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Everything posted by atheist123

  1. Lara Croft plz. Make her be in Agrabah stealing some treasure (if that world ever returns).
  2. The game looks awesome. It's cool how they are properly integrating the fire/ice/thunder spells and having destructible environments. Seems like a true next-gen game. Hopefully a PC version is released within a year or so of the console version,
  3. I'll probably only get XCOM 2 next month. I don't plan on buying a PS4 until KH3 gets a release date so can't play that Digimon game or Gravity Rush.
  4. I think developer is what they likely meant. Publishers and distributors are too dependent on platform/region.I was just being facetious with my Valve comment
  5. OP didn't say whether they meant the publisher, developer, or distributor. Valve is the distributor I will be buying most games from.
  6. Star Wars and some Marvel films would fit perfectly with Kingdom Hearts lol
  7. I'm sorry to say this, but a Marvel property has already been confirmed for KH3... Big Hero Six
  8. I would have preferred if they just altered the scene to make it more acceptable in the West. Make them 'cast a spell' and still have her see people the opposite gender but alter the dialogue to make it seem less like 'gay conversion' Nvm seems like that's probably what Nintndo is doing. Just altering the scene slightly
  9. FFXV... if I had a PS4.Right now it would probably be Mass Effect Andromeda out of the games I can actually play.
  10. Lol. That price is ridiculous. Lightning Returns for AU$45 on PS Store compared with NZ$24 on Steam.
  11. Yeah, I guess it's good that they partially outsourced the development, unlike Square Enix with KH where the team making KH3 also developed the HD Remixes lol.
  12. I've played Episode 1 and it seems like a game. It isn't like a visual novel where you just read text and make choices, you can rewind time and interact with objects in the environment. There is just enough interactivity and gameplay for it to be a game.
  13. Yeah, I don't mind that much... I just wish that Nintendo would focus more on new games. I loved ALBW but they have just been rehashing old games way too much recently. Hopefully Zelda Wii U is good.
  14. Nintendo should just stop with all these remasters and remakes of Zelda games... we've gotten four of them within one generation. Just crazy.
  15. I think 3 years is a good amount of time. They already have the engine and things developed for so the sequel shouldn't take more than 3 years to develop. The PS4 needs another entry in the series and if it's much longer than 3 years then they would probably have to start thinking about next gen. I think a game focusing on Kairi/Riku or featuring the Pixar universe would be an awesome game for the PS4 to get.
  16. This post reminded me that I have been on this site for 6 years. I'm getting old.
  17. "The characters were wonderful though"lolI liked FFXIII, but the characters were one of the weakest part of it. I loved FFXIII-2, though. None of the main characters were annoying like Snow, Vanille, and Hope were in XIII, and they actually had interesting motivations.
  18. Those are fair complaints. I guess Square just didn't see the point in putting in heaps of effort into 2.5 with quality control and testing, since 1.5 barely sold 2 million which isn't great for the amount of effort they put into it.
  19. What I was imagining would be Kingdom Hearts 3: Episode 1, KH3 Episode 2, etc. Each episode would have 3-4 worlds and cost $15 or something. And once all the episodes have released it would be packaged together as a $60 game.
  20. What the firetruck did you just firetrucking say about me, you little arsonist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the NZ Firefighters Association, and I’ve been involved in extinguishing numerous secret bushfires in the Australian Outback, and I have fought over 300 confirmed fires. I am trained in advanced firefighting techniques and I’m the top volunteer in the entire NZ civil services. You are nothing to me but just another arsonist to be put behind bars. I will wipe you the firetruck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my firetrucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, firetrucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of firefighters across the entire USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re firetrucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can frame you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the New Zealand Firefighters Association and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your firetrucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re firetrucking dead, kiddo.
  21. Pokemon. Evil people want to steal people's pets, defeat evil people by forcing your pets to fight.
  22. Square Enix are known to make stupid decisions, so who knows.
  23. I guess we do have BBS 0.2 which is kind of a prologue to KH3. I gives us a taste of KH3 without ruining the real game. I think KH could work alright in an episodic way since they could make different characters or world's without affecting the main KH3 story. But I would want to enjoy the entire KH3 story in one burst then have side stories elaborated on with dlc.
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