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Everything posted by xigbar

  1. I agree. And I think that would be really cool.
  2. So does anyone think that Square is planning on making HD remakes of any of the games for the 10th Anniversary for the ps vita or ps3? Or do you think that wont happen till the 25th anniversary or something? I'm really hoping they do something along the lines of an HD remake because the games are so good and I don't want to take my ps2 out of storage in order to play them again, I want to play them on a current generation system like the ps3 or vita (Maybe even both?).
  3. I would have voted on the psvita just to show support for the handheld
  4. NGP is gunna kick major ass in my opinion.
  5. Of coarse... how obvious. thank you im dumb
  6. I hate it when i see this in posts. who the hell is MF?
  7. WOW, he has sex. Thats not "bad". People wth a healthy relationship have sex 3 days out of the week.
  8. I hope that some of u ppl dont play more than 7 hrs a day, if so, well im sorry but get a life.
  9. I cried during "The Butterfly Effect" and most definetly the ending to Crisis Core FF
  10. I saw the kh1 trailer during e3 like 8 years ago
  11. Who is ienzo? does he play a role in the later games?
  12. Let the japanese have a little fun:D:)
  13. IDK, maybe ur psp is on drugs? Try to keep it away from large amounts of weed.
  14. Its pretty hard for me, then again, i am a noob...
  15. I got it this morning at 10. And i have to say that it is awesome. Cept im stuck on terras story with the boss at auroras world
  16. I coukd not get to sleep last night, i was too excited
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