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Miku Hatsune

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Miku Hatsune last won the day on November 10 2011

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About Miku Hatsune

  • Birthday 04/10/1997

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    I'm off to get some bitches
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  1. Karkat Vantassssssssssssss

  2. I picked Oshawott last time, so maybe I'll choose Snivy this time? I don't usually use grass types, but eh what the hell I'll try
  3. >ecchi >compelling ha ha okay anyways the only ecchi anime i've seen and liked would be rosario vampire, and even that one isn't super or anything its decent but only for when youve exhausted all your other options imo
  4. if you scroll down and listen it sounds like porn that music is snazzy
  5. hey hey miku *pokes u* ono

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Miku Hatsune

      Miku Hatsune

      no stfu i couldnt find any free canon homestuck names or anything clever ok ;-;

      btw ilu idk i felt like i should tell you that

    3. Miku Hatsune

      Miku Hatsune

      no stfu i couldnt find any free canon homestuck names or anything clever ok ;-;

      btw ilu idk i felt like i should tell you that

    4. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
  6. they're not a band they're programmed voicebanks, each with a different voice so they're not real people at all vocaloid isn't an anime either
  7. kh was walkin2 skewl wit miku n they were crossin da rode. kh sed “bbz will u luv me 4 evr” miku said “NO…” … kh cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine. miku was cryin and went to pic up its body. kh was ded. miku wispered 2 kh's corpse “i ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever” (dat mean she luv kh moar den 4evr) copy and paste as ur status if u cry evry time
  8. i havent even heard this word in the context of the first definition wow but yeah basically it means 'braindead' and a lot of "vegetables" are in wheelchairs
  9. a "vegetable" can also refer to someone who is crippled or on life support somehow
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