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Miku Hatsune

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Everything posted by Miku Hatsune

  1. All the male responses in this thread are derpy, lol. Mostly because they think 'it'll be over soon' or 'that's too bad.' Female puberty is like having a bag of bricks smacked right across your face. It sounds to me like this is one of the earliest stages of puberty, as I went through the same thing when I was 10 or 11, and so did a lot of my female friends. It just means that you're growing up, that's all. It's not something to be ashamed of or to put yourself down for; every girl goes through it at one point in their lives.
  2. The thing about girls and MW3 (or any shooter game, for that matter) is that most of them think that if they play the game and then brag about it, guys will like them. Trust me, girls will play the game for 20 minutes and make sure everyone knows it. I'm not saying that girls can't play the game, I'm just saying that most of them either suck at it or do it for attention. (The girl in this video obviously doesn't know what she's doing.) /end rage
  3. Gaia is a forum site. I had an account a few years ago, but I was banned for having an inappropriate username and allegedly "hacking" the site for gold. (I did not do the latter, but I made a 9 million gold trade with someone for my Sims 3 code, which may have caused suspicion.) It's not very fun at all, looking back on it. The only point of the whole thing is to get gold and make your avatar look bitchin'. The people there are not very friendly, they're not intelligent, and a majority of them are weeaboos or assholes. I wouldn't waste my time on there, if I were you.
  4. >5 Pokemon >Psychic types >Gardevoir, Reuiniclus, Gothitelle, Mr. Mime, and Grumpig. >Obviously there will be some trainers to beat before facing me. And I like the button mazes, so I'll have one of those too. >I put my iPod on shuffle and I got Saikyou no Nanori from Index. (THIS IS SO PERFECT FOR A PSYCHIC GYM.) >"Get ready to face me, challenger. I'm not going to go easy on you." >"Oh dear..." >"This isn't over yet." >"..." >"You're not ready for my badge yet, weakling." >"Take this badge. You deserve it." >"Are you prepared for a rematch?" >Rematch team: >Lugia, Azelf, Beheeyem, Musharna, Mew, and Cresselia. >F**k yeah
  5. I do believe Minho has already claimed that territory. See? SEE? Not kissing, but I still find this cute.
  6. ANYONE X RYEOWOOK. BECAUSE THAT VOICE IS HEAVENLY. I SHIP EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. And 2min from SHINee is mai OTP. >http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-neutral.png Donghae and Ryeowook. Contriboot'n.
  8. Moar kissing. MOAR, I SAY.
  9. I love all of them. I think Ocarina of Time is the most enjoyable (as it's the most challenging), but Twilight Princess has the best storyline and graphics. Wind Waker was my first Zelda game, and I hate to exclude it. ;w;
  10. You have to understand that it's a stereotype. And most other gay people don't like to be called "semes" and "ukes." (Mostly because they have no clue what it means, lol.) I don't really care about what your circle of friends do, because that's up to what you want to do, but I'm just saying, the yaoi stereotype is a huge misconception of the homosexual community.
  11. Did you just refer to real-life couples as "Semes" and "ukes"? No. I'm sorry. But.... No. That's a huge stereotype that's usually untrue. While there are couples where there's a masculine man and a feminine man, you shouldn't judge gay couples on their looks. Gay men are very...dynamic, if you will. They can be two masculine dudes, or two feminine guys. The way they have sex isn't judged upon their 'feminism' or 'masculinity.' For example, I'm with another female who is taller and dresses more masculine than I do. Does that mean that she would be "on top" if we were to have sex? Not necessarily. It all depends on preference.
  12. I like how when the little compartment on his chest opens, it goes "NHEH"
  13. It's really the parents' choice. M-Rated games aren't everything; it's not like it's the end of the world if you can't get M-rated games. My parents, although protective, know that I'm mature enough to not be negatively influenced by a silly game, so I can play them. Hell, even if I went to the GameStop near me and just asked for an M-Rated game on my own, I'd probably get away with it. Not because I look like I'm older or because I have fake ID, it's just because GameStop doesn't care anymore.
  14. I saw this a few months ago... I stumped him three times. ;3 I added the characters "Kaibutsu" "Sabitsuki" and "Uboa." You should thank me.
  15. Wedding. I'd want people at my funeral because they'd be there to mourn my death and remember me. I wouldn't be alive for it, but at least they cared enough to go. And a limited bride-and-groom (and photographer?) wedding sounds oddly cool anyways.
  16. THIS THREAD. HOW DID I NOT SEE IT. If it's not bothersome, I'd like my name changed to Miku Hatsune. I don't like my Organization name anymore. >>'' I'm pretty sure I want it, but just in case, I'll check back in a week.
  17. Lol, Metapods aren't that hard to beat. x) Even with an electric type, lol. But still, these videos are amazing. I remember watching them a while ago.
  18. When I played KH for the first time, I used beginner mode since I didn't know what I was in for. Halfway in I thought it was too easy and switched to Standard. I first finished the game in standard. Currently, I can play and finish the game in proud mode, but I choose standard because it's more moderate. I've never tried critical mode, so I wouldn't know about that one.
  19. Um. Guys don't have to "act macho" to get girls. They just need to look presentable and be themselves. Juuuust sayin'.
  20. Statistically speaking, all people (male and female) in America living in this particular generation are less well-rounded and intelligent than in any other era. So actually, yes. Most girls are not as bright as they used to be. The same goes for males.
  21. If you look closely, Demyx's sitar has an Illuminati emblem on it. JESUS CHRIST HOW HORRIFYING.
  22. Wha...? Motherf**ker best be trollin' because I see no logic in this. Pooh is so helpless and adorable; he wouldn't make for a good boss battle. Unless he was possessed by a Heartless or some crazy shit. And he got all huge. Or something like that. Idk I'm just giving out suggestions here.
  23. Girls are stupid. They do things like this. I'm not saying it isn't gross, and I'm not saying it isn't illegal. I'm just saying that even though it's against the law and/or frowned upon, people are still gonna do it. I don't think you should be raging over something like this when it happens literally every day.
  24. I know what you mean, bro. It's annoying because they don't know what the hell they're doing. Just bottle that rage and don't say anything about it. That way, you're automatically the bigger person and the fail trolls will get butthurt because you're not responding.
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