Nah I don't. But I'm not bashing the console for being crap. I'm saying that the way Nintendo has handled it has been awful. The name first off is very confusing for people who don't keep up to date with gaming news, i.e. parents. The initial marketing/promoting was bad as it put too much emphasis on the gamepad, making it seem like an add on to the Wii. The initial game releases were poor and the number of games released has been slow (but to be fair, I'm running dry of games on my PS4 as well). Yes, the future of Wii U is looking brighter, with big name games being released soon.
Like I said, I don't own a Wii U, so I can't judge its capabilities and whatever, and I'm not. I'm saying Nintendo's handling of it both pre and post release should have been a lot better. They're being their own worst enemy in that regard.