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Blade of light and darkness

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Everything posted by Blade of light and darkness

  1. i read something before about a mario kh collab game called mushoom kingdom hearts and a pic of sora king mickey and mario each with a keyblade
  2. i have a question about number 46 when can u play as the ligering sediment(Still dont know how to spell)
  3. soras from kh1 cause i love those shoes! they're awesome!
  4. xion definetly cause xion is awesome and she and roxas both have lovely moments in days so yea but i have nothing against namine cause shes preety(dont know how to spell) too
  5. sorry if there is a thread like this i didnt see one but how do u get sora in mission mode cause i want to play as him thanks for everyones help in advance
  6. I love xion(as u can tell from my profile picture) because she is myterious and kinda strange but i feel sorry for her that evrything bad happened to her but i hope sora saves her
  7. i got it for christmas and i played it for the first time and i felt a sorta awe at the way the dive to the heart was when i played and was hooked ever since then KH FOREVER!!!!!
  8. Yea there is a reaction command for neoshadows i got it once but i dont remember what it is called
  9. nice so far but i want to see what will happen
  10. playin on my 360 or ds listening to music workin on summer reports all kinds of stuff
  11. Zero looked at the damage to the villege. " Not bad but we need to rebuild" And he left to look for injured people in the villege and dissappeared in the smoke
  12. Zero began a series of attacks at terra " You will get no one heart today terra!" He cut a gash on terras chest which made him back away. He glared at Zero ' You will DIE!!!!" and he charged at Zero
  13. Suddenley Zero Jumps at the beast summening rays of light at the beast. the beast is blinden and attacks randomly at everything. Zero tries to attack but is knocked back. " Use magic" he thought Zero shouted at Hilino " Use magic it will damage him!"
  14. Zero lays in the middle of the battle healing his wounds and holding on to the tinyest fragment of his darkness
  15. "NEVER!!!!!" and stabs at terra but misses Terra attacks and Zero blocks his attacks but he couldnt block him forever "HELP!" he screams but terra breaks through his defences and cut a deep gash on his chest
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