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Everything posted by Halestorm

  1. Awesome. I too am very blessed, and am touched that others will freely say the same! Praise the Lord, and may He continue to bless you and your loved ones!
  2. ...I DON'T HAVE A PS3!!!!! WHYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ...Okay, I'm good. But I WANT that game, dang it! Why can't it be on an affordable system? I'm in college, I can't afford that PS3 thing! ...Fine, I'll stop ranting. The voice in my head told me to shut up... His name is Bane.
  3. Hmm, let's see. ***SPOILERS! INCLUDES ALL KH3D BOSSES!*** (please note that I played the Standard mode) Hockomonkey (Sora/Riku) - Pretty easy. Although it was the first boss, even the rematch version wasn't that hard. Wargoyle (if I got that right) (Riku) - This one was actuall a toss-up. I beat it on the first try, but it took some genuine effort. (Sora) - Oh, good grief. This thing was a PAIN! It took me several tries to get it. GRR! Char/Chill-Lobsters (Riku) - Firecrab got burned! The upside-down thing wasn't that tough, and the boss was easy to figure out. (Sora) - The only real difference here was a colder entree and a cool end-battle scene. Rinzler/Commantis (Riku) - The mantis took me a couple of tries to get, but once I got the pattern it was game over. (Sora) - It was a pretty cool battle, though I think I kind of cheated. Whenever Rinzler flipped the screen, I just mashed Y to guard. Not too hard, but somewhat challenging. Holey Moley/Pete (Riku) - GAH-GRR-GUFF-GRGHGHGHGH!!! This is the most annoyin boss in all of the KH universe! The stupid Hyenas in KHII were less annoying than this! (Sora) - Meh. It had a very small challenge to it, but the scenes were fun. Chernabog/Spellican (Riku) - Cool! A drop boss! This was one of my favorite boss fights, actually. Shame you can't retry it. (Sora) - Boy, this stupid bird was tough. And those brooms! Those electric-shooting, pain in the hinie, brooms! It took me a few tries, but I got it. This is an ideal boss, right here. Xemnas Not bad at all. I actually had to go back and level up a bit before I could beat him, but he was a pretty good fight. Ansem - SoD (Form 1) - Classic. A good, tough fight and solid battle overall. (Form 2) - This one took me a few tries. I do kind of wish this one had a replay; it was fun. ABCN Boy, at first - hardest boss of the game! After five minutes - piece of cake. It basically repeats a pattern of attacks and once you know those, you can easily kick its butt. YMX This is my favorite boss of the game. Awesome battle, awesome plot point, awesome background music. Glad you can re-fight him. Final Boss (to prevent spoiling) Very tough, and well done. A good fight to end the game on. It was as tough as it should be and not too easy. Julius (I doubt this name alone will spoil you) A very obscure, but cool referance. It took me like 30 tries, but I got the ULTIMA KEYBLADE! Although Unbound's better, in my opinion. Very hard secret boss. Anyone else? No? Well, there's my opinions.
  4. Can't wait for 3D!!! Currently trying to beat MF with Terra... I'm getting close :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. replika13
    3. Crashrobot55


      um its much easier with ven but what attacks do u hav

    4. Halestorm


      I'm using the surges (Fire Surge & Thunder Surge). Yeah, Ven is easier, but I already beat MF with Ven. Now I'm onto Terra and I might go for Aqua sometime later.

  5. ...If you don't want to spoil yourself... DON'T GO TO ANY KH WIKIA PAGE!!!!! (No spoilers are in this post) I was loooking at pictures of keyblades for a fanfic I'm writing, when all of a sudden a character's bio RUINS KH3D's ending for me! I feel so used!!! *sobs for hours* ...And now I'm over it. The game'll still be awesome, and I don't know the in between, but I implore you, DON'T SPOIL YOURSELF! Take it from me, you really shouldn't if you don't really like to spoil yourself. In less self-pity-related news, I can't wait for July 30th! I'll be in Disney World during the release. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png That's all.
  6. Well, to be honest, I never expected Zexion to be the winner. Well, it was fun.
  7. think it'll be Ven, Aqua, then Terra. Not sure why. Just a feeling in my gut.
  8. They won't load for me. I don't think it's my computer, I can watch stuff on youtube fine. I'm not gonna vote till I can see them.
  9. deliver lucky electrical llamas soon qwert
  10. I'm gonna replay KH:CoM and KH II. What difficulty mode should I play?

    1. TerraRedeemed


      beginner for CoM cause anything else is just a waste of bloody time...and expert for 2

    2. Roxas029


      You mean Re:CoM?

      And for KHII, i have started from Beginner and worked my way up to Proud Mode. Depending how much you played KHII, I cant really answer your question.

    3. terraxaqua34
  11. Ummmm. How do you include Beast's Castle as a common game? Here's how many games each has been in so far ; Wonderland: 5 Olympus Coliseum: 6 (ALL of them!) Agrabah: 5 Halloween Town: 4 Neverland: 3 Beast's Castle: 2 So, really, Beast's Castle has only been in KH II and 358/2, so why is it "common"? Now, if you'll excuse my little technicality rant, I would say Beast's Castle,(Cuz the ending of KHII Left it pretty finished), Wonderland, (Cuz it's annoying), and Olympus, (Cuz it's getting repetitive). Thank you for reading.
  12. Who else thinks Marluxia's hair color becam more muted between CoM and 358/2?

  13. Just Walk By The Mausoleum SACLH
  14. My Old Vampire Is Evil WATCH
  15. BTW I'm a dude.

  16. When i was 15, (2 years ago) people thought i was my 6 year old sister's dad. 6!!!
  17. It depends. I enjoy playing boss battles, watching ONLY trailers before the game comes out, and watching cutscenes during the game. So, if you're asking which i like to watch, it's trailers.
  18. Heal Xigbar and hurt Zexion Xigbar: 7 Zexon: 22
  19. Nah, some people say, "everyone and their grandma can use the key blade" And although I disagree with that, cuz only the main characters can, (there's really only lke 10 people) I don't want it to come to that.
  20. I'd like to see more of Isa. ya'know, what he was like before.
  21. This is six including 2 4's above me.
  22. Cool! Happy B-day, Have some sea-salt ice cream on me!
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