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Stardustblade358 last won the day on November 24 2019

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About Stardustblade358

  • Birthday 09/23/1996

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    Student of Demonic Cultivation
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  1. Yo man how goes it. Been forever

  2. The celebration began, and the party went on. As everyone chatted and congratulated each other, Helios would take the chance to take Aura's hand. "Dance with me." He asked, a smile on his lips. Despite any protests, he would pull her into the dance hall. As many danced happily and gracefully, Helios would spin Aura around, dancing with her careful of their steps. They would step from side to side, eyes locked before the embrace followed. Arms wrapped around hers and held her close. "Hope shall follow in the wake of your greatest deeds, Aura." He smiled, pressing his forehead against hers gently. "You have earned your wings...do not be afraid to fly." ... And that is how our new world came to be.' Helios sat down at the desk of his given room, the shimmer of the sunlight providing him with the light to write on the parchment. He would wet his quill with ink allowing the excess to drip on the cup before returning to his writing. 'They say that history is written by the winners. By that extend, there is truth. Countless of stories shall forever remain unsung, left to be forgotten by history as the time passes. I have made a promise that I would not let the worlds forget this story. The story that changed both worlds. For the better, or for the worse; who can say but the children we present it to? Countless of lives have been taken and given, erased and created. For every beginning there is an end, but for every long end, there is a brand new beginning. To those who read this, to whichever point in time, remember this lesson well; There is never a right answer. What benefits one can condemn another. In worlds where species and states of mind very like the stars in the sky, there is no choice that can benefit everyone. There is no perfection. All we can do is recollect our history, and learn from our mistakes to attempt to create a better future for those around us, and those that shall proceed us. For the price of free will, is the consequences that we must take upon ourselves along with it. I dedicate this to everyone who gave their lives for what they believed in. Those who fought for their home, those who fought for their species, and those who fought for their survival. To my countless friends; Arthur, Auron, Aura, Henry, Jynn, Soren, Athena, Eclaire...How lucky have I been to be blessed with something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Arthur, you foolish knight with a heart of silver. You were certainly stubborn. But it was humans like you that made Feykind take notice. Athena, whom we clashed from the day we met. May your kind heart lead your people, and may you make them proud. Auron, who followed me to a new world, and risked his life to help me return home. My debt to you is one I will never be able to repay. I can only hope to see you again one day, and properly thank you, for everything. Aura, whom I have come to love. I thank you, for it is you who helped me remember the love that humanity contains. That helped me see beyond my blinded pain and realize that we were not so different after all. Thank you for teaching me to love again. I hope to offer you the world, and all of my life. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. Henry, how there are not enough words to describe the pain of losing you. When we first met; I feared you with admiration. You represented all that I came to love of humanity; bold, brave, selfless, and with enough wit to make an oracle laugh. Without you, I would not be alive, nor here. Without you, I do not know how it would have all turned out in the end. You deserved better, and all I can hope is to make sure your memory remains. May you know that if you ever thought you were alone in the beginning; in the end kings and queens wept for you. That when our time comes; you will be visited by friends. That you will never be alone. Jynn, I have to admit you have surprised me most of all. My earliest memories of you regard myself hiding from your presence to sneak into the royal library with Arianna and Ren. When we met again I returned to your kingdom as a traitor who had dragged humans to your court. And yet you chose to listen to me when you could have done anything else otherwise. You have inherited your mother's kindness, and her unwavering dedication. You have inherited your father's brilliance, and his unbreakable will. You are the child of thunder and wind, and you shall be the storm that brings the calm for generations to come. I feared you. I came to trust you based on pity and luck. But you have shown me and reminded me of the kindness that is the world I call home. The reason we fought for. Know well, my king. You have earned the love and loyalty of your people more than just your right. May victory follow in wake of your greatest deeds. Soren, whose love for Ren is what bonded us. You are an odd one, but such oddity is what has become dear to me of you. You have always meant well, and you have brought more justice to Ren than I could ever do in one hundred lifetimes. You were there for him when both worlds had turned against him, and for that I do not know if I could ever repay such kindness. In the midst of bloodshed you have taught me an important lesson; there is no good path. There is only the path you choose to take. You can never be right without being some wrong. The balance of life is what makes our decisions powerful. We can never please anyone; but we can strive for what we believe. I wish to one day be as confident, and as great as you, Soren. I can only strive to attempt. Keep your head up, my friend. The world is still young, and there is much for you to teach left. Eclaire, you gave me a chance when no one else would. You were the one who have me the second chance to speak, to make my case. You were the one who became the devil's advocate for my sake, and for that, I have no idea how to thank you. I can only hope that one day I can repay you properly, for you have earned my loyalty and gratitude alike. To Arianna and Ren, whose memories have become my most treasured in my countless of lifetimes; may we one day meet again, and count the endless stories we swore to tell and share. I dream of you both, and yet I know that you rest in peace, side by side in the endless garden. Until then, my friends. To the future; may you be bright and prosperous.' Helios would hear the cooing of an owl. He would pause, glancing up at the window. He would settle the quill down, reaching up. His scars had long weathered, the ring on his finger gleaming against the sunlight as he received the avian. He would carefully unpack the letter he carried in his pouch, offering it food as a reward as it happily obliged. He opened the letter, the seal of the kingdom among the clouds stamped in bright red against the parchment. The ring on his finger weathered with time as he held the letter, a smile curling upon his lips at the misadventure of a beloved. 'May generations learn of the leap of faith that changed the worlds, and everyone who took upon the movement that followed. Let they know only peace. And if there comes a time that war weighs again; may they look back upon the history and remember what it is that they are fighting for.' 'This is the story of the Overworld.' FIN or so it seems
  3. Last one I swear- Name: Arkane GravemoreAge: 24Gender: MaleAppearance: Court affiliation (if any): UmbraWeapons: Songbird (Flute) Voodoo Dolls & Materials Rune Cards Magic: Necromancy Curse Inducement Voodoo Cartomancy Personality: Playful, blunt, and selfish. He values knowledge over emotions, and this has gotten him into trouble before. However, he is not fully as heartless as he appears, as he does follow the law, even when he finds some to be an annoyance to his research. He merely has a niche and limited number of friends and trusted ones, and even then they know of his extent.Background: Arkane was originally found, ironically, in a cemetery. There had been rumors of unlicensed necromancy, and some music. A member of the Umbra court would come to check up on it. There they found a little Arkane having revived smaller animals, though in a wild, and uncontrolled manner. When asked, it turned out that Arkane was trying to revive his parents, living in the cemetery and having kept his parents' coffin above ground to try to get them to wake up. He was taken back to the court of Umbra, and there he was raised to hone his necromancy skills. He has grown to become a reputable necromancer. Some worry that his past has made him become afraid of attachment, and made him selfless. Regardless, his skills cannot be denied.
  4. Name: Arun Roshan, The UndauntedAge: 25 Gender: MaleAppearance: Court affiliation (if any): Ignis Weapons: Lionheart - A trick weapon designed by Vincent S. Watson on commission. It has two forms: Standard Short Sword Battle Axe (When combined with Shield) Lionsoul - A trick shield designed by Vincent S. Watson on commission. It has three forms: Standard Shield Expanded Shield - Expands into a larger, heavier shield, capable of protecting more area. Battle Axe (When combined with Shield) Magic: Earth Magic Personality: Dutiful, stoic, and headstrong. He tends to follow logic over emotions and feelings. He does his best to restrain his emotions, and can come off as a rather boring person who limits himself to action rather than words. Yet, once one manages to warm up to him, one can pull away the walls that he has placed over the years. Deep down he is rather gentle, kind, and is rather softhearted. He tends to swallow up his emotions and then grief privately when no one else can witness, and is afraid to show what he really thinks of to those around him.Background: Arun grew within an orphanage for the first few years of his life. It would not be until he was around four years of age that he would begin to show magical potential, along with a few others who began to develop their abilities. One day, a court mage of the court of Ignis would come in search to adopt a child. He would proceed to collect all magical gifted children and test them throughout the day. In the end, he would take Arun with him, and would officially adopt him as his child. From then on Arun was raised with the best education money could buy, and given everything he could possibly need. Except parental love. It was a partnership. Arun was the student, and his father was the teacher. He had expectations to meet, and he would meet them, or else. Knightly training, magical classes, history, philosophy; he had no hobbies. Only the goals given to him. He would grow to represent the best that the court of Ignis had to offer, and loyal to his court, and father, to no end.
  5. Name: Vincent S. WatsonAge: 32Gender: MaleAppearance: Court affiliation (if any): IgnisWeapons: Dual Pistols Chimera - A trick weapon of his own creation. It is able to take three different forms: 1st Form - Standard sword shape 2nd Form - Scythe 3rd Form - Dual Blades /w attached pistols Magic Grenades Spark Plug - A liquid that creates electric currents upon exposure to oxygen Kaboom - A liquid that creates an explosion shortly after agitation Smoke Bomb - Simple solution where the liquid turns into a thick smoke upon contact with oxygen Hip Grappling Hook Magic: N/APersonality: Playful, curious, and optimistic. He loves to learn new things, experiment, and live new experiences. He will always have facts to talk about, and if you allow him he will talk your ear off. He is sweet and kind, although hyper, he sees the positive in most if not all situations. He will try to be friends with everyone, though he is nowhere near naive. Background: The child of two court mages from the house of Ignis, Vincent was born into a privileged life. However, he was born without any magical affinity, an uncommon occurrence for being born from two magically gifted parents. He did suffer a bit of discrimination from this, but he found himself determined to make up for his lack of magical abilities. He would take interest in the mechanical arts that ruled the society around him, including the studies of alchemy, and chemistry. He would go to prestigious schools, and study under the best that money and privilege could afford. He became an expert on his own right, and has dedicated his years in creating innovations for the house of Ignis, the city, and any independent contractor that searched for him. Currently he has multiple projects, and is doing rather well for himself independently.
  6. I joined this RP when I found interest. I did not expect it to take us all into such an amazing emotional roller coaster, but I do not regret a single moment of it. This RP has ended up helping me in so many things; from stress, character development, writing, lessons made and learn. I will never forget this RP, nor any of you or your characters which all made this story so amazing from beginning to end. This is a story I will always remember, and I thank every single one of you for it. To our next RP, and to wherever the future takes us! Let's have fun guys!
  7. - Helios - Kilkis Seres - At the coronation - Helios listened intently, and when she mentioned that she would be leaving for the North, he was not surprised. The beings of the North had seemed to take a liking to Aura. Well, a liking would be a subtle word for it. Something had struck them about her, seen the potential, and they wished to see how far it could take her, and Helios could not be any happier. The North was a land unlike any other, and if there were any new beginnings available it would be there. "It sounds like a dream, Aura." he admitted. "I have heard so much of the Northern lands. They are a realm beyond the clouds that have no comparison to any other. The land of the original dragons, and most of the sky dwelling creatures. The cradle of many species. You have them by your side...you shall flourish even further, Aura. You will become a new sun." He would smile softly at her. "I...do not think I am ready to travel." He admitted, a hand against his arm. "I have been away from home for so long. I feel that I must take a moment and recollect my thoughts. The time will always tick away, and none shall wait for me. Yet...there is much that I must recollect." He admitted, glancing at her. "I shall not stop you either, my Aura. I...I think I will remain here, and write. Write and write in order for this and all worlds to remember what happened to those who we cherish. I will not be selfish either, my dear. Go on and spread your wings, and enjoy every moment of your adventure. Do not let anything or anyone stop you. Reach for the skies and stars...live the life that you choose." He smiled, leaning his head against hers softly. "I will spend the rest of this day with you, and cherish it for as long as I live. Yet nothing will make me happier than to see you live the life that destiny has awaited for you. Do not ever waste the chance, Aura." He placed a gentle kiss on her head. "I will write to you. If fate is to have it to have us meet again, I shall welcome it. Until then, enjoy every step of the journey, my flower." With that, his attention would return to the ceremony. He needed to rest. It was not as physical as it was mental. He wished to reflect and to write. He wished, for once in his life of adventure and excitement, be normal. It would seem that it would be enough adventure. At least for the time being, until he could be ready again. Then again, he was a fey. he had more than one life time ahead.
  8. - Helios & Arthur - Kilkis Seres - At the coronation - Aura looked like a queen. Fey would glance over to her, their jaws dropping and eyes widening. Her beauty easily entranced those who happened to glance her way. She took Helios' breath away when he saw her, even as he kept his cool. But, it made him glad to realize the gravity of it. Aura had gotten the favor of the beings from the North. Whether with him or alone, she would have a bright future ahead of her, and he could only smile at the thought of the possibilities. For her, they were now endless. The clothes he wore would be gifted to him by Jynn, worthy of a noble. Clothes he would never be able to personally afford, of such soft yet sturdy material. Hell, for once he was wearing shoes. Though maybe he could convince Jynn in wearing otherwise. It was an odd feeling. The whole situation around them seemed surreal. Long ago he was sneaking into the royal library, a rogue Fey who had befriended a protege mage and a draconic heir. Now he stood in the coronation after surviving...well, all of that. It was as if he were still dreaming, and one day he would wake up and go back to playing with the wolves. But he did not wake. He was still there, standing and witnessing history. He would feel Aura's fingers twirling with his, and his mind would be brought back. He turned to listen, smiling. He would gently raise her hand, placing a kiss against its surface. "Your possibilities are endless, Aura." He spoke, turning his attention back to the throne. "Live a life to be proud of. Live a life with no regrets, my dear." He said, witnessing the coronation as it began. His eyes would soften as he watched Jynn take his place. It was...heartbreaking that it took the death of a monarch. Shiva was not perfect. No one was. But it did not mean that she deserved to leave this world without witnessing her child any less.
  9. It was one hell of a roller coaster once they returned. They had to fix everything, deliver the dead, so on and so on. Everyone was busy. Arthur got to see his mother and sister, reassuring that they were alive. They only remember the bright light, and then nothing. Just a bright flash. They didn't know that they had been dead for over twenty four hours. Afterwards it was lots of work to get everything back and settled down, as well as bringing everyone up to speed that the war was over, and that they were now allies. Now he stood next to Athena, wearing his more formal attire. It was the more elegant armor, with his cape, though he didn't wear his helmet. His scars had healed over, the three distinctive claw marks across his face, a lighter color against his skin, a permanent reminder of the war. He held Athena's hand, looking at her as he blushed. "Ah...I've fought a war, turned into lightning, and come back to life...yet I still fear in having to win your father's favor." He mused before looking back at her with a smile. "Yet I shall do whatever it takes...for you, Athena." He reassured. Though his cheeks still flushed at the thought of being king. Him? King? The knight who once got a black eye before the soap slipped from his hands, bounced off the wall and hit him? Then again, with Athena, he could do anything. He was sure of it. After the events, it was a busy time. Recovery, yet all with the push of gathering things together and making it right after the sacrifices had been made. Helios finally saw his parents. They were the ones to show up at Kilkes Seres after exchanging a few letters. The Spriggan and Fey would hug their only child and scold him endlessly for worrying them as they did, for going as far as to lie to sneak out of the world, and for never visiting. Yet they both saw a change. When they last saw their beloved child he was merely a Fey. A reckless one whose moral compass was all over the place, still deciding what he even wished to desire in the world. But now? All they saw was a man who had somehow survived it, and the hesitation in his eyes had been cut right out, even as the playfulness never left. He was no longer their pup, but they couldn't have been more proud. They would stay, now somewhere in the crowd. Helios decided to stick around in Kilkes Seres, helping with the preparation of the crowning ceremony as well as just trying to be a general help. At least until he knew what he would be doing next. Now the ceremony was in motion. He dressed for the occasion, wearing a white long sleeved jacket with silver linings, dark gray dress pants and a pair of boots. A blue stole draped over his shoulders. His face markings had been renewed, now a line across his face, underneath his eyes and over his nose, with two smaller ones on either cheek. Helios stood next to Aura, watching everyone in anticipation to see the king-to-be. "It still seems surreal." He would admit, holding Aura's hand. "I thank you for helping me face reality, Aura."
  10. - Helios & Arthur Remnants - /w everyone else - Once again; Isopolis - Helios would listen to the voice, looking up at what remained of Henry. He would reach out, watching him. The touch against his head was all the comfort he could feel, even though it felt so cold. Helios would stare at him, and when the hug came, Helios was a complete mess. He would hold onto Henry, wanting to remember the warmth and the feeling for as long as it lasted. It would be goodbye, and he wouldn't be able to return. It hurt. So many daydreams would be thrown to the wind, to be just that; fantasies. They had all made mistakes. Mistakes that had would cost so many lives and endless bloodshed. But to the ends that they have reached? To have had the chance to meet Aura, Auron, and the rest? To have had the chance to meet him, and share a journey with him? Maybe it was all worth it in the end after all. It seemed that his suffering had yet to end. There was no end to the goodbyes with no chance of seeing them son. He could merely watch when he pulled away, staring out as he left with the source. "Henry." Helios would slowly look up to Soren, eyes and cheeks red from his tears. Don't forget him. How could he forget? Such precious memories. So little for a lifespan of a Fey, and yet some of his greatest treasures. How could he possibly forget? He would take a deep breath. They had to return home. They had to leave and greet everyone again. He wondered if they would remember? If they knew that they were dead, or was it all but a blur for them? He wondered if they will remember the survivors, but what about those who perished in the progress? No. He wouldn't allow it. When he was younger he had made it his goal to create a Beast Encyclopedia. Maybe even multiple books, each based on a different species of animal to which he would learn, and write about for the worlds to understand better. He still wished for that chance. But first? A historian. The worlds still had to know. About the three foolish Feys that walked down to the earth. Arianna, Ren, Auron, Henry- everyone. Their names would be engraved in stone for centuries to come. He would make sure of it. "Let's go home." Arthur would pause, looking down at his body as he felt a change. It was simple, almost like a tug on his heart. He would end up floating up for a bit more before there would be the loud crackling of sparks. Skin soon began to reform and reshape, and before long what he had lost was restored, his human body returning to him. He would take a deep breath, his eyes gleaming before he was finally fully back...but then he lost his gravity defiance. So, in a very Arthur-like fashion, he ended up falling back down to the ground...and right on Athena. He would groan, holding his head as he felt his body ache in adjustment...only to realize he had fallen right ontop of his princess. "Oh...OH NO, ATHENA." He squeaked, jumping right off her and quickly reaching out for her. "Are you alright?! I am so sorry-" He paused, looking down at his hands. He would stare down at the gloves, moving them up as he touched himself. "...I...I'm back..." He whispered. "I'm human again."
  11. - Helios & Arthur Remnants - /w everyone else - Once again; Isopolis - Helios would slowly allow himself to slide off Odin, releasing his grip on the monarch before sliding across the ground. He would slowly morph back into Fey form, on one knee as he would look up, witnessing Isopolis as a whole. When Henry offered all he had left as his sacrifice; Helios' head would perk up, eyes wide. "NO!" Not him! He had already given his all for a war that was never meant to even happen! Not him! But he remained quiet, merely listening. "No..." He whispered, shaking his head. "Henry! Henry!" He called, stumbling onto his feet as he ran to him. Right by Elia, he would drop down, placing his hands on Henry as he grasped at his shoulders. "You can't do this! You have already sacrificed so much! You have given up everything! You can't leave!" He begged, watching him. "We promised we would go see your home once it was all over...remember?" His voice was broken. But teh choice had already been made. There was no going back. Isopolis had accepted. Helios shook his head, wrapping his arms around him alongside Elia, burying his face against his shoulder. Warm tears blurred his vision, his grip only tightening as he could feel the force of power surging from the holy beings. "Henry..." What could he possibly say? Thank you for saving me? Thank you for being there to believe in me? Thank you for fighting alongside me? Thank you for showing me how to love humanity again? He felt the shockwave rock the whole city across. The light was blinding, but his eyes remained open onto Henry, watching what remained of his form. He leaned up, pressing his forehead against his as he looked at him in his eyes. Heartbreak, sorrow, and yet, Helios gave him the warmest smile he could muster. What could he possibly say to a dying man? A last goodbye? A sorrowful don't go? Helios smiled, hugging him again once more, trying to memorize everything of him in the last few seconds as the blue light enveloped him. "Thank you, Henry, for teaching me to live again. For everything, and beyond." And like that, he was gone, Isopolis taking him with them. Helios' arms would collapse into nothing, finding himself holding onto thin air. It didn't hit him at the first few seconds. He just stared in a gaze, silence following as the wish was granted at the given cost. He moved his hands back, staring down at the spot where he once was. He was gone. For a single moment those memories seemed to overwhelm him, and the cost of it all...suddenly seemed to have been all that it could possibly take. Helios sobbed, slowly pressing his hands against the floor, tear drops staining the tile beneath. How could a hero so brave, and so selfless, be given such a cruel end? He sacrificed absolutely everything...and there was nothing that they could give back to him. Helios breathed, before letting out a painful scream, just letting out the sorrow out of him. He didn't hold back. What was there to hold back any longer? He cried. He openly cried, sobbing like a heartbroken child. That was all he could do as he knelt, his heart wrenching sobs echoing in Isopolis. Helios could feel his sobs aching through his chest, the realization hitting him hard. They had done it. They had won. But was the cost worth it? Most likely. Yes. But it didn't mean it didn't hurt. It didn't mean that the sacrifices that had been made wouldn't be yearned for, missed, mourned. They had done it...and as the weight would fall off their shoulders, sorrow and mourning finally broke them. They could finally rest. They could finally mourn in peace. At least for now. Arthur would remain quiet, lowering his head before glancing back up at the starry sky. "Henry." He spoke, before looking around. Athena. He would carefully approach the princess, not touching her. He wouldn't dare to bring harm to her in such a way. He wouldn't risk it that way. "Athena." He spoke. "I am so sorry, my dear." His voice cracked with the static, the figure of what was once Arthur shifting in between reality. "But I am so glad...we have restored home and our people once more..."
  12. - Helios & Arthur Remnants - /w everyone else - Once again; Isopolis - Helios would listen to Odin complaint plenty. His snake head would slowly sneak his head against Odin's head, sticking out his snake tongue a few times before leaning against his cheek. "He speaks the truth, sire. Physically our bodies remain intact as it would before your actions. But mentally, we are already exhausted and scarred of what we have witnessed and suffered. It is not an alternate you. It is a possibility, one that we have almost died to prevent, and we are not very keen on risking it as we speak. Therefor, with all due respect, sire, I will remain as a fashionable restraint jacket until we can make sure that the Source of Life is genuinely safe and away from you." Helios explained, his tail wagging lightly before tilting his head to the side. "I have stared death at the door, spat on it, and have proceeded to give the middle finger to the god and broken the laws of Shapeshifting and metamorphism, and I shall remain. Bite me or stab me and I will turn into a whale without a single ounce of regret." Helios said. He sounded very tired, but mostly, he just wanted to make sure that they would get getting out of this one alive.
  13. - Helios & Arthur Remnants - /w everyone else - Once again; Isopolis - They return to time where they once were, standing before the moment that it all went array. The grand being of the source of all life would speak, and Helios would watch, gulping. A figure in the shape of five, representing all and yet one. Speaking together, they asked what they wished for, and Helios would respond along after Jynn. "I wish for the same that Jynn has asked." He began his voice loud and clear. "For the restoration of the human's world below, and the lives that were lost alongside it." He asked. His attention would then fall on Odin. He did not hesitate. After his plight, he would turn and hurry over, turning into a large snake that proceeded to wrap itself around Odin, turning into an extra precaution against the would be traitor were Jynn's efforts not enough. Helios coiled around him, tightening up yet giving enough room to breath, head resting against the neck. Arthur would make his appearance, his voice once more echoing between existence. "I wish for the same." He asked. "I wish for the world below and its citizens to be brought back." He explained, making it clear.
  14. - Helios & Remnant Arthur - /w everyone else - Isopolis Shrine - One More Shot - Ahriman was defeated. The once gone was no more, leaving behind mere memories and remnants of a battle's past. Their ambitions, their spilled sweat and blood, it all came to fruition into one last stand, and damn, they had won. The world around them returned to what it once was, the landscape that defined Isopolis, endless and timeless. Past, present and past nonexistent. At least, in such a sense. Yet they were not done. The city around them crumbled into nothing. The source gone, even after defeating the god, it would seem that he had the last laugh after all. The Source of Life! It was gone! They had fought so hard to take down the enemy, and yet it had taken the Source of Life with him to the grave, dooming not just one world, but all that remained. What could one do? Do they gave up on the world below? On the lives lost? Do they turn around and say that they tried their best? Do they mourn and pray for an answer? No. Not yet. They could not give up. Not by a long shot. There was still work to be done in hell. Helios would land down, the fires of rebirth extinguishing as his fey form returned to him once more. He would stare at their surroundings came to become nothing. They did everything, but they could not stop a damn thing. They fought and they bled and they cried...and Ahriman had won. Yet, there was still hope. Helios' eyes would turn to Elia, and then at Henry. Her sister? Why did that sound familiar? It was odd. He would approach the two as the rest would come along as well. Their suggestion was...ludicrous. To use time magic, a powerful and costly one, to turn back time and retrieve the source before it was wasted. And yet, it was a light of hope. Hope that they needed. Hope that they sought. They were all on their last legs, and they would be damned if they were to allow it all disappear without trying their all. Helios would walk towards Bherna, reaching out and taking her hand in his. "We have already given our all and beyond." He spoke, smiling softly at the rest. He was tired. He was so tired. But they weren't done. Not yet. "Take all you need of me, Elia, Henry. Let us finish this before it even began." He said, a gleam in his eyes. He would glance at the group. "Who shall get the source?" "I can." from behind Elia and Henry, two hands of electricity would gently be placed on their shoulders. Yet, it didn't hurt. The energy would form in the shape of the late knight, or at least what remained of him as he faded in and out of existence. A being on his last legs...well, power. "At least, I can try." Arthur confessed, looking at the group, his voice like static. "There is...little left in me. But if time is to return, then maybe I will return with it." He spoke, rather hopeful of it, still the life loving knight from long ago. "Take all that I am left, Henry, Elia. I beg of you all...let us save home once and for all."
  15. - Helios & Arthur Remnants - /w everyone else - The Reality Abyss - Before anyone could even attempt to escape fate, the world had fallen apart beneath their feet. All they could see was existence struggling to shape and warp as the endless abyss around them kept them prisoner. But it wasn't the end. Not yet. They had one more chance to attack, to end it all. He could see everyone already advancing as they felt their strengths return to them once more. Helios would stare, blinking a few times before bringing his hand to his chest. It ached. They were so close, and yet they were so far! Would they die along with the false god? Would any of them even make it out of here? But then again, none of that mattered, did it? Helios would touch his throat, feeling it sealed even with the scars that now decorated his skin. He was risking it, but he wouldn't be backing down either. But what could he do? He couldn't transform again as a dragon, could he? No...but there was one trick up his sleeve that he had yet to use. Maybe it was time to abuse his power. Abuse the absurdity of life and death through the hands of a shapeshifter. He reached for his chest, closing his eyes. "This is the end, after all." Helios opened his eyes, and instead of smoke, fire would envelop him. It was bright, the flame covering his body whole as if he were to be burned alive. Yet, no screams or pain came from him. Instead one would hear the crackle of the fire as it slowly extended itself, growing and transforming into a whole new being. It took shape, the eyes opening as the hues of orange and red suddenly would disperse, giving away to white. White fire now covered the Phoenix that stood tall in the abyss, wings stretched far and wide. The creature of myth would let out an ungodly screech. "Your time has come." Helios whispered, raising his wings over his head. As he did, fire would slowly swirl above him. The sphere of fire would grow bigger and bigger, creating a miniature sun to use against the god. He would charge it up until the very end, before proceeding to swing it, charging it right at him. The white sun would fly directly towards Ahriman, and once it made contact, if it did, it would create and explosion worthy of being called a supernova. The death of a star, taking down the god with it. Arthur would separate from Jynn, returning into nothingness. Or so it would be. He felt the surge of energy and it was all that he needed. The electricity would slowly take shape, the former knight now reappearing in a shape of lightning. His silhouette there, his eyes bright and white as he stood tall. He had all that he needed. "You shall pay the consequences of what you have done, Ahriman!" His voice roared, mixing with the crackle of lightning as he would rush towards the god. Yet as he did, he would morph, the electricity growing in size before transforming to a large, electric wolf. It would roar, bearing his teeth as the energy would bite down on Ahriman. It wouldn't actually pierce anything, but the mere energy alone surrounding Ahriman should be enough to fry him into ashes were it to land. ---
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