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Miku Hatsune

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Everything posted by Miku Hatsune

  1. Can I interest you in a butt-fcking
  2. Dude what isn't science kind of required? I'm taking Chemistry next year for Sophomore year. Physics is so much cooler but I'll have to wait. :c Chemistry isn't NEEDED for what you wanna take in the future, but it's probably still required for credits to pass.
  3. Bitch you want some trouble ...I'll renovate your ass
  4. That feel when you need to read the comments to find out who these people are Because I don't read Reading is for nerds My team forever and ever ^
  5. Real name = Widdle diamond Username = Traffic-stopping sweetie pie Middle Name = Fluffy Rabbit
  6. Whenever I accidentally hit a cucco with my sword in LoZ, I apologize to the screen. And when Koromaru is knocked unconscious in P3, I get all sad and revive him right away. I would never hurt an animal That being said, I love to eat them
  7. Looks like someone's Groosin' for a bruisin'
  8. Get out. Also watch Usagi Drop or Katekyo Hitman Reborn if you want something good.
  9. Most games I own are 20+ hours I really love games that can keep going on and on and I won't get tired of it.
  10. This Sora and Roxas can't logically be together because they're like y'know the same person Technically And I don't usually like Shota but Axel's penis makes me jump for joy
  11. I'm definitely not 40 and I definitely don't own a van or any kind of kinky accessory if that's what you're wondering Because I don't apply to any of those things At all Especially not that van part
  12. Oh God Bruce Springsteen derped Whitney Houston is dead and he's like "AMERICA ARE YOU ALIVE OUT THERRRE?" Not all of us, Bruce Not all of us
  13. Welp can't help you there I can rap really fast but my voice probably sounds like a dying giraffe And I know you aren't looking for someone who sounds like a dying giraffe
  14. It's "Gee" by SNSD what is this I don't even Easy song, just sing it fast that's all lol.
  15. My best friend is gay. He had the hots for this one guy really bad and then asked him out, found out he was straight. Real bummer. I've liked chicks before, but all the girls I've really been into have reciprocated my feelings. So far, anyways.
  16. firetruck I hate that too. "YOU CAN'T BULLY ME I HAVE ASPERGERS" or "I HAVE AUTISM" isn't valid when you don't have those issues. Especially those who decide to be 'emo' and then call themselves 'depressed' or 'misunderstood.' Just stop it. My mom was diagnosed with depression when she was 18. It's something you have to take medication for. It's not something that just happens. I myself suffer from mild Bipolar Disorder, but at least I can control myself, take responsibility for my actions and learn how to cope with my shit instead of blaming everything on it. God. I'd like to go up to every person who claims to be 'special' and just tell them to grow up and get over themselves. (All due respect to those who legit suffer from disorders or diseases like that, of course.)
  17. I saw Chronicle and now I know the meaning of life

    1. Deadshot
    2. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      I know what the meaning of life is O_O

    3. Miku Hatsune

      Miku Hatsune

      @Deadshot - Fantastic. I cried at the end. SPOILER ALERT Snape kills Dumbledore

  18. Boobs, around 9. I was ironically the first to get them, but the last to have them develop fully. That being said, they haven't fully developed and I'm almost 15 now. Period, 10. Mom was freaking out and I didn't know what a period was so I didn't know what the hell was going on. When I was 8 I hit my vadge on the balance beam in gymnastics and my mom thought I got my period but I didn't. It was a'ight.
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