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Everything posted by Sora'sMum

  1. I would but most of you I don't really know and if I wanted to talk to you I'd just do it here. Also, I don't tend to add randoms due to fear of rape (not really, duh) But if you really want to, you can find my name on my profile and go from there.
  2. Are we allowed to post download links for people who have 'already bought it' cough ahem? You know to make things easier.
  3. You're probably right, but it would be a lot more interesting if he was referring to KH1
  4. This is my 4th year of learning chinese and I can't tell you what any of it says. I can identify individual characters and small bits, but as whole sentences, maybe another 10 years.
  5. Those secret endings are kind of like ideas that Nomura has for the next game(s). They give insight into the next game but things can be scrapped if needed or wanted
  6. I've noticed a lot of threads about sexuality related things lately and let me tell you I've learnt a lot. I'd never heard of pansexual up until two days ago and just heard of trisexual now. I've been really surprised with how open everyone is about themselves, it's really strange to me. Maybe it's because I go to a Catholic all boys school. We don't usually talk about this sort of stuff, and people who come across as 'gay' are usually bagged. Well, to answer the question, I guess you're born with it but you also have to make the choice to go with it or not.
  7. $30!!!!! That's incredibly cheap! God of war 3 is still $68 and Heavy rain $58 in Australia.
  8. Yes it is very wrong! lol jks it's not like there's much else to do on nintendogs
  9. Sora'sMum


    I was actually surprised with that movie. I thought it was going to be bad like some of his other movies but I quite liked it.
  10. when a kingdom hearts game is release in outside of Japan it usually has things added to it. A final mix is when the game is re re-released in Japan with the added stuff from the overseas version and extra stuff as well that only the Japanese get. Unless you choose to import the game.
  11. ^ I can't remember. Just search sailor moon theme mp3 download or something like that. You'll find it.
  12. A 1gb one is fine. If you want to install the game to the memory stick to make it load faster it only used a maximum of 600 or mb (there are smaller options as well). Save files are only a matter of kb so 1gb is plenty, unless you're planning to get other games with an install feature.
  13. I don't want to reveal what city I live in. But I can say I live in Victoria. Fair enough. I assumed you lived in Victoria anyway from the fact you go for North Melbourne.
  14. I used to watch it all the time. I have the theme song on my ipod.
  15. KH2 and BBS were my favourites. I like the slowness of KH's and the mix up and additions in BBS. Days' was pretty good to.
  16. ^And a trailer was just released with her voice acting Aya Brea in The 3rd Birthday. Pretty sweet.
  17. Which EB Games would this happen to be? I remember seeing a few pre-owned copies somewhere but definitely not new copies. I would buy it but I bought X and got bored quite quickly.
  18. ^not really. Rugby has more in common with American football than Australian football imo.
  19. Yeah, I go to a Catholic school and we don't have bible class, although we have class called texts and traditions which i think is similar. I don't do it so i'm not sure.
  20. Cool song. I've never heard of Bible class before. I have a class called Religion and Society, which focuses more on religion in the modern day and how it affects us, and we learn about other religions as well. So all you is read and learn passages from the bible? Sounds pretty boring to be honest.
  21. No... just no... Ok, sorry. Just putting ideas out there.
  22. Like you said, I think he's faceless during creation and then changed to look like Sora after Ven accepted his heart. So in theory, Vanitas could look like Riku if it were him that entered Ven's heart. Or even a chicken if Ven was really desperate for a heart
  23. It's not the same as American football. You run with the ball in your hands but you have to kick the ball to score. It's a completely different sport. check it out d-PFRrJQtew
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