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Miku Hatsune

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Everything posted by Miku Hatsune

  1. Holy shit that's the cutest dog I've ever seen in my entire life. Also, your voice is cute. If that was your voice. You and your dog are kawaii. I don't think I'm qualified to make that decision, but if it means anything, that's my two cents.
  2. >Implying most of those people are nerds. >Implying you're putting people on the list who are much nerdier than most of those people combined. >Implying implications >mfw
  3. This isn't much of a nerd list. This is like... a list of people you know.
  4. I learned Japanese a long time ago. It's been strangely helpful in little ways... Like no subtitles in anime, can play Japanese games, translate doujinshis, that kind of stuff. My entire family is German, so German was my first language. Even though I was born in America. But my main language is English. Hell, I use English so much that I've forgotten some of my German.
  5. Hm... I played it for 20 minutes and then I got bored. I don't see the big deal, but a lot of my other friends really like it.
  6. That sucks. ;w; I don't know if it hurts or anything, but I hope you'll be okay. I had my tonsils taken out, but that kind of rocked. I missed two weeks of school and ate nothing but ice cream and yogurt. So I don't know what to tell you. D8
  7. Teehee. I have my kakkoi seme already sorry UGUU?
  8. This thread is officially sugoi with the powers of nekoboys
  9. firetruck you guys. I love Canada.
  10. Damn you, squiby and dragonadoption! I can no longer perform simple tasks without your sorcery barricading my every move!

  11. Changed f*** to friends?? Didn't know that could happen!!
  12. If you like both girls and guys, yes. If you don't, no.
  13. I don't like politics. It's just... It's boring to me and I don't like it. But it's not like I hate America either. America is cool and everything, I'm just not super patriotic about my country. My mom is really patriotic though, and she goes nuts if someone bashes America, our government, our President, etc. Meanwhile, my dad is a racist, anti-semitist poopyhead who hates everyone and everything in America. Go back to Germany, dad.
  14. What's that, Lassie? Justin Bieber might be in danger?! Oh my God! No one gives a shit!
  16. Talk to corporate (like a boss) Approve memos (like a boss) Lead a workshop (like a boss) Remember birthdays (like a boss) Direct work-flow (like a boss) My own bathroom (like a boss) Micro-manage (like a boss) Promote synergy (like a boss) Hit on Deborah (like a boss) Get rejected (like a boss) Swallow sadness (like a boss) Send some faxes (like a boss) Call a sex line (like a boss) Cry deeply (like a boss) Demand a refund (like a boss) Eat a bagel (like a boss)
  17. You're all awesome. Sora is obviously the one with the mullet and the sitar that controls water. Don't you guys know anything? Sheesh.
  18. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbNwvQXkYrY But heavy Bieber is the best.
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