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Everything posted by Sora'sMum

  1. Rudd is such a lad. Compared to Abbott anyway. At this point in time I'm leaning more towards Rudd.
  2. What an . . . interesting. . conversation this is.
  3. A couple of sexy pics of me and my mates. I'm the one at the bottom of first pic, right of second pic.
  4. Can't you just download the video and convert the files to whatever you need?
  5. I hope that by "I saw red" you mean the red light of the sunset. Had to read it like 5 times to make sure I didn't misunderstand.
  6. I paint my hair black to represent the darkness in the world consuming my soooouuul. It also represents my emotionally devoid mindset, where I just think of death and cool names for my emo-punk-deathmetal band, Serious Dark Leviathan Evil Shit, duuude.
  7. I played both final fantasy XIII and XIII-2 but I really feel like I missed something with all this talk of Bhunivelze, other gods and whatever.
  8. It's like a shrub has shot out of the ground revealing heaps of hidden roots. Almost like if a diglett were to come out of the ground and show it's buff body.
  9. Idola (the old man) should definitely be voiced by Ian McKellen
  10. I would laugh too if a guy tried to give me a firetruck. I mean, what am I supposed to do with it? Fight some fires? eh, eh?
  11. Lol pacific rim hotel. I was half expecting him the article to say he was killed by a giant monster. Sad for his friends and family though.
  12. Look, I'm going to be honest. I'm a PlayStation fanboy. The other consoles can go die in a hole, ET on Atari style.
  13. Geez guys, she obviously means what TYPE is the best/strongest. i.e. steel, grass, fire, poison, etc. And I for one don't have an answer. Don't play enough pokemon.
  14. To be completely honest, I've noticed a lot of people on this site have various emotional, mental, psychological (whatever you want to call it) issues. Ranging from not very serious, to quite serious. I would not attribute this to Kingdom Hearts being the cause, but that the internet is a form of escape from the demons of their 'real' world. Anyway, as for your friends, I'm not entirely sure. It could be pure coincidence, or maybe they've been like that the whole time and have just got tired of pretending. Or maybe Tetsuya Nomura hides depressants in the games' code, who knows. Not me.
  15. When that baby thing came out of the bloodsucker, the WTF-ness went from 100 to 100 million.
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