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Everything posted by VenxRox

  1. Chains of memories. Not because of the story because I liked it, it was because of the card system =/
  2. When did Hayden get to be Xion? I don't recall hearing Hayden doing voice acting to no other than Kairi Seem kind of strange when I was so used to Alyson
  3. HAPPY B-DAY Kingdom Hearts!!!! XDD The great game of all time!
  4. No I haven't and wont either! And if I'm considering doing it, it would be like selling a part of me They are my friends and they are my LIFE! =)
  5. Nah =/ First I would listen to it on the internet. Then, if I like it, I would buy it ^^
  6. Spend the whole day with my boyfriend ^^
  7. Crisis Core! The best FF game and will 4ever be in my heart!
  8. Yes! The ending of Crisis Core! I cried for an hour! It was so amazing and also soo sad
  9. Yes! =) 3 cats, 3 dogs and 1 rabbit =)
  10. Only sometimes. Otherwise, I only play video games on my TV =D
  11. We all know that he can wield the Keyblade because he is Sora's Nobody, but that dosen't matter. Roxas is Roxas and I still love him and he is soo cool when he uses the oathkeeper and oblivion together. And for that, he is my most favorite Keyblade Wielder of all time =D Love for Roxas!
  12. Sorry, but none of them. The only games to 3ds im gettin' is KHDDD, Dead or Alive and Kirby: Mass Attack
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