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About soraxos

  • Birthday 04/15/1996

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  1. Am I the only one that wish that they showed Riku in the new Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Anonn0000


      He could die and I could be crying about it a week straight lol

    3. Caity


      I just want never into Riku xD Probably cause I started with KH2, didn't even know his true appearance until the end of the game and in KH1 I already knew he was going to turn evil before it got that far in the plot from playing KH2 first xD I haven't played COM so missed out on his story there and personally thought in DDD his moves were basically a rip off of Aqua's only "dark" instead of "light", and I didn't like that Sora was intentionally turned into a re...

    4. Caity


      retard to make Riku appear smarter instead of creating situations that actually showcased his intelligence, that's bad story telling.

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