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Everything posted by KeybladeMasterBalo

  1. Can't wait any longer!!! I'm just so excited!!! Hope they release the trailer outside the event in the first or second day passed the event.
  2. I like your theory though! But we're almost reaching next month (October) and they didn't came up with an announcement so... where might they announce it if it happens?
  3. Hello guys! Your friend KeybladeMasterBalo here! So i was wondering which is the complete list of questions that have no answer yet. I was hoping you guys could help me by posting the questions you think have yet to be solved within the series and that may be answered in the upcoming games. This may serve as a list to have for when the latest installments arrive so we can erase them from the list. What do you guys think? I'll start: Why king mickey was on the RoD in the first place? Who are the somebodies of the rest of the first organization XIII? Who is Axel talking to in Re:CoM when he says "you guys are something else"? Why Axel truly disposed of Vexen and Zexion? What did Lea and Isa pretended to do at Ansem's the Wise castle? Those are the only ones I can think of as of now. So guys be free to share your questions and doubts on the general series. Zap!
  4. Sora was fighting heartless alongside his best friend Riku
  5. Oh! I thought it had already began. My bad! Thank youvao much
  6. Thanks but it says therevis no content. Thanks but it says there is no content.
  7. Guys! Is there any webpage you can share with me to watch TGS in a livestream!? I'm really interested on the whole event, specially the Square Enix conference but I can't find anything. Would you guys lend me a hand? Thanks! Zap!
  8. I don't mind the wait at all as long as it is well done. The problem right now it's that we are not even sure how much we have to wait exactly. If they confirm like it's going to be March 2017 for example I will know I have to wait 18 months. But right now I am not sure wheter it's going to be 13, 18, 20, 22 months. THAT'S what kill you while waiting.
  9. Yes I understand that but why else would they use the symbol for the design background of the game if they weren't going to show up? Like they could've used the heart shaped symbol on their clothes or the wayfinders but they put this, so if the unversed are going to show up it's safe to assume this hints at vanitas returning somehow doesn't it?
  10. Hello guys! Your friend KMBalo here! I just couldn't help but notice in the official website for Kongdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue that the background design contains the KHX star, the Nightmares emblem AND the Unversed emblem as well. For all we know this could mean the Unversed will return in the episode. What's more this would mean also Vanitas could appear! I believe now that maybe in the episode story we will actually discover a way for this bad guy to return. So what do you guys think? Am I just being wishful? Or perhaps i'm onto something here!? Feel free to share your thoughts everyone Zap!
  11. I do think she will come back. If she returned to make those 2.5 lines then I think Square already had plans for 2.8 and made some sort of contract with her. Or so I hope.
  12. I think they are as important as Sora is. Actually I think they will be essential somehow to KHIII as how they were showed on the KH3D secret ending saying: "you think we'll ever get to do something important?"
  13. Just AMAZING! I really wish this is the case but I would love to replace the KH3 demo for a BBSV2 cinematics only version
  14. I believe it will. I think it's a great chance to put KH3DHD, KHUnX for consoles and KHBBSV2 as ths cutscenes movie. Probably Nomura saw this as a chancr to tell the story without having to develop a whole game and since he wanted to tell it and after maybe watching the demand it had maybe he went for it. After all 3D and UnX would be only ports and BBSV2 only cutscenes. It's perfect because it wouldn't take them that much time
  15. I think is inevitable! I think Ephemera will be an important character. I mean Nomura-San even dedicated a sketch to the guy! I´ve only watched him do this with the main characters like Sora, Riku, Kairi and Roxas. Also I like him being so mysterious that I want to see more of him in the series!
  16. Please everyone! help me out by votin on this link for my photo! http://www.lohechoenmexico.mx/mximg5/mximg_voto.php?O=4&ID=355 If you can share it with friends to add extra help it would be awesome! Thanks everyone! :)

  17. Perhaps it´s the kh2 outfit upgraded after Sora using it for a while. I mean he mastered all forms in kh2 and this caused for the original outfit to "level up" and become the new duds he is wearing. That´s my guess!
  18. Hi guys! I invite you all to support me by voting for my pictue "Raíces Mexicanas" (Mexican Roots) in the contest #mexicoenunaimagen (#Mexicoinoneimage). You would only have to enter the following link and submit your vote on the red button on top of the picture: http://www.lohechoenmexico.mx/mximg5/mximg_voto.php?O=4&ID=355 If you can help me out by sharing with your friends and acquaintances that would be awesome!! Thanks for your support and colaboration! :)

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