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Everything posted by KeybladeMasterBalo

  1. I think the same thing! And November is my birthday! It's Destiny!
  2. So the world map will be fully 360 explorable, thus in a way, the world map will be like "another world" where you will encounter enemies in a certain area and such. It sounds so cool!
  3. I bet the Stabington Brothers will be some kind of boss (Like Clayton in KH1) in the Kindgdom of Corona world so I doubt they will be left out. As for Maximus I HOPE for the love of god he is there, tho I'm sure he will be. The Guards Captain I doubt it will appear. I am with you about Aunt Cass in San Fransokyo tho it would be fun to have her around. I don't think Andy's Mom will be there either but not for the reason you said but mainly because the story will take place in Galaxy Toys rather than Andy's Room so there's not much reason for her to be there. In Monsters Inc. (if the leaks are to be believed) It's quite clear that the minion won't be there, Roz on the other hand it's such a famous part of the movie that I doubt it will be left out, not saying it will have an importance but might be there for nostalgic reasons. Celia, although I wouldn't want her out, is also a candidate to be left out Olympus Colliseum: SURE NOT! Not everyone will be there of course. Probably just Zeus, Hera and Hermes. Would be so good to have the Muses tho. Frozen: Mmmm I guess Weaselton won't appear in any case, but SVEN can't be left out. I would be so disappointed if they do. Oaken is a better candidate to be left out. (Unless we can buy stuff from him).
  4. Ok that Chocolate Bar headset in the KHUX Jp is so hilarious I just can't!

  5. I already forgot but... will the D23 Japan Expo KH Event will be streamed or something or will be just "news covered"?

    1. KingdomHearts3


      I want to say live stream, but my gut hunts it may just be news covered. I am thinking they will possibly live stream it. I personally don’t plan on being up at 2 AM in the east US to see it.

  6. So like... am I the only one who would love to have a Fantasia world in KH3? I loved Symphony of Sorcery in DDD, imagine that kind of world in the new engine? Wonderful!

    1. Merilly


      I wouldn't mind it as a world at all, I just have trouble imagining what its purpose in the story would be. What would the goal be? What would the organization want in that world? Of course there's more to Fantasia, but it didn't have vasts amounts of plot to be used... I liked the world, I just can't imagine there being any relevance to an overall plot or even a story within itself.

    2. KingdomHearts3


      Would be okay with me. Could it happen? With Mysterious Tower in the game, it is possible, but they would have to do Fantasia 2000.

    3. KeybladeMasterBalo


      Ark story with Donald in KH? Yes! :3

  7. Something screams to me September for the release. Anyway on to the topic. I generally concentrate on other stuff such as original projects (books I'm writing), play the KH series (all of them), other videogames, live life, work, go to the gym, learn stuff, sketch, etc. There's more in life than KH and while you live it the wait suddenly it's over without noticing. Right now for example: There's the KH event at D23 Expo we're all waiting for and which will be held in February 10th. Still some days to go but for the most part I've been busy at work, so suddenly we're in the middle of January already! It will come sooner than I even thought and KHIII will be the same. Once we know the complete release date the wait will be less painful. Right now it hurts since you're waiting but you haven't set a limit, we're in the dark.
  8. Many of this options are in a way sure to make an appearance in KH3. I didn't pick Dwarf Woodlands or Enchanted Dominion since we had a taste of how these worlds could look in 0.2. Land of Departure and Keyblade Graveyard are way important to not be shown in KH3. The most plausible options are Deep Space and Neverland but I chose Radiant Garden instead since I have a something for that world that makes me long for it in KH3.
  9. So, if 0.2 BBS is the lenght of one KH3 world and we spent around 4 hours beating it in a normal pace, does that mean KH3 is potentially 40-50 hours long? If it is then I'm more than hyped now! Random thoughts :v

    1. Merilly


      Though I also believe that the last world will be the longest, though it may not necessarily be the final battleground.

    2. KeybladeMasterBalo


      Yeah I get what you say. However i'm talking from a story lenght mode, as every KH game I suppose I can expect way more time for a whole game completion, which is just fine :)

    3. Merilly


      It still takes a considerable amount of time of development to allow for such a long playing time and still keeping up a good quality. They took a rather long time with 0.2 and that was just 3 hours long and far from perfect quality wise. It was a good demo of sorts, but comparing that to KH3, for them to get to 40-50 hours with a casual playthrough would require a lot of work.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  10. I've never cosplayed in my life but it would definetely be a good thing to go as KHIII Sora as you said! Hope you share pictures!
  11. I am ROFL! The Vegetables one was hilarious! McDarkness and 7 potatoes with 13 sausages were the best!
  12. Isn't it funny how Nomura play with our minds? Joke aside I would love this to be real but it does seems to good to be true. Only time and D23 Japan Expo will tell :v
  13. Well... no... like you said, right now they're taking their time on making EVERYTHING NEW in the UE4 for KH3. Once that comes out it will just switch to a normal basis where you kinda just edit and create the necessary stuff. Also the people on the Osaka Team (or whoever it's making it) will have a lot more experience with the engine so the time also decreases on that matter. I still think it would take more than previous KH games where the graphic were a little bit "easier" tho. 3 years might be.
  14. I do like the idea of the arcade in Twilight Town, I would differ a bit on the idea of starting that much in advance of the film plot. Also there has to be a way for them to GET INTO the game in the first place. I guess it could be better if the guys would access the world by finding something about the world in Ansem's Computer, they go to investigate it (like when they go to Space Paranoids) but instead they enter the WiR world. Or maybe they get to the Central Station from Ansem's Computer and they wind up in WiR world through there. IDK.
  15. I have a cinch it will come out somwhere in September 2018, a specific day won't come to the mind but since it has to be released on a Tuesday It'd have to be the 4th, 11th, 18th or 25th. I have been waiting for the game ever since finishing KHII back in 2006... making it an 11-years-wait... WOW! Time sure flies! But it's almost here! D23 is our big announcement day! I can feel it!
  16. So I actually don't believe this, if it's real then it's missing a lot. Some of the files depicting probable worlds such as Radiant garden seem to only have specific elements, like in RG it shows only elements from the computer room. Seems to me they might be JUST for cutscenes. Another thing I don't see people considering the "DP" files to be Disney Pixar which could be a not yet decided name for the DP world file. It could be a Brave world for example, seeing the amount of Castle file names included. DP can also stand for Dunbroch Palace, I could be wrong with this one tho.
  17. My friend... YOU'VE DONE IT! Now the trailer is very continuous! The grunts and battle quotes are way improved! Now I can call it a Perfect Dub! Great job indeed! Also thanks for the credit, wasn't expecting that! Keep the greatness dude!
  18. Don't get me wrong, the video is really well done! The overall script was really well done and implemented on the scenes. If you want me to be more specific on the changes I consider should be done, here's the list: - Sora jumping to get to Mount Olympus Doors: I would take out the "Faster" quote there. Sounded weird IMO. - Overall gameplay scenes quotes and grunts are well selected and ok but they have a bit "too much" of them. A bit less would make it feel more fluid and realistic since sometimes they sound one above the other instead of one after the other. You would only have to arrange a bit the tempos and estructure. - There's this first hit of the Rock Troll on Thebes which sora "Guards" but you made him "scream in pain". Since he Guarded the Counterattacked he shouldn't have screamed at all. -When Donald says "Is to protect the World Order" he sounded SO GOOD but then he adds "Okay" and feels out of line and tempo. I would remove it. - The Sound of Gameplay scenes is louder than Cutscenes. I would put them on a same Volume Level. - On the Garden Gameplay Scene sometimes Sora uses Fire but he goes "ha" instead of "Fire". It would make more sense to use it that way since that's how you used it during the Rock Troll Heartless battle. - The Drill grunts are ON POINT! Just the "Wind" one sounded louder to me. - Whoever dubbed Young Xehanort sounded GREAT! Kudos to the guy! So in general this would be my pointers to PERFECT it, not to say it is not a great Dub already. Making this little tweaks would make it best IMO. It's up to you to consider it or not. Hope it helps
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