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Everything posted by KairiGolden13

  1. Studying for math test tomrrow -_-

  2. I just saw footloose it was awesome anyone else seen the movie yet?

    1. Koko


      i'm not gonna see it till i see the original bc i tend to like the originals more anyways???

    2. Miku Hatsune

      Miku Hatsune

      The original one is amazing. They shouldn't have tried to remake such a good movie.

    3. Koko


      i dont like remakes idk it takes away the charm of the original

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. nice to meet you and welcome to the site
  4. is it just me or there more around 2,000 guest online

  5. Nice to meet u welcome to the site
  6. i guess i dont have school tomrrow?

  7. i had dream that i was gonna to fall from top of my house

  8. I saw a shooting star and I had a wish :)

  9. I can't sleep :P

    1. 4Everbee


      i never sleep >..>lol

    2. Snow


      Tell me about it.

  10. R.I.P steve jobs co-founder of Apple

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