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Everything posted by VenxRox

  1. Oh no! Not the card system again!!! Good find by the way... ^^
  2. Wow! Awsome find! Thanx Dont have they game yet, soo this review made me want the game more and more
  3. Why a Final Mix now?? I know they did it with the other games but couln't they just have thought about doing the extras a little bit earlier???
  4. I bought KH I and II together for 40 Euros. But fot just KH II... 17-20 Euros ^^
  5. Great Trailer There is something that I don't understand... why is the one of the Org.XIII fighting Aqua at 3:59??? I know who it is, but don't want to spoil anything ^^
  6. The reason why i like Ven is because he look sooo much like Roxas and I reeeaaly love Roxas <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  7. I got KH1 and KH2 for 2 weeks ago, when i turned 18 ^^ It was really fun But my first real KH game is 358/2 Days ^^
  8. I start 23th August and BBS will come out 10th Sept. You can always play when its holiday, thats what im gonna do x)
  9. Sleeping, playing Kh1 and Days ^^ and also writing a walkthrough ^^
  10. Well... if it was me i would wait, but since you can read and speak a little why dont buy it Then you can learn more
  11. http://www.spriters-resource.com/ have some sprites you can use I think you should go for it ^^
  12. It's a little sad It will be hard for me to get a 3DS because im getting a PS2 + KH1 & KH2 for b-day and a PSP + BBS for Christmas. My parents are gonna to fry me!!!! x(
  13. Europe gets their game always after US and North America But is good that this time is only 3 days later *(^^)* Happy!
  14. Well, I think he did it because he wanted to take a better look on Xion because she looked like Kairi maybe. ^^ But who knows.... only Riku can answer that question
  15. Everyone in the Org. XIII have different and cool hairstyles that suits them... but the ones i looove is Demyx and Roxas :heart::heart::heart:
  16. They should have done Days for the PSP. But I love the game as it is, the story is just soo awsome!! ^^
  17. and who is this ''him'' you talk about?
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