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  2. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to _The Door To Light_ in My KH III ideas/predictions for Disney Worlds   
    Treasure Planet pls.
  3. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to weaster4 in My KH III ideas/predictions for Disney Worlds   
    Well, if you really want to know my opinion...
    No, just no to (almost) everything.
  4. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to _The Door To Light_ in Code Lyoko Evolution   
    William and Ulrich look hawt. *o*
  5. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Blake in Code Lyoko Evolution   
    Odd does look a little too young, or is it just me. The cast fits the characters fine to me!
    (aelita's hair is strange looking though)
  6. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Shana09 in IGN's Game of the Year 2012 (Nintendo 3DS)   
    Just a hunch, but I think KH3D will get the most votes. 
  7. Like
    Khrulesbbs got a reaction from Kurama in 3DS owners   
    lol i wouldnt ever take time out of my day just to rate a game on eshop
  8. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Tails in Okay, enough of this!   
    Seriously, you guys think the world will end on December 21st? I'll tell you right now that it won't and that we will all be still alive and well when that day comes. Now I know that most of these threads about the world's end is o the random section but it's kind of getting annoying. It's like you guys are saying "Oh my gosh the world is going to end but I'm going to make it sound funny so it wouldn't scare everyone." I, for one, don't believe in that nonsense. I know that there are those of you who don't believe in the world ending but it kinda feels like you guys are hiding your  thoughts/feelings/reactions about the world "ending" through the random section. And I know that there are some people who actually believe that the world will end. But I'm very confident and highly sure that this won't be the end of the world. Now the thing about the the sun blowing up is very true. it is intended to happen at some point but if I remember correctly, that doesn't happen for about another 1 million years from now. Which is when we are all dead. So for those of you that actually believe in tthat, don't worry because it's not happening for a very long time.
    I'm sorry but I just had to let this out. This doesn't piss me off or anything but seeing a lot of threads about it is kind of getting a bit annoying. I mean it's cool that there are those who truly don't believe in the world ending but seeing a crap load of threads about it is starting to just get a bit ridiculous. 
  9. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Caity in Where are the Brilliant and Wild Fantasies?   
    Brilliant Fantasy: Special Portals 6 on Symphony, 1, 2, 3 on TWNTW. (Riku)
    Wild Fantasy: Special Portals 6 on Symphony, 1, 2, 3 on TWNTW. (Sora)
    (Taken from Decimo's post on this topic: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/38709-where-to-find-materials/ generally when you post a topic as a reply where the answer isn't the second post, people stop reading)  
    Also, kill Kab Kannon and you will get Brilliant fantasies, then use your DE cards and respawn it and repeat.  This however took a long time for me 'cause I was a high level and had to wait for it to die in a laser section, so I don't think it's worth your time unless you manage to get a low leveled Kab Kannon.  
  10. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Tails in No name?   
    The reason Mickey said "Oh no. Are you?" is because he figured that young Xehanort was the one who was able to time travel as he and Yen Sid had speculated.
  11. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to baylaust in KH13 running jokes: A guide to newer members   
    So there have been a lot of newer members showing up lately, and I've noticed that some are having trouble picking up on some 'inside jokes' around here. So that they won't feel too left out in the future, I've composed some of the running jokes of KH13 for the new guys.

    - Chronic Tumor is the original KH13 troll
    - Amon is the current KH13 troll
    - Jessica is the apprentice KH13 troll
    - Roxas69 loves Australia
    - Everyone knows Roxas69 loves Australia
    - And Roxas69 also loves to keep reminding us he loves Australia
    - We do not love this
    - Roxas69 thinks he's also a mod
    - We all know this is false
    - But we also know Aaron is the only male in Daniel's KH13 staff harem
    - Therefore DC and Aaron are a couple
    - No one has talked about that for a long time
    - I hate myself for bringing that back to life
    - 6 out of the 8 mods are female
    - 7 out of the 8 mods are regularily active
    - Jessica is trying to be a mod
    - He's getting there
    - My name is not capitalized
    - Despite this, people always capitalize my name
    - This annoys me more than it should
    - Chances are that the more active members are 'owned' by a mod
    - This really doesn't mean a lot
    - 90% of the posts end with the phrase '/shot'
    - 99% of threads have a strong start
    - 99% of those threads are killed by people who don't get the joke
    - A war against me will start within one page of posts because people will think I'm talking about them
    - Kaiso's boobs
    - Nuff said
    - Cella is a man
    - Cella and Kaiso are in a serious relationship
    - Cella's Pants
    - Nuff said
    - Mods can edit any post they want
    - They tend to abuse that power
    - Get used to it
    - But it's fuuuuun
    - God dammit
    - DChiuch is a fan of Smosh
    - Type the word 'f**k'
    - See?
    - Nathan is a douchebag
    - I miss the days when that worked
    - Put (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ in your status
    - People will follow your example
    - Seriously, try it
    - Jessica's gender changes a lot
    - I luckily got it right this time
    - Tomorrow I'll be wrong
    - Ivan and Stan are unhappily married
    - Can you feel the love eminating from all of our members?
    - If so, something's seriously wrong with you
    - The Random section isn't serious
    - Ever
    - If you take a thread in Random seriously, leave the Random section
    - 90% of the site is made of bronies
    - 9% of the site is anti-brony
    - I like unicorns
    - So ha
    - All good Random threads die within a day
    - All bad Random threads thrive for a long time
    - Wait...
    - Various members have made / had fanclubs dedicated to various users
    - This is very similar to the "DC and Aaron are a couple" running joke
    - Similar in the way that no one should ever bring them up again
    - Tom is not a cool member
    - He probably will never be
    - He thinks this won't be on the running jokes
    - He's wrong
    - Roxas69 is in love with DC
    - This isn't really a 'joke'
    - I legitimately think he's in love with him
    - Roxas69 will deny it, but it's firetrucking true
    - SEE?!
    - When I post on a thread, it dies quickly after
    - This makes me feel like I'm killing the threads
    - Then I cry myself to sleep
    - Robutt is not a guy
    - Wait, he's not?
    - That just blew my mind
    - SoraKing3 hates SK3
    - SK3 hates SoraKing3
    - SK3 hates SK3
    - SoraKing3 hates SoraKing3
    - Do the math
    - Roxas69 is a koala
    - Get it? It's because he loves Australia
    - Now laugh
    - Aaron's never around
    - Go ahead and ask him if this is true
    - Oh wait, you can't, because he's never around
    - Stan is not a man
    - Stan is not a woman
    - F**k it, I dunno
    - Every time Apprentice posts a status, it gets 20+ comments
    - She doesn't want you to hate her for it
    - Just don't talk to her about it. The conversation will never end
    - Eterna owes everyone on the site wet t-shirt pics
    - This obviously doesn't interest me
    - He does have some damn fine abs, though...
    - DChiuch is a God
    - Nobody worships him
    - Therefore, DChiuch is not a God
    - Except he is
    - bAYLAUST FOR MOD 2012
    - Stan is perfect
    - The joke is that it isn't a joke
    - Stan is literally perfect
    - Ertyx's name is Trey
    - Despite this people still call him Tery
    - This annoys him as much as Baylaust annoys me
    - There is a horny firetrucker called Shana09
    - She'll probably deny it
    - Once she gets out of the boys' locker room, that is
    - Kaiso has a fascination with butts
    - shh Apprenty don't remove that
    - But no seriously
    - Mention it and she will always come
    - waterudoin kaiso
    - Please refer back to how mods abuse their ability to edit any post they want to understand the above exchange

    So that covers some of the inside jokes / running jokes on this site on the top of my head, and I'm sure that I'm missing many more. To the veterans of the site, feel free to post more inside jokes to keep the new guys up to date. I hope you all enjoyed this post.
  12. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to baylaust in Random forum rule   
    Isn't that the reason so many people loved KH13, and the change from that style being the reason why so many people left in the past? So many members love the close connectivity with others on the site. It makes it feel like more than a forum: a community. If the ability to make threads about these kind of things is taken away, it's like we're losing that close knit feeling that made so many others fall in love with the site in the first place. Like me.
    "It's basically that a topic needs to be funny enough by itself, and not depend completely on inside jokes that only a few members know."
    How about this thread: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/23321-kh13s-running-jokes-a-guide-for-newer-members/
    The reason I made it was to bring together all the inside jokes, to help newer members become closer with the existing community, and to just have fun. But it relied on inside jokes for humour as well. We can explain things to them, or if they're lost, they can ask.
  13. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to DChiuch in Random forum rule   
    Okay guys, relax, you know I'm always up for having an open discussion about these things. No need to rally support.
    Here's the reasoning that I gave Apprentice before:
    Perhaps I should amend the rule to better explain this? You guys have to understand though, you make up like 1% of the visitors to KH13. I have to make it a great place for the other 99% of members too, instead of it feeling like a place where everyone knows each other already and has their own well-established culture (which makes it difficult to get new members to feel like they can get involved). If people don't understand what these topics are getting at, it's not a great place for them. If the topics are mostly self-explanatory and the inside joke isn't the whole point, then that's okay.
    KH13 has always been great because of how easy it is for new members to jump in. We are definitely seen as the friendliest, easiest to join website, and having the Random forum contain lots of topics that are dominated by a few members goes against this. (We don't want to be like KHI.)
  14. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to baylaust in Random forum rule   
    Although I sense that this can only end well, I shall provide my own input:
    I truly do not see why this rule needs to exist. Isn't the Random forum supposed to be the "do whatever the hell you want" forum? Asides from things that some people might take offense to, which I understand why those would need to be taken down, this forum exists so that people can just have a good time. And some of the best, most popular threads are the ones that were created and addressed to specific members, whether just poking fun or possibly even creating another inside joke. But if this is going to be an enforced rule, have it enforced for everyone. If not, then get rid of it, because honestly, I really don't see the need for this rule. We've had some of the most fun in those kind of threads. And if it weren't for stuff like that to keep me occupied, seeing a thread with my name pop up to have fun in, or the name of someone else and seeing what inside joke awaited inside, I'd probably not hang around nearly as much as I do.
  15. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Weiss in Random forum rule   
    I agree completely. It's like only some of the topics like that are getting locked. Really, a lot of kh13's history is based on those inside jokes. Even most of the threads in the best of kh13 section have those jokes and such in them.
  16. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to HarLea Quinn in Random forum rule   
    Agreed .The double standards on this site need to go .
  17. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Obi-wan in Random forum rule   
    Got agree with you guys this is just unfair. What's the point in this section if we can't joke around to our hearts content?
  18. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to hatok in Random forum rule   
    I've been bringing this up in a bunch of topics lately, but nobody is heeding me
    This new random rule
    First of all, it's being enforced very selectively, and only just recently. But beyond that, it has severe ramifications for the culture of KH13.
    The MOST popular threads in random are about specific members. It was very special to me when my Marriage of Daniel Chiuchiarelli and Aaron McNabb became popular. It was my first real KH13 success, or indeed, online success of any sort. Under this new rule, that topic wouldn't exist. MOST of the topics in random wouldn't exist. i|t's full of in jokes. I understand that might be frustrating, but the inside jokes are vital for member retention. Sooner or later, people aren't going to stick around here just for KH news (Especially during a dry spell like now) but if they have a deep community driven culture to return to, it's hard to drop. I can say with 100% faith that I will leave KH13 if we lose the ability to express this freedom. The driving force behind keeping members for a logn term is that there ARE inside jokes that you can strive to understand, and eventually these members will make their own.But there's more than that. I'm willing to bet that if I made a thread tomorrow called "Cella's Pants" it wouldn't get deleted, instead, most of the mods and older members would probably Like it, instead. Now you may argue "But that's a part of KH13 history, it's more of a widely known meme , it's not just about one member" But HOW os anybody else supposed to obtain that if everything like that will be deleted on sight?
    In a similar breath, I'm willing to bet that if I made another Conspiracy Theory video, it wouldn't be deleted. KI won't though, it's unfair that this rule is being treated selectively. But besides that, if this rule is 100% enforced, what am I supposed to do? Start posting "Cheesecake Banna so randum!" or reposting 9gag pictures?
    I'm pretty sure I'm reaching the Too Long, Didn't Read range, so here's the basic idea:
    This new rule is essentially undercutting the creative culture of KH13. It's trying to remove inside jokes from a forum, and that is not a good thing. KH13 would not be the same place without Ariel, or Koko=Satan, or the resident "trolls", or bayTrey, or even the Zexy Party Time. It's not the same without piss parties, or Aqua's boobs, or so many other things
    Keep KH13, KH13
  19. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Amon in KH13's Running Jokes: REVISED EDITION   

    So there have been a lot of newer members showing up lately, and I've noticed that some are having trouble picking up on some 'inside jokes' around here. So that they won't feel too left out in the future, I've composed some of the running jokes of KH13 for the new guys.

    - Chronic Tumor is the [REDACTED]
    - Jessica is the [CENSORED]
    - Roxas69 loves [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - Everyone knows Roxas69 [DATA CORRUPT]
    - And Roxas69 also loves to keep reminding us [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - Roxas69 thinks [CENSORED]
    - We [REDACTED]
    - But we also know Aaron is the only male in Daniel's [CLASSIFIED]
    - Therefore DC and Aaron [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - No one has talked [CENSORED]
    - I hate myself for [DATA CORRUPT]
    - 6 out of the 8 mods are [DATA CORRUPT]
    - 7 out of the 8 mods are [REDACTED]
    - He's [CENSORED]
    - My name is not [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - Despite this, people always [REDACTED]
    - This annoys [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - Chances are that the more active members are IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
    - This really doesn't [REDACTED]
    - 90% of the posts end with [DATA CORRUPT]
    - 99% of threads have [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - 99% of those threads [FALSE INFORMATION WRITER DETAINED]
    - A war against me will start within 
    - Kaiso's [CENSORED]
    - Nuff said
    - Cella is [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - Cella and Kaiso are in [DATA CORRUPT]
    - Cella's [REDACTED]
    - Nuff said
    - Get used to it
    - But it's fuuuuun 
    - God dammit
    - DChiuch is a [CENSORED]
    - Type the word 'f**k'
    - See?
    - Nathan is a [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - I miss the days when that worked
    - Put (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ in your status
    - People will follow your example
    - Seriously, try it
    - Jessica's gender [REDACTED]
    - I luckily got it IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
    - Tomorrow I'll be [CENSORED]
    - Can you feel the love eminating from all of our members?
    - If so, something's seriously [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - The Random section isn't serious
    - Ever
    - If you take a thread in Random seriously, leave the Random section
    - 90% of the site is made of [REDACTED]
    - 9% of the site is 
    - I like [CENSORED]
    - So ha
    - All good Random threads die within a day
    - All bad Random threads thrive for a long time
    - Wait...
    - Various members have made [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - This is very similar to the "DC and Aaron are [FALSE INFORMATION WRITER DETAINED]
    - Similar in the way that no one should ever bring them up again
    - Tom is [REDACTED]
    - He probably will [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - He thinks this won't be [DATA CORRUPT]
    - He's wrong
    - Roxas69 is [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - This isn't really a 'joke'
    - I legitimately think he's 
    - Roxas69 will deny it, but [CENSORED]
    - SEE?!
    - When I post on a thread, it [REDACTED]
    - This makes me feel like I'm [DATA CORRUPT]
    - Wait, he's [CENSORED]
    - That just blew my [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - SoraKing3 hates [DATA CORRUPT]
    - SK3 hates [CENSORED]
    - SoraKing3 hates [REDACTED]
    - Do the math
    - Get it? It's because he [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - Now laugh
    - Aaron's never [CENSORED]
    - Go ahead and ask him [REDACTED]
    - Oh wait, you can't, because he's never [iNFORMATION FALSE WRITER DETAINED]
    - Stan is not [CENSORED]
    - Stan is not [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - F**k it, I [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - Every status Apprentice posts a status IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
    - She doesn't want you to [CENSORED]
    - Just don't talk to her about it. The conversation will [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - This obviously doesn't [REDACTED]
    - He does have some damn fine[CENSORED]
    - DChiuch is the God-Emperor of KH13 and through his devine glory we will achieve salvation. 
    - Nobody Everyone worships him
    - Therefore, DChiuch is not a God
    - Except he is
    - Stan is [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - The joke is that it isn't a joke
    - Stan is literally [iNFORMATION DELETED]
    - It's like chemistry in a bottle
    - Yes, it's that disastrous
    - Ertyx's name is [CENSORED]
    - Despite this people still call him [REDACTED]
    - This annoys him as much as Baylaust [iNFORMATION FALSE WRITER DETAINED]
    - There is a horny firetrucker called [DATA CORRUPT]
    - She'll probably [CENSORED]
    - Once she gets out of the boys' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
    - Kaiso has a fascination[CENSORED]
    - shh Apprenty don't [DATA EXPUNGED]
    - But no seriously
    - Mention it and she will always come
    - waterudoin [REDACTED]

    So that covers some of the inside jokes / running jokes on this site on the top of my head, and I'm sure that I'm missing many more. To the veterans of the site, feel free to post more inside jokes to keep the new guys up to date. I hope you all enjoyed this post.

  20. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Weiss in what r u gonna do for the next 20 days   
    Well, I still wouldn't believe it or wouldn't care so I'd just do whatever I want.
  21. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to HarLea Quinn in what r u gonna do for the next 20 days   
    I feel sorry for anyone who actually believes the worlds gonna end Dec 21... Seriously people lolz
  22. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Roxas Seeking Light in Are you excited for Christmas?   
    If you mean am I ready to get KH:DDD, then hell yes!!!!!! But if you mean celebrating Jesus Christ, then f*ck that.
  23. Like
    Khrulesbbs got a reaction from Queen Tery in Where is the joke Razorwind?   
    my opinion is this thread wouldnt make it there either
  24. Like
    Khrulesbbs reacted to Blake in Oishii, why didn't you tell me...   
    oooooooh it has additional parking
  25. Like
    Khrulesbbs got a reaction from Snow in The extra from beating the game.   
    the only reason people seem to hate re com is because of the gameplay. If your mind really cant handle some numbers on cards. I think its time to move back to barney
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