alrighty lets give this a shot u sound like a guy whos got all his ducks in a row i been having trouble picking a major for school, now mind you ive been out of of high school for a couple of years now(i sound like a granny lol dont worry peeps im not), and ive never really had that omg moment where im like"this is what i want in my life!" been to councelers at school and all they say is "doing good, just stay track!" me: "im on track? for what?" when i ask other people for advise on this they all just say" do something your're good at" but im like "i dont really know what im good at!? how is this gonna work? my peeps at work are always questioning me about whats the next step for me and it makes me uncomfortable/annoyed and angry( at myself) for not knowing how to answer. One even asked if i had given up and asked me if was just going to use my looks to find a guy to marry, this really ticked me off! i know people say not to worry and to take my time deciding, but now i feel it is leaving a bad impression of me on people and i dont want that i know i shouldnt care but i cant help it.You say that you're about to go into the military, how did you come to that decision? did you get up one morning and decide it or did u plan this step throughout your years in high school? and then when you did decide how long did it take you to act upon it, were you like"im gonna do this, but i'll work on it tomorrow"<<<and then tmw turns into a week,a month etc.(oh gawd story of my life!) or did you just start immediately that very second?
Ahhhh so many questions and doubts running through my head!!! oh my this turned out longer than expected lol! lots of thanks and virtual hugs** to anyone who reads this<3 would very much like to hear your opinions on this, thanks again!