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Everything posted by kyleskey

  1. cartonos ar awsome i still wathc ed edd adn edyd
  2. whts chian of memreis i nvr herd it i haet dasy i dont lik playnig as riuk
  3. riku adn sora fogth the heratless and soar sed wtf wsa tht thng and riku sed a montesr on the wodl tht nevr was wht are thes thngs?
  4. wht wanring sistme i nevr herd abut it
  5. name: kyle fords age: 13 side: ligth weapon: Fenrir keyblaed looks: http://media.photobucket.com/image/cute%20anime%20boy/Dragon_Boy__/cute%20anime%20pictures/animeboytsubasa.jpg?o=2 bio: he has been fightng in the war sinc it strted. he wont let teh darknes win aftr fighting for so logn.
  6. didnt u ply bbs? yah he knos
  7. tht was kind fo lame. i didnt undrstand most of ti.
  8. tht sucks dont drive ur car ovr that bridg
  9. 1. Snail 2. Rose 3. Star 4. Panda 5. Salmon?
  10. sory lex that suks ur dad shouldnt leav you lik tht its not fari
  11. thats totaly a scma dont listen to any of it
  12. my name's kyle fords. um, my netx door neihbor is butterflyleix, who maed me make an acount. i love kingdom hearts adn and i hoep to haev fun here!
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