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Everything posted by zeno247naruto12

  1. i want to see sora fail just to see how things will turn out
  2. if this was a japanese release date it would have been more believable
  3. not think about stuff like that in kingdom hearts
  4. I'll wait till theres a bundle pack or something
  5. If i never seen/knew it.It's new to me.But i knew it so it's not new
  6. i hope not cause i dont have the money right now
  7. Before i start i'll just say this if i'm wrong correct me.I here that in kh3d sora and riku will get new clothes some point in the game.If i were nomura i would give the fans to choose the kh2 clothes or the new clothes that they might get.The reason i would do that is because we only got to play as sora in his kh2 clothes in one game i would atleast have it in 2 or 3 games.So you tell me do you want to be forced to use the new clothes or be able to choose between the kh2 clothes?
  8. I won't get it just for a secret ending and more bosses doesn't seem worth it
  9. what do you want us to tell you i dont see what your asking?
  10. if the keyblade is connected with the heart if the keyblade broke ven would maybe catch a heart attack
  11. I thought whenever roxas dual wields the second keyblade was xions so when sora dual wields the second keyblade is vens?
  12. riku pwns everything and yes i know he said sora but i like riku and i think he can kick soras ass
  13. i hope it's something important cuse i hope ansem didnt just sora as a flash drive or something
  14. yeah i hate the gummi ship missions they are pointless
  15. Fighting cutscene like Devil May Cry would be good with the gameplay style wouldn;t go good with kh
  16. i beat him in 2:37 seconds..........action replay
  17. Terra isn't even in the realm of darkness and i dont see how terra can come back cause if xemnas had terra's body sora destoryed xemnas so he destoryed terras body if only his heart can come back then maybe riku will have something to do with terra
  18. F*** that bullcrap about MF being ven that really drives me crazy there's the lack of height attacks ven cant use know what just forget it
  19. DO you think it's annoying because you suck?not trying to be mean just asking but i sucked at it i just went level up and raped everything that got in my way and riku's story..............freaking destoryed alot of stuff
  20. use action replay and breeze thru it
  21. i would wait to see it theres like a bundle pack or something
  22. i said it once and ill say it again god you people like proving me wrong -_-
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