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Corrupted keyblade

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Everything posted by Corrupted keyblade

  1. Lol I have no interest in the show except her but I still don't watch it, I just watch her videos
  2. I actually didn't know her from her tv show, I fell in love with her youtube vids and I'm such a fan!
  3. "Well if one of you stays in touch it'll be alright. Ya'll just stick together and Ya'll will do fine, just make sure both of ya'll don't lose it or else ya'll ma be in a little bit of trouble" Tony said looking back at their house. He could smell dead wolves all over the building it was definetly of hunters home which made him a little scared of the area but he was just glad the hunters were gone
  4. Tony let out a slight laugh as he stopped and turned around to talk to her. "Its not a big deal, I understand why she is mad and part of me wants to just maul you both down now but I also have a strong hold on my humanity still, I don't plan on letting go of it, its the only thing keeping me from being that monster" Tony said letting out a sigh "It wouldn't be a bad idea to make sure you remember ya'lls past"
  5. Tony didn't like the hatred being put off by Lucia he was hoping to get rid of that hatred eventually. "Well thanks for not re-attacking me and I'll maybe see ya'll again, stay safe" Tony said knowing he wasn't wanted their so he walked back out into the woods covered with shadows around the trees. He looked up the moon and felt lucky of his new found control
  6. Tony could feel the distrust coming from Lucia "well seeing how I have nothing you are right about everything being better. Well I also don't want to intrude I was just curious, see us soldiers always thought that vampires lived in huge castles in the middle of know where but I see those stereotypes are wrong" Tony said with a slight laugh trying to tick off Lucia.
  7. Tony grinned when he knew they were going to be peaceful. "Lets just kind of keep together and watch out for hunters." Tony said "And as I remember you two were on your back about to die but no more fighting between us, please." Tony said looking at the two. "Do ya'll have a home?" Tony asked the two girls seeing how he didn't have a home and would need a place to stay.
  8. (I apologize to everyone but I'm closing this RP down)
  9. Tony was back to human form now and looked at the two "You two remind me of my best friend, he made me this way and I kind of hate him now but I miss the friendship a little bit but its hard to forget. I don't want ya'll to be like that so again I'm just here to apologize ya'll aren't any different, or worse than I" Tony said to the two not knowing why he felt this way.
  10. How would you KH13 kids like to be apart of a contest called KH13 Idol? Where you kids sing and compete, let me know what ya'll think por favor

    1. Corrupted keyblade

      Corrupted keyblade

      Lol, so I'd take it you'd want to be apart of the contest? :P

    2. demy1077


      how do we sing in this thing

    3. Corrupted keyblade

      Corrupted keyblade

      You would post a video or audio clip of you singing

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  11. Tony held his hands up and looked at them "I'm not here to fight I am just here to apologize for attacking, Its just we were wired to hate each other. I don't like fighting or being.... This, but I just feel bad for what happened." Tony said, this felt weird and he figured he must have better control since he's been a wolf for a while. Tony looked at the other one surprised she wasn't attacking
  12. Tony was standing behind a shadow hidden even though they were vampires they still cared for each other. He stepped from the shadow "Ya'll aren't that bad" Tony said in a deep growling wolf voice. "I had a brother once... ya'll need to stick together" Tony said as his wolf form started slowly coming back to normal. Tony stared at them hoping they wouldn't attack.
  13. The second he was released he grabbed her by the throat. He then ran to her sister and put her in a choke hold as well. "I warned you to leave. its to late now. I tried to stay human but I don't have a choice. He then slammed the girls into each other and threw them on the ground. Should've listened to your sister and got less cocky." Tony said as he was about to make a killing slash on the two girls but he then looked in each of their eyes. He paused as he started changing more into a wolf he couldn't do it. "Your lucky" He growled as he ran out.
  14. (accepted) Tony laughed a bit and then kicked her knee in breaking it. He knew she could easily fix it but he needed her down. He then jumped up getting stronger because of the moon. He then knocked her down and jumped on top of her. He was growling and pinning her down. He had each one of his hands pushing her arms down He snarled at her as his teeth started turning into fangs. "If you value your lives I suggest you run. I can't stop myself" Tony said
  15. Tony felt free and grinned "You can use your powers whenever that moon hits, cuz after that I lose control" Tony popped his knuckles. "Ladies first" he mocked as he let out a sarcastic bow. He then got ready to dodge waiting for his opponent to attack. Tony watched the moon seeing it was rising and knowing he would black out soon, it was a terrible feeling to him.
  16. New Characters: Name: Chase Blaze Age: 21 History: Chase Blaze, same old cliche mutant story. Parents think he's a demon so they kicked him out on the streets. Fortunately he was helped by the HoX and they found him a good home. Well now that he has grown he has stayed with HoX and helped other new mutants along the way but now he is left in the middle of doomsday to try to save it all Alignment: Good Personality: Quiet, loner, nice, shy, hot tempered, and AWESOME Appearance: But also has a demon tail Weapon: Sub Weapon: Mini Uzi Voice Actor/Actor: Alex Pettyfer Theme Song: Mutant Powers: He has super agility and can do anything that has to do with free running/parkour, and transports in a cloud of black and green smoke Side: HoX X
  17. Tony James, Union Army. How bout we make this a more fair fight blood sucker? You let me go and we fight like real people, no powers, I don't wolf out and you don't hide like a wuss behind your powers. Just a normal fist to fist combat" Tony said hoping she'd let him go so he could stand a chance. Or at least he could wait till the moon started to glow.
  18. Tony could hear shrill screams coming off in the distance. He could see these girls feeding on some random people. He knew he was a monster and killer but he couldn't let others roam killing as well. Tony could see them trying to get away. "HEY WAIT" Tony said watching the sky, their was going to be a full moon tonight he just hoped it'd hurry up before those vampires try to kill him. He pulled out his Tomahawk and ran at them.
  19. Chase was being briefed and couldn't believe what was happening, he had never thought of his home to be attacked, he had always just pictured fighting over seas, never fighting on homeland. Chase could feel the pressure, he remembered his parents back home and his one brother. His brother had died honorably fighting over in Afghanistan but it made his parents worried about losing another child to the cause. But they also understood he was helping whether they liked it or not. Chase's briefing was finished and he knew his mission. He stepped outside seeing two Helicopters he noticed a woman standing by one thinking that must be Sergeant Banks. Chase stood in front of her and held salute position. "Chase Sanchez reporting in" Chase said still holding position.
  20. Really? On IMDB it says 2015 still http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1630029/
  21. You had the same thoughts as I, but don't put a release date on it yet, it could be longer than 2 years if you look up AVATAR 2 you will see it comes out in 2015
  22. I think its Norman Osborne just hearing the voice, then also I don't know, if they were being cheesy they could've made it Shocker since there was that lightning strike but I had never thought of the Mysterio Factor
  23. (No its not too late, welcome both of you) Tony shook his head and started walking off then turned around. "What was I supposed to do. I don't wan't to be this monster!! I want to make sure I'm away from people when I turn. You should have watched your freaking bite." Tony said turning back and walking off once again. Rain was still his friend but he was just angry that he had turned into something he hated.
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