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  1. cartonos ar awsome i still wathc ed edd adn edyd
  2. whts chian of memreis i nvr herd it i haet dasy i dont lik playnig as riuk
  3. riku adn sora fogth the heratless and soar sed wtf wsa tht thng and riku sed a montesr on the wodl tht nevr was wht are thes thngs?
  4. wht wanring sistme i nevr herd abut it
  5. name: kyle fords age: 13 side: ligth weapon: Fenrir keyblaed looks: http://media.photobucket.com/image/cute%20anime%20boy/Dragon_Boy__/cute%20anime%20pictures/animeboytsubasa.jpg?o=2 bio: he has been fightng in the war sinc it strted. he wont let teh darknes win aftr fighting for so logn.
  6. didnt u ply bbs? yah he knos
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