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Everything posted by person127

  1. My family has problems.we constantly fight with eachother over really stupid things and we got into the worst one yet.we were heading to mt.rushmore and we were fighting about weither my dog shuda Cole or not and wur ice cream we were gunna get an so we ended up going differnt places instead of as a family.but then somehow we were all together at a place to take a picture and this happy go lucky family was all holding hands singing "in the jungle the might jungle....."you get the idea and we were REALLY pissed of so we scream at th at the same time "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU CREEPERS"and they look at us like were crazy.then after that we just forgot the fight,gotsome ice cream and watched THE LAMEST LIGHT SHOW EVER!!!I mean we all thought there was gunna be a laser or firework type thing but all they did was shine a regular light on the mountain.:| it was stupid.but luckily my aunt got refundable tickets to see this crazy horse show that was supposed to explain the whole story and their projecting It on the side of the mountain.I think this one is gunna be better though unless we get in another fight........
  2. person127


    Ok first yay I found wi fi for now and I'm not sure what category this should be under so I just decided personal but the real thing I was Gunna:(:( say is yesterday I was in a famous montana dinning and on the news there was this super racist guy who was saying he hates whites(sorry if this offends some people but it's what the guy said)and that he thinks of them as the scum of the earth and that the only way to get rid of them was to kill some of their babies........I was so shocked that I stopped eating and I was starving and only took like 2 bites of my food.maybe that guy was delusional or something but he might of inspired other people to do that and I really don't want that to happen and they said the government wasn't sure what to do about it so personally I think that police should be watching him but they shouldn't arrest him cuz he hasn't done anything yet but still........
  3. ya.i was never dating him tho i did once on dare from my brother.and like 3 months ago my frien was like id nevr like him again.im so ovr him (she dated him 4 times)but wen he aasked her out she said yes.....again.
  4. .........woah.hahahah but after i did that he was like wtf.and was all flippin out and his friends were offering me gum to spit at him again
  5. thsnk you pplz.i will miss u guys.im leaving tommaro but i hav to get up early.if u kno me then u wud c that as a VERY VERY bad idea.
  6. I hate to do this but im gunna have to leave the site for about month and a half in 2 days. tommaros the 4th of july and were leaving the day aftr that. my family is going cross country to meet up at some national park.and there wont be many electronics besides the ones i have.and the only one that could be able to acess internet is my itouch but where were going i doubt thered be wi fi:(.so to wrap it up i will miss those who will miss me.except for poupufruity cuz i already txt u to much as it is.and to those who wont miss me shudnt be reading this thread.lol just kiddin.so todays the last day im gunna be able to get to the site but i will try to find wi fi and bug spray when i go on the roadtrip.
  7. lol.ya ive actuallydone it before when i was so irritated.i kicked him as hard as i could (which is really hard)and i spit my gum at his face.it was soooooo funny
  8. hahahah ya.schools out now so i dont hav to c his face anymore.but wut was sad was that out of my 8 classes.he was in 7 of them.and he either sat by me or close to me.and he wudnt leave me alone.he just doesnt get the meaning of NO.hes like that girl from the movie obsessed.....ill hav to kill him then if its gunna b like that movie...
  9. Ok.Melennium snow isnt a very popular manga but it is an awesome one.And this is my first roleplaying so.....anyways.we should wait for 3 or 4 people to show up and pick charecters!!!I call Satsuki!!!!!
  10. I hate this dude.He says he loves me and he wishes that i would love him back when we both sure as hell know that ain't gunna happen.He says he'll never like anyone else.That same day he told my friend the same thing.I know cuz we were all txting eachother.Then when i asked him if he likes that girl he said hell no.i only like you.And then i told him not to txt me at night when i try to sleep.he said he wouldnt because he cared about me.11:33 am i got a txt from him.I cussed him out cuz i dont like to be woken up when im trying to sleep.He told me he was sorry and that he loves me but then he immeaditly asked out the other girl.He should just make up his stupid mind.I wish he would pick the other girl cuz i cant deal with all the freaken lies.thats just bull.Maybe i should just hurt him so much that he'll leave me alone.Maybe i should just ignore him.As long as he leaves me alone.:@
  11. I love transformers.i do wish the movies were a little longer though or the people would make another one.I HEART BUMBLE BEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. WARNING!!WARNING!!THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS SOMETHING VERY RANDOM AND FUNNY THAT YOU MIGHT PEE YOUR PANTS!!I ADVISE THAT YOU WEAR A DIPPER OR SIT ON THE CRAPPER! THIS IS THE STORY OF HOW JUSTIN BEIBER WAS CREATED One day the biggest slut before miley cyrus walked into a bar and saw goerge bush raping brittney spears.The slut was so jealous that she raped everything in sight.Brittney spears and the slut went into labor with eacother the next day cuz the unborn fetus's did not want to be within a hundred thousand miles of them let alone inside them.So after the fetus's were born the slut and brittney spears decided to rape eachtoher until theyn were interupted by their dads calling them at 2:30 in the morning to say: I have a really hot video of me dancing in womens lingerie singing "My first kiss" by 3OH!3 and Kesha with dancing monkeys that eventually get raped by us!! The lesbian couple just hung up to do that exact thing.After 9 months of marriage they had an ugly little boy named miley cyrus.the parents raped the child though its not considered child malesting if the boy enjoys it.when the boy turned 16 he had already got 30 dudes (how?dont ask me) and girls pregnant.Shes had 140 abortions and was raped 450 times.eventually she decided to keep one of the babys and named her justin beiber.they got married aftr the girl was born.And justin beiber became a famous singer by raping his way to thje top.But only one manwhore remained in his heart besides anyone else with a male part.and that was his wife/mother,miley cyrus.the couple lived happily ever after in a world where hippies exsist that are hated by me. AND THAT WAS HOW I TRIED TO ENTERTAIN MYSELF CUZ I WAS BORED:P:P
  13. I AM FREAKEN OBSESSED WITH THE HITACHIIN TWINS!!!!!!!!!I LOVE THEM SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!On my phone my signature is HIKARU&KAORU:)!!!!!!!!!!!my wallpaprs r all cute phtots of them!!!!!!!!i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo obsessed with them.ask poupufruity,she knos the worst of it
  14. eehhh....myb good.mayb bad.but my worst habit is to talk about the twins.lol but who says its a bad thing??lolz
  15. im bored.deal with it. 1:all my conversations end up talking about how much i luv the hitachiin twins.(case u didnt kno.im OBSESSED with them.) 2:its a reflex now for me to txt my friend.(friend-poupufruity) 3:every time i say damn hippie i have to say 'I HATE" or 'DAMN' in front otherwise i wont be able to say or write it.(no offense to those who like hippies) 4:even tho i hate technology i cant go 5 minutes without my phone,ipod or any sort of electronic 5:try to take my phone away and u better think about what ur gunna say to god cuz u will sure as hell meet. him 6:i dont usually walk my dog but if someone else tries to do it i get really pissed of. 7:every time i see a girl with a girl i flip 20 random people of dont like what you saw?im bored.deal with it.:dodgy:
  16. dude poupufuity u nevr even told him!!!!!i told my math teachr that and u didnt evn tell him!!!plus i think that dude is ugly now.
  17. its winter vacation where you live????!!!!!wow its summer ovr where i live.and bye bye even tho i dont kno u ill miss u!!
  18. ok get this.today i went to crater lake in oregon with relatives cuz it was supposed to be around 80 degrees or at least thats what the weatherman said.and he was right it was 75 degrees.that would have been perfect cept THERE WAS SNOW HIGHER THAN MY WAIST!!!!!!!!!!and im 5 feet some odd inches!!!!!thats freaken effed up!!!and i was wearing shorts and i step in the snow and i fall in a freken hole thats higher than my waist!!!!:@:@:@:@i got stuck and my stupid brother had to pull me out and i was soooo cold!!!!oregon has soooooo much problems with the weather,,,,please reply,:no complain.
  19. i think that you should try to get over him if he doesnt care cuz if you try to make him like you hes gunna think your a stalker or your obsessed which is pretty much the same thing.plusif you just try to make him like you and he doesnt return those feelings then your guna waste your time when you might fall in love with someone that actually likes you.
  20. well he was raping the lady(if its a lady cuz i doubt any girl wud want him.....unless the hav ABSOLUTLY no senses...)cuz no lady likes him.......she mustve done it on a dare.....
  21. i know.hes an effing shitbag......but what pisses me off is he told me he had to let it happen....
  22. that guy was txting me again.......he told me he was being raped by a high schooler......he said he "had to let it happen"........then he thinks he has the balls to ask me out......what an ass
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