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Everything posted by Kaige

  1. "it wont do any good hes as good as dead"evexen said
  2. " oh thats quite alright so anyway mateus you look worried why so glum"evexen said with a confused look on his face.....
  3. " I cant belive you dont remember me ,remember when we met 3yrs. ago when i caught you fighting two heartless so i jumped in to help you....."evexen said
  4. "oh kozuma im glad ur here said evexen "have you seen saikyo.. roming around anywhere when you were left at the of area/planet"
  5. "Mateus?......Mateus? wake up"' Evexen said trying 2 wake Mateus up from a deep sleep that he had gotten into from leaping into the portal and landing very badly, which resulted his unconsiousness, As Evexen seen Mateus opening his eyes' he heard a whisper telling him to ".....get closer....to...Mateus....." and as he got closer towards Mateus, Mateus had asked.." Where.....is...my brother?!", and Evexen had no other choice but to tell Mateus the truth about his brothers Whereabouts, and as Evexen told him his face began to look dreary as if a dark cloud hung over his head
  7. "Where's Saikyo?!" Evexen said confuses and concerned searching 4 his friend, "He must've had gotten left behind in our previous encounter with the heartless" Evexen said looking very concerned and anxious
  8. "are we all here"said evexen looking to see if everyone made it safely..."i need help hope come here and heal me"evexen said grunting
  9. "hurry run to the portal it wont be open for ever you can make it be you must hurry"sid evexen hoping for mateus to make it in time"rrrrruuuuuuunnnnn"said evexen as mateus leaps into the portal seconds away before it closes
  10. "saikyo run this way ill open a portal for us all to flea" evexen said worried
  11. its a little girl surrounded by heartless..."saikyo!!!!!!"evexen screamed hoping for him to here "save the girl".....
  12. mateus and i watched saikyo run into the heartless slashing everyone in his pass."he'll be okay" said evexen......
  13. "just leave him"evexen said as he put his hand on mateus evexen look at mateus and he couldnt hlp but see thats he had a worried face on "are you ok " asked evexen waitng for an answer.....
  14. "mateus you have to go after him" said evexen
  15. "nnnnnnooooooooooooooooo , saikyo dnt " said as he seen saikyo run tourds the heartless.
  16. " were not in the condition to be fighting"said evexen grunting with pain
  17. "mateus wait" evexen said as he screamed hoping for mateus to listen...
  18. i had woken up from the sound of mateus screaming his head off for me to wake up apperently i had gotten knock out for 8 hrs. after we had gotten into a fight with some heartless evryrone else was staring at me with a concerned look on thier face ..it had got me thinking what had happened to me.. so i asked mateus "how did i get knocked out for so long".
  19. name:evexen height:5 ft.8 weapon: two reverse bladed katanas with lighting powers apperience: black skinny jeans ,white long sleave dress/office shirt , with a black tie , and a white dressy jacket bio: energetic, eats alot , etc. hair color:lond pony tail (black) eye color:yellow
  20. from dawn to dusk: An adventure of good beginings and tragic endings ...you will never know what will happen nxt..you could be a very uncapable fighter :blink: and end up a very strong hero ...you could be the tuffist of the tuff and end up a wimp that no one respects....so if ur ready to become a hero or a foe :angry: just be ready to stand up to the world of dawn and dusk....... :ph34r: http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-mad.png http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png :ph34r:
  21. I think...maybe, da queen banished him from the dream festival but not from the town, 4 da trouble he caused, and had da nerve 2 come back, and after da king heard about it, he banished pete permanently from their world...its a theory, but its all i can come up with
  22. ya..u do hav a point, i new about re:coded, perhaps dat is the answer
  23. I knew da game was coming out on tuesday, but after i read dat, i got startled, bcause i dont wanna hav 2 wait another month, dats y i put dis thread up
  24. lol thx wat do u think bout my pivot i made
  25. Hey, im just wondering, when do u guys think dy will update da website again
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