces fell on the ground and broke in even more pieces. The pieces started to turn into light orbs that heal the ground. Finally the whole area felt to the ground and so did Evil Rue. As he lay there on the ground his body started to hurt really bad. The feeling of your body being split in half slowly was really painfully. And Suddently a bright version of the body got out of the darkend body of Evil Rue. The bright version of the body was glowing a beautifull yellow glowing light surrounded by light orbs. It floated for a while and when the brightness faded, Rue was standing right there. Evil Rue was slowly turning into Dark Ryan again. He couldn't be Evil Rue if there wasn't a Rue inside of the body. Rue looked at Dark Ryan. "Now I finally found my purpose. I'm not the forgotten one. You are the one that suppose to be the forgotten one. When we merged I felt like I sacrificed by life for nothing, But that wasn't true. The negative and darkness inside my body made me think like that. It was you all this time. You wanted revenge and did it with my body. Thats why you were defeaten that easily it was because we could merge and you will come back and try to kill everyone again. But it won't work this time. You see. Now we have splitten you won't be able to teleport and open portals that fast. Your speed ability's will be halfed. And wielding the keyblade as 2 keyblade masters will turn into 1 again. And that pretty weapon of ours.... I shall wield it from now one. You won't be able to control Time, You won't create a realm of darkness. The realm of twilight was nothing more than a lie. We both know that. It was suppose to be all darkness, thats how you wanted to fool that girl. I have suffered inside of you. Inside of my own body, and now I claim what was mine. I want my honor back as Rue !". Rue tried to summon his keyblade. His former keyblade was at the inside of the "Time Massacure" so he automaticly summoned the time massacure. He pointed it at Dark Ryan. Dark Ryan his evilness and darkness was starting to grow to fast. His whole body started to turn into the giant creature John used to be. Only this one wasn't the darkness it was Dark RYan. It looked a bit like how John was in his ultimate form but Dark Ryan's version was a bit diffrent. This one had 4 big keyblades in his 4 hands. and the giant wings were causing a little storm. "Changing into that won't work against me ..Dark Ryan" Rue exclaimed. He pointed the keyblade at Dark Ryan and it fired a light glowing beam right through his body. It left a heart mark. It was slowly collapsing Dark Ryans body into the realm of light. But it was to slow. Rue had to kill Dark Ryan with the keyblade. But he couldn't do it by himself. ( hint hint hint hint ). He started to take a fighting stance.
  8. Arround the Sky Battle Area appeared some thunder clouds. The clouds spread over the whole area. It started to rain really hard and thunder was striking the ground. The darkness never could Corrupt a part of me. I'm still the same Rue as I was. But I don't know what I am doing, Is this me ? or the other part. he thought. As the weather changed Rue started to think about what he had acomplished. He was thinking about who he is and what made him like this. He can't remember that he was evil before. He didn't seem the evil type. He didn't know what changed him, Only that he sacrificed himself for the sake of his friends. he was happy that they lived on and they have grown well. But he still felt the pain. Rue felt left alone in a world to big. When Rue and Dark Ryan molted togheter. Rue's memories shattered and the pieces still are scattered inside of him. Dark Ryan's part of Evil Rue had his evil existance. It was the Dark part that corrupted Rue. By combining both the hearts there was some space needed in ordor for Dark Ryan and Rue to exist inside one body. Both they're memories are scattered so that they could share the same mind. Although Rue is captured inside of the body. The broken pieces of memories are Rue as long as they continue to be shattered. So will be Rue.
  9. Evil Rue landed on Ryan with. His voice and body were completely choasrupted. The purple vapour coming from out of his body was at the same temperature as real fire. "It seems I have no other choice but to take both of you with me. You and that girl.. Kalina.. I sure remember her. To bad I wasn't remembered. I'm just a fool". He summoned "the time massacure" and pointed it Kalina. It fired the same exact blast he just fired at Ryan but he missed. He pointed it at Ryan his face. "I dont know why but I considered you as a friend.. atleast a part of me did, the other part feels like I have been a part of you.. You know I am you..right ? the real you.. the one that isn't hiding for darkness. the one that has accepted his true being. But it all doesn't matter anymore. Soon there will be only one of us. and that will be me..". He flew high up in the sky, He gathered the clouds with his new powers and the clouds formed a sky battle area. He stood there and waited. "When you are ready to fight me. Come see me."
  10. The keyblade finally was formed. It was glowing a bright light that could shine through the worst of darkness. "The once fallen blades combined to create the ultimate weapon. The weapon a god should wield is now in my hands. This is my ultimate creation. "The Time Massacure".. It is the greatest of all and I shall destroy all with it" Evil Rue muttered. He could see Rexyt, Kalina and Ryan from in the sky. The enormous chakra keyblade turned into normal chakra again and surrounded Evil Rue. He landed on the ground. The dark aura surrounding him crushed the ground around him. It was swirling at high speed. black and light vapour was coming out of the aura it cutted through air. He saw Ryan drew his blade and noticed his attention was to Rexyt and Kalina. ( It seems that Rexyt is a lost soul aswell. Why does darkness treaths him like a pet. It should be collapsed in it right away. ) He thought. He appeared between Rexyt and Kalina. The dark aura surrounding him pushed them away from eachother. "You shall all pay for what you've done, and .. Especially for you Ryan ! You made this all happen. You are the one that is going to suffer this time, There will be nothing left for you to protect. Now your going to feel how its like to sacrifice yourself. Your a lost one aswell. Your friend betrayed you and your lover died, There is nothing left for you in this world". He pointed his weapon at Ryan firing a purple roaring dark firaga blast.
  11. After sitting there in the circle of Keyblades Evil Rue finally gathered enough aura. He stood up. "This is a world filled with such hatred, My hatred will defeat all of them. I dont want anyone alive anymore. I hate this. I protected what was the dearest to me. And I did it for nothing". Evil Rue fired a purple glowing aura shot in the sky. It opened the sky and a enormous keyblade made out of chakra just crashed in the place. It sucked up all the keyblades that were in the graveyard. "I shall gather. And shall make a weapon even more powerfull. I will cut this world, end it from its misery and begin mine !". Evil Rue could sense Ryan. At this point he could feel everyone that is in the graveyard. "Even the dark beings finally want to show they're faces. They be destroyed with this awefull world. Feel my wrath for once". He floated up in the air and gathered aura from the keyblades that were sucked up by the giant aura keyblade. It slowly formed a very new unamed keyblade.
  12. When Ryan and Aqua got grabbed into the portal Evil Rue was just standing there.. "What just happened ? ..Well.. Lets get this started with. The clouds need more worlds to swallow up..". Right after he said that, He could hear Ryan talking about the "dark side" of him. Evil Rue stood still for a while. He opened his eyes in a twisted minded way. "He knows.." After that the Keyblade of Dark Ryan appeared in Evil Rue's left hand, and Rue's keyblade appeared in his right hand. " Now I want your part of the heart that was whole when I still was your side". He opened a dark corridor to were Ryan was. It was easy since Dark Ryan always was a part of Ryan his being so Dark Ryan could feel his heart anywhere. That would gave Evil Rue the ability to Teleport to Ryan instantly. The dark corridor led to the Keyblade Graveyard. Evil Rue was standing in the middle of a giant ring with keyblades around it.
  13. Evil Rue answerd her question. "You dont need to embrace the dark nor light, If you want this you only have to leave everything behind and I will restore Twilight Town once again". He pointed at the tower that was on top of the clouds in the air. "Thats the new Twilight Town. and soon it will be realm". He desummoned his keyblade. " You see this is the only way to create peace in this world. By creating a realm that strong that it cant be destroyed no matter what. And I will protect that realm with everything I have got left. I am not completely honost. I'm sure you dont know me... I once was someone..That someone who believed in friendship.. Even sacrificed for it. and you know what happened.. It turned out that is wasn't even needed". After a few minutes.. "I have to leave..". He gave her a ability that works only for her to transport to the Tower. "This will help you to contact me when needed. Now I need to restore this again". He opened a dark portal around Aqua that teleported her to the tower in an instant. "Now you wont stand in the way". .. "The part of me being evil.. Is what is causing this all. I never ment to be evil.. I always served light. I dont know why I even helped those so called friends.. He is just the forgotten one... argh..! He ..and Me.. Its hard to seperate us now we are one..". He looked around and noticed Ryan. "What are you doing.."
  14. Evil Rue appeared infront of aqua out of a dark corridor. "So,, this is whats left of the so precious Twilight Town. Everybody had great hopes about this town, and the memories that lay beneath it. Everyone has they're great memories about this place and also they're darkest one's . You see, This is whats left and there isn't any coming back. I won't allow it to come back without my permission, But If you want your precious hometown back, You should join forces with me.. If not. so be it then, I just want to find the right place in this awfull corrupted world. everybody does. My way of creating peace is by collecting all that is great about the worlds. and let is molt togheter. There will be no light or darkness. No one has to choose. Atleast thats the realm I want to create". The dark clouds up in the sky were heading for other worlds outside our worlds. Evil Rue summoned his keyblade just to arm himself if someone was trying to attack him.
  15. Xerurue


    (( K so its dead now, the boath exploded and everyone died,,sounds fair enough..))
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