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Everything posted by KeybladeMasterBalo

  1. Some of us can't do that anymore since we gave away our PS3 to get the PS4 and get all the games... but as of now we have to wait to play again
  2. I just paid for my KH2.8 copy... now it's just waiting...

    1. Merilly


      Have fun playing :D

    2. KeybladeMasterBalo


      Thanks! I surely will! KHDDD is one of my favorites in the series and the new stuff looks great and I'm really not that picky so I am sure I'll have lots of fun :D

    3. Merilly


      3D really looks amazing. Some of the reality shifts are a bit more annoying now in my opinion but overall it looks grsat and also plays well. My friend and I are really pleased with how it turned out so far.

      (I am picky but it's okay the way it is. I'm definitely expecting more of KH3, but 0.2 looks a lot better than before ^-^)

  3. To those who have watched KH0.2BBS and KHXBC, how would you rate them? Have they been as good as you imagined? NOTE: NO SPOILERS PLEASE.

    1. Merilly


      It really felt like a prologue in a lot of ways, not only because of its length but with how the story progresses.

      I also feel like the models were somewhat inconsistent. For example, the scene with Aqua where she looks up at the sky is way too bright and her face looks a bit like inflated plastic again even though it looked like skin in the TGS demo. Then it looks great again and sometimes it looks blotchy. It's a bit weird but definitely better overall.

      BC felt... uneventful?...

    2. Merilly


      It felt like its sole purpose was to give the characters some personality and advertise Unchained X. There weren't many revelations or much we did not already know from the mobile game so it was probably just there to give a general overview and have the MoM appear with his box/case.

    3. LuxuXehanort


      Only parts of BC I truly enjoyed were MoM's and Luxu's scenes.

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  4. The idea and drawing it's awesome! Mind if I made my own version out of this piece!?
  5. I missed the All of Them option hahaha but seriously I want to see more of Luxu. That man is just mysterious! Like we have seen more of the MoM talking than we have seen that guy.
  6. I don't actually mind how long it will take them to make KH3... I JUST WANT TO KNOW FOR SURE WHEN. Come on Nomura just tell us! If it's 2020 then that's fine! But at least it won't be a torture to keep waiting on the unknown!

    1. WakingDawn96


      Well I know the feeling of not being able to play a game you like, and wanting something to do in the time that you wait for your next chance to play the game you love, but still I learned to deal with it and just focus on something else for a while until I get to play the thing I love again.

    2. DaxtotheMax


      I mean I was becoming a freshman when it was announced, I will probably graduate by the time it comes out

    3. KeybladeMasterBalo


      @DaxtotheMax IKR! hahaha

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  7. It's really hurtful to read. Like I'm okay having to wait as long as it pays off... the problem here for me personally is that I thought they were so much more advanced in development. Like having "worlds untouched" doesn't appeal to have the game on a considerable part of production. Sure it's looking great but like how many worlds is he talking about? How much longer do we have to wait. If everything is planned now (worlds, keyblades, abilities, etc.) and they only have to work on it then it will take it's time but it'll be OK. Like if they still had to select worlds, write parts of the story, etc. then it would be awful really. I just hope it's a loooong looong game to compensate for the waited time... (as of now it seems that way so YAY!)
  8. I always loved the whole Mushu and Mulan fiery action limit sequences!
  9. To be really honest I think the drawing and the overall idea it's pretty well done! I would just go for a bit of a more abstract idea into this but congratulations nonetheless!
  11. Kingdom Hearts: A third part of my daily life! If I don't see anything KH related at some point in the day... something is wrong with me :v
  12. What you guys think KH1.5+2.5 could possibly show as new?

    1. Dio Brando

      Dio Brando

      It'd be so much bullshit if they added new plot crucial scenes just to lure people into buying the same collections they had all for an absurd amount of overhyping for KH3



    2. Dio Brando

      Dio Brando

      I'll buy the Ps4 collection if they improved on the load times cuz the load times for 2.5 were so atrocious to the point I refused to get it

    3. KeybladeMasterBalo


      @Smash Mega Koopa OK ok you don't have to be so upset about it! I was just wondering what else could it have since they mentioned that. I know it's really unlikely to have new crucial plot scenes or events but I was kinda thinking on stuff like the mini game bonuses such as PS4 themes, maybe 1 or 2 new abilities stuff like that. It's safe to assume the major stuff to consider it's the 60 fps and HD visuals and the fact of all the games in one console, but they might have s...

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  13. Why is it that every time I hear the "I`m Back" from Sora in the latest trailer I GET GOOSEBUMPS! xD

  14. Why is the release date so close and yet so far!!!!???
  15. I remember checking KH13 so often around those days and suddenly stopped. That specific day I had a loooong day in school and all, I had dinner, made homework and went to bed... I got thoutghtful of how I had some time without checkin the KH news so I decided to check KH13 on my phone and the whole announcement was there. There was a trailer, screenshots and a whole lot of info. I remember drowning my screams since my roomate was already asleep... but it was way too much! I couldn't believe it! I REALLY COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! I saw the trailer and almost cried and started jumping in my bed! It's something I just won't forget!
  16. It's a bit more than I expected and yet, because of those graphics, I wish it would be longer but I know it will be worthwhile
  17. It's through all the Foretellers perspective. I guess they just picked up a random drama scene for the design.
  18. I want to see Moana so badly!

    1. WakingDawn96


      Well normally I am excited for a Disney movie, as I love Disney movies which is one of the reasons I love KH, but it's just this movie isn't exciting me at all, and I don't know why. I mean normally, I end up liking the characters, I normally like the look of the movie, and I normally just feel for the movie itself, but I just don't have that same spark here, and I don't understand why that is. I mean I like Dwayne Johnson as an actor, and I like Hawaiian themes, but this...

    2. WakingDawn96


      movie is just not clicking with me. Wonder why that is?

    3. KeybladeMasterBalo


      Funny huh? Well once I see it I will tell you how recommendable it is :)

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  19. You know you're excited for this film when you are a Disney fan and you already want it in KH :v
  20. The thing with the beast is that he looks way good! And I mean he wasn't shown on his mean side! Just the parts were he was being kind to belle were shown so it took a part of the idea :v
  21. I was wondering... Since KHDDD and 0.2 will have openings each... Do you guys think KHXBC will have it's own as well?

    1. WakingDawn96


      I don't know, it's possible it might have something, but I can't say for sure. I wouldn't rule out the possibility until Square states otherwise, but I wouldn't take that as a positive yes either.

    2. PrinceNoctis


      I was wondering the same ^^

    3. KairiKeybasH


      I don´t think so... But if it does will it look like the other Openinngs?

  22. Why is everyone thinking the castle shown at the opening cinematic it´s Cinderella's Castle? It's obviously Enchanted Dominion Castle

    1. KingdomHearts3


      It is just without the spires.

    2. KeybladeMasterBalo


      KingdomHearts3 it's not! Cinderella's castle has a different structure. To start with the main tower, which is the clock tower, is missing, the bridge on Castle of Dreams it´s brownish not stone gray as in the opening. You can see these differences if you watch closely :)

    3. Xiro


      ^The issue is probably that people aren't watching closely xP

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