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Blade of light and darkness

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Everything posted by Blade of light and darkness

  1. thanks guys but another question how do u get the secret ending
  2. hey 2 questions how do u get to fight the secre boss and how do i unlock all those cards in castle oblivion?
  3. severe since xenhort pocessed terra before he became a heartless and a nobody so if he returns he will return as terranort not just master xenehort
  4. i would have a kh game about three new wielders except they dont wield keyblades they each wield one of the weapons from the dive to the heart stage one wielding the sword one wielding the shield and the last wielding the staff and each weapon is linked with the X-blade
  5. awesome ill sign Sign: Blade of Light and Darkness
  6. yea they confirmed that january 11 was the release date for recoded
  7. i would have to say either vexens shield or roxas' keyblades
  8. why the hell does terra have vens keyblade it looks weird with him holdin it
  9. yea and on the world map its just an orb of light.... wtf?
  10. im goin at like 11 today to go get it! CANT WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. aqua(attacking vanitas' spirit): why cant i hit u!!!!!!!!!!! Vanitas: Uh..... im a ghost so.... Aqua: Holy shit! Ghost!!!!!!!!!!!! (runs away) vanitas:........ riiiiiiiightttt.......
  12. i think that we will get screwed for a mega awesome keyblade and just get a rare item or ablity but we can hope only a few more days yay!!!!!!
  13. i just want it on all different systems not just the ps3 cause that would just suck cause then all kh fans will go out and buy a ps3 just for that game
  14. maybe one of the new worlds could be worlds ven visited as he regains his memories he sees vens memories too what do u guys think?
  15. it has a bunch of different symbols from kh if im not mistaken but im not sure
  16. i have all kh games but bbs(but not for long) a nobody necklace a kh2 poster a roxas action figure and i was gonna get a kingdom key my friend made but his cousin sat on it and broke it
  17. i really cant believe that it comes out in a few *days can u guys believe it? *i meant weeks sorry
  18. what does the command board do for u when u fight anyway?
  19. i dont think they change the locations of items just the dialoge is changed to english
  20. where can i get one cause i have no idea i want terras or the kingdom key
  21. those things look like they would kill u in ur sleep
  22. i would have xion an terra cause they are awesome
  23. i hope its for the 360 so i can acually play it
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