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Everything posted by KeybladeMasterBalo

  1. They look pretty cool and very well made, be always proud of your work, if people is telling you it's good...why not do it yourself? Congrats!
  2. Did you see the Lightning (from FFXIII) scene where she fights alongside Sora and Cloud!?? I was just fangasming!!!! Also the inclusion of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was a surprise. Favorite world?? Dunbroch Kingdom
  3. I'm from Mexico so... i like them both
  4. Sea salt ice cream will be sold out of Japan in every Disneyland park *please*
  5. Well she has had like what, an hour of appearance in the whole series? She is a princess and everything but we haven´t got the time to know her, but at this far I like her, not that s my favorite character but I like her...
  6. They're good, I do not color much either so I liked the one without color better, but it's good that you try and practice, that'll make you better with time
  7. It depends on each player. I think it'll be hard for everybody (even the hyped up fans) to hate it. You see, even the handheld games have had success because of their gameplay, story and everything else. I really think KHIII will be a success because many factors like:New Worlds, Amazing Graphics, it's the end of the Xehanort Saga, It's the next numbered title and also the story has been somehow closed in 3D, giving no great speculation aside from who are the Guardians and who are the Seekers but no plot points or anything else has been deeply discussed. I personally will stay away from news or anything else (yeah right! ) so it will be a surprise, i mean, i've been doing this since 358/2 Days and I can say it really helps you, but like I said it depends on everyone's thougths. As for a Kiss between Sora and Kairi I've noticed something, well... call it foreshadowing. In every KH numbered game (the ones showing the ending of every world) there's only one kiss in one of those cinematics. In Kingdom Hearts there was Aladdin and Jasmine, in Kingdom Hearts II there was Ariel and Eric so my thoughts are the final FINAL kiss will be Sora and Riku... but this is just conjecture...
  8. Oh! That's cool then. I never really played KH2FM so I didn't know much. You learn something everyday
  9. But if I recall correctly it only has it when you're on Limit Form. I wanted it as a custom ability like in KH, RE:COM, RE:CODED, BBS, DDD If they don't put it on KHIII I will slap Nomur >:7
  10. If it weren't because KH2 didn't have Dodge Roll it would have been the winner, but I'll pick either KH or DDD. Why? KH has this not so easy not so difficult gameplay that started it all, it was somehow perfect and it let YOU be the one doing all the strategy. DDD adds flowmotion to a simple movement and that was awesome not to mention the DE were cute and they felt like actual pets. Ahhhh.... I want my 3DS back... u.u'''
  11. SAD because I don't have money for a PS3 and I have to save for a PS4 T-T
  12. It's sad for my Country Mexico but congrats for you America hope Mexico gets to delete this title someday, I have faith, trust and somehow pixie dust
  13. Well I think it depends on the system, time, story like every other videogame in the series. PS4 surely can afford space for more than 13 worlds. The story has many possibilities to be developed as a long story in many worlds so I HOPE for KH3 to haver more than that, but if it does have only 13 I won't be disappointed either, I mean 3D only had 7 and it was totally worth it.
  14. It surprises me how much faces they can give to this tune and yet making it original and fresh everytime. It's wonderfull
  15. Spanish is my mother language, but i've comer to love english as well, besides Mexico (I'm from Mexico) is next to USA so yeah it has helped me a lot. Right now I wanna learn Japanese, Italian, German and French
  16. could ANYBODY tell me if KH1.5HD will be in GAIKAI system?

    1. Tails


      We don't know. it hasn't been confirmed yet.

    2. KeybladeMasterBalo


      And what IS GAIKAI system anyway? Is like an online store?

  17. Ahh it's ok. It was actually just 1 and a half day after the announcement when I found out. Believe me the feeling was the same as if I had watched the announcement online like everyone else
  18. EVERY DAY, the only week I didn't visit the page because of my homework mountains KH3 was announced!! So I won't be making that mistake again
  19. I'm actually replaying the whole saga since May. But I stopped at Re:CoM because of homework. But today I'll continue, P.S. I want to play Re:Coded and 3D so bad, but I can't 'cause my brother broke my 3DS DX
  20. You know I'm in a really similar situation, I just want to know what is it that I really want... "Don't lose sight of your light"
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