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Miku Hatsune

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Everything posted by Miku Hatsune

  1. Er... I've had an Xbox 360 for a while and I don't see the problem? I mean, it works fine, and the games for it are great. Of course, I haven't had it long enough for the "red ring" problem - but I know plenty of people who've had their Xbox for a damn long time without it malfunctioning in any way. The Wii is fine for me too, for that matter. It's functional, has good games, etc. I can't say anything about the PS3 since I don't own one - I'm not especially interested in its games yet. I feel like a lot of people just kind of hop onto the bandwagon as far as gaming goes. If they read a bad review or two, or hear other people bash a system, they're immediately like "IT SUX KILL IT WITH FIRE LOLOLOL." Can't people just focus on game quality and how much fun it is instead of focusing on its bad points? Okay, so the Xbox 360 doesn't sell as many systems as the 3DS or the PSP. Who cares? As long as you enjoy the system and the games, who gives a shit? Like... Just have fun, I guess? Sorry for the wall of text there. /rant over
  2. I still do. Comedy Central, ID, On Demand... Sometimes Cartoon Network if anything good is on. Though, mostly, I'll just have it on so I don't feel so alone when my parents are working. Colors and movement make me happy. ;u;
  3. Every time I fight Luxord, I get confused. I honestly don't know what I'm doing, so I just keep hitting him. /shrugs

  4. Roxas Because he Because idk He is the most original
  5. I'll put down a few; I haven't played every single one yet :< Kh2 (positive): A bunch of hot guys in cloaks Kh2 (negative): That Demyx battle Kh1 (positive): I liked how the Japanese RPG style meshed with Western Disney characters Kh1 (negative): Some of the voice acting made me cringe CoM (positive): The ability to play as both Riku and Sora CoM (negative): Obviously, the annoying card system
  6. This anime is great, guys Watch it
  7. I just played "Slender" for the first time and nearly shat my pants in fear ;__;

    1. Miku Hatsune

      Miku Hatsune

      "firetruck firetruck firetruck RUN AWAY OH GOD MY FLASHLIGHT DIED OH GOD DON'T TURN AROUND HE'S OVER THERE OMG SHRIEK-" /loses ;____; I found 7 pages though... Hmph...

    2. FireRubies1


      you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

    3. Miku Hatsune

      Miku Hatsune

      That's BEN. BEN is not as scary as Slenderman. ;____;

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  8. My name is unisex. However, before I was born, my parents had a few male names picked out for me. My mom wanted either Andrew or David. But my dad wanted either Butch or Tucker. I liked my mom's choices better. @_@
  9. So you're JUST noticing this now? Lol. But Kefka is still better
  10. I was expecting Hetalia, and I'm glad it wasn't
  11. This part of the forum is for people who need advice or help in their personal lives. It's here for a reason, so instead of being rude, you should be at least giving some support. Telling someone to "grow a pair" makes you look like a douche lol. If you don't want to read about people's lives and issues, then you can grow up and stop coming to the Personal section. Simple as that.
  12. My favorite will always be Spirited Away since its the first Ghibli movie I saw. Since then, though, I've seen most all of them (I think). After Spirited Away, my favorites are Ponyo and Grave of the Fireflies. Kusuriuri will always be my hasubando tho
  13. I just got a haircut Am I kawaii yet >awkward photo to my right
  14. I bought it solely for OoT and KH, and I actually wound up spending $200 worth of pre-ordering games for it at my local GameStop. @____@ I'd say it's pretty worth buying inb4 stupid spoiled whore
  15. Dead Master: You're all pitiful... I feel sorry for you. Almost. /smile/
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