Present Day Washington DC you are apart of an elite group pulled of soldiers pulled from the different branches of Military from all over the world to take down a new threat. Aliens from Mercury with unimaginable technology. Normal weapons do not have any effect on them. But the government has a new weapon to beat them.
Now here is where you come in. There is this meteor that crashed by area 51 this meteor is where a new metal was formed. This metal is called Azullium. It is this platinum looking metal that gives off a blue glow. They have crafted these metals into weapons. Nothing like guns but just more savage like weapons. Like swords, knives, anything like that. But oddly, they could only create 7 weapons out of the of the Azullium they had. Those seven weapons are also tied to the person's body. Due to studies done with the metal made as various forms of jewelry. if the wielder dies the items turn to dust, that can not be used. So they were given to you, the elite of your Military Branches.
This metal is cool to the touch which affects the Veniuns which are based off of flames and magma due to their planets closeness to the sun. Azullium freezes the magma in their veins thats runs through them like blood. So with good hit with an Azullium weapon it can kill these Veniuns.
The Veniuns are humanoids they are shaped just like us but their skin looks like molten rock with magma veins showing through their skin. The skin is rock hard making it hard for bullets and any other weapons to pass through. Except the Azullium. These aliens are also very smart and tactical so killing one isn't easy. They are also impossibly fast which gives us one more disadvantage. But one other mystery of the Azullium is that it gives the wielder strange abilities. Like passing through walls,moving extremely fast, being incredibly strong. It all depends on the wielder
Also loss of your weapon will result in a slow painful death. The Azullium becomes part of your blood stream turning you into a new species, but the only physical difference is a glowing blue tattoo on your forearm.
Rules: You should all know the rules so I'm not going to put them unless it becomes an issue
Character Sheet:
Military: (Country, and Branch)
Azullium Weapon:
Azullium Ability:
Here is Mine
Name: Alexander Alleyffe
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Military: British Special Forces
Azullium Weapon: A combat Tomahawk forged from Azullium and a normal knife for his free hand
Azullium Ability: Transportation in short distances.