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Everything posted by VenxRox

  1. I think he should wear the KH2 outfit. It suits him better ^^
  2. KH1, KH2, BBS, Re:Coded & 358/2 Days ^w^
  3. None of them that is numbered, but I will soon get FF XII =D But otherwise I own Crisis Core and Dissidia Duodecim =3
  4. Today is my Birthday!! xD

    1. Rob


      Happy B-day.

  5. I got both my PS2 and PSP just for Kingdom Hearts
  6. More music to the people! xD

  7. How cool with a new KH13 design x3

    1. Cricket


      It roxas my soxas....wait....

  8. My favorite parts was Roxas little story in the beginning and the second encounter with Demyx x3 <3
  9. Spell Weaver, Diamond Dust and Wingblade are my favorites and the ones I use the most (or at least I try too use them as often as I can) ^^
  10. OMG! I just love the logo! =D Coool!
  11. The Paopu Fruit Earrings was soo cute!!
  12. sora belongs to both of them Well, yeah they do belong to both of them. But, i must agree with Gameowner5, Sora and the others DO belong to Square Enix, but I don't hate them for that :|
  13. What? No OC??!!! It was the best World in the KH Games! D:>
  14. They would only dare to put any KH game on that new device!!! =( By the way, that PSP2 (or whatever it's called) can't play UMD's, right???
  15. I really hope so. And this time, I hope that it will come to Europe too! ;P
  16. Keep playing it and you will make it soon enough! Dont ever give up! Just rembember: Listen very carefully ^^
  17. i thought sweden had the euro now We had a selection in 2003 (i think) if we should have euro or not. The people woted ''No'' and won, and so we don't have euro here. Its called crowns here. Or in Sweden ''Kronor'' ^^
  18. What!!!! How cheap! In Sweden, where I live, it's gonna cost us almost 424 Usd wich is VERY expensive compared to US (of course, we dont use dollars, but just to make things easier to you guys). But one thing im glad for, its gonna come out 25th march this year here ^^
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