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Corrupted keyblade

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Everything posted by Corrupted keyblade

  1. (NO its perfectly find and acceptable! So yeah now we can start )Jack was stored up in the local wal-mart. He had a hiking backpack full of stuff. He had enough food to last himself a few months and had a couple knives ready to be thrown from a seconds notice. He had his ax in hand and was ready for whatever happened. Then he heard a rustling from nearby behind the raided chip aisle. He looked and saw a walker shoving intestines of its victim in the ground. Jack gagged a bit but regained his composure. He then grabbed a knife and tossed it quickly at the walker watching the blade land between the eyes of the walker. Jack picked up the blade then severed the head with his ax to make sure it was dead. Jack then ran over to the hunting section and loaded up on duct tape, first aid kits and a shot gun just in case. He still preferred his ax but it would help to have some extra fire power. He then grabbed a bunch of walkie talkies in case he met anyone else.
  2. Alright Accepted One more person and I'll start if not one more I'll start in an hour or 2
  3. Of course!! The rp will always be open! Lol
  4. "Well you could think of me as average but I didn't purposely travel here, being shot messed up my destination and brought me here I've only lived in that one town and I didn't know how to go back. I didn't even know I could jump this far. But yeah other than that I'm a guy working his way to redemption." He said looking at his feel swinging over the hammock
  5. Jake smiled seeing how exhausted she was so he strung up a shadow hammock in the room and then sat in it looking at her. "So Yui, I realize this is a shady situation we are in and I'm not sure if I can trust you. Can you tell me about yourself?" I say wanting to get to know you so I know I can trust you.
  6. Accepted! I'll take 2 more before we can start!
  7. "I'm not really much of a fighter but I guess I'm down for the experience" He said jumping down from his pillar looked at the man. "I'm Dexer. So how do these duels usually go down?" He asked as he pulled out his sword and his Rhino grew to a height as tall as Dexer. The earth started to rattle and shake as huge wall engulfed the area they were in to contain the possible havoc.
  8. He walked in curiously "New home?" He said with a laugh? "Did you steal it?" He asked curiously as he walked in from the hallway and looked around observing his new surroundings. Still curious why he should trust her but he really didn't have much of a choice in the whole trust department. She had powers like him and that was a good reason fo rnow
  9. Alright we may start up by then but there will be a spot for you soon :PBoth of you are accepted!
  10. "It'd be great if I could" Jake said with excitement. "I won't be a burden!" Jake said curious to why he was trusting Yui so much. But he was just desperate. He didn't know how he was going to get back to his home so he decided to take the risk with this stranger he just met. He then sat there waiting for her to lead the way to her apartment.
  11. Jake then started stepping back behind objects to pick up there shadow so he wouldn't be to weak. "That's really cool he said grabbing one of the shadows around him and throwing it on the fire. "But sadly light and I have a off and on relationship" He smirked pulling the shadow off of her now that the fire suffocated. "I'm sorry but light can hurt a bit."
  12. (Yes this is a Zombie RP) Walkers are crawling all over the city few survivors inhabit the area. Food is running low and so are survivors. It looks like there is no possible way to survive. But that doesn't mean we can't try. There are always chances we will get a way to communicate with other survivors but sometimes the other survivors are worse than the walkers. You never know who you can trust but you never know if the next person you meet could save your life in the long run. Everything from this point on is built on choice. Choose carefully and wisely. RULES: * You can go crazy and be cruel but you CAN NOT kill someones character without their permission. * Then just remember all KH13 RP Rules and we'll be good! CHARACTER SHEET: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon: (nothing mystical or magical, can be ghetto or crafty but yeah nothing crazy lol) Short Bio: (Where you were when all this went down) Here is mine: Name: Jack Gomez Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapon: A fireman's Ax Bio: Jack was at his 21st birthday when a strange walker came inside and started eating his friends while he was at the bar. He didn't know what to but watch until this guy handed him a pool Cue and asked him to help. He broke it off the side of the bar then stabbed the Walker in the neck. Then the walker pushed him down when a loud gunshot sounded and the walkers brains exploded on him. Jack has now been following this survivor group that he doesn't agree with. He plans on leaving the group soon.
  13. "Well how bout we stick together and hope for the best" he grinned. Jake then looked back to her realizing not everyone had powers but he could tell she did. "Would you mind if I asked what your power is? I myself have abilities over darkness and shadows." He said as he pulled the shadow from his wound and shaped it into a ball and slipped it into his shadows hand.
  14. "Well before I ended up here I was being shot at and got clipped. I'm sorry for the smell" He said as he picked up the feathers as the shadow around him absorbed it and his wound started to glow. "Thanks he said though the man was gone" "But its nice to meet someone who is new here too. I'm Jake" He said with a grin
  15. (I didn't mean for it to happen like that lol. I figured you'd just follow my disappearance but what happens is up to you)
  16. Jake's attention was brought to the noise and all of a sudden he disappeared into his shadow and started searching for the noise finding a girl behind the building staring. She didn't look dangerous, not near as bad as this winged guy but he was still going to be cautious as he tapped on her should from behind. "Will you tell me where I am?" He asked since the winged guy didn't answer him completely
  17. Rage was rubbing his horn against the dirt drawing lines trying to figure out where he was by getting in touch with this new place. Dexer looked down at his Rhino and smiled. He then opened his palm towards the ground then slowly pulled his arm up which brought the earth up with him in a pillar. He stood up on top of the pillar over looking the central area with Rage next to him. Rage was in a smaller form. He was only as tall as Dexer's waist down. But when battle would strike Rage would grow taller than Dexer to be able to take the damage.
  18. (This whole ordeal happened in another city, I fell into the shadows messing up my jump bringing me to this city that all the super powered people share. I'm new here lol)Jake was holding his side grunting as in the blink of an eye this guy was standing in front of him. Slightly threatening him. "I have no idea who is after me. I have no idea where I am. I was saving a bank from some robbers and the police thought I was one of the robbers so they shot me down." Jake said clenching his fist not liking how everyone was assuming he was this bad guy. Jake then walked into the shadow of the alley appearing on the other side of the guy. He then limped towards the end of the alley to see where he was. "What is this place?" He asked the guy
  19. Dang i wish I could make a server lol, see it doesn't even have to be KH related lol just a community thing! lol
  20. Lol i know this is super late but did you ever get that kh13 server worked up?
  21. Gunshots whizzing by, the lights are way to bright for him to make a jump. He was surrounded three large men started making their way through the bank shot guns in hand as they approached Jake and the other hostages. Jake reached behind him knowing his body towards the light had cast a shadow. His arm practically went through the ground as he pulled this black blade from his shadow. He then stood up and through the knife at one of the men. Hitting him in the arm forcing him to clumsily drop the gun. Jake then slid forward and picked up the gun and held it up to the men they weren't two scared since there were more shot guns on him then shot guns on them. Jake looked around and saw the teller desk and a fuse box against the wall. There was a shadow from the lamp on the desk casting darkness under the desk. Jake looked back and slowly stepped into the light as he fell backwards into his own shadow as he appeared pushing up the table. Jake then shot the fuse box with the shot gun and the lights shut off around them. They were in pitch darkness. Jake had this in the bag now.Jake then started making short jumps making it even more impossible for the Men to shoot him. Then Jake appeared in front of them and started firing dark orbs from his palms which pushed the crooks against the wall restraining them to the darkness. Then he heard glass shatter as the police jumped through behind the S.W.A.T. team who had their guns on Jake. Jake held up his hands realizing they though he was the crook. Jake jumped up so he could dive into the shadows but was shot down in an instant. He fell through the shadow when his body hit the ground which screwed up his escape.He appeared in an alley behind a dumpster in a city that was not his own. He didn't know where he was so he was unable to get back. Jake slowly stood up realizing his side was gushing blood. He reached into the shadow and pulled the shadow from the dumpster and wrapped it around his wound holding it in tight keeping the blood in.
  22. Not sure how I feel about your sigh But oh well thanks for the acceptance!
  23. Name: Dexer Zehcnas Age: 21 Class: Rock Syir Kaal: Rhino made of a Onyx with a metallic platinum horn in the center of his head. His name is Rage Weapon: I'd like to have two if I can Appearance: Personality: He's quiet and calm and somewhat peaceful. He will only kill when his life is in danger or someone he cares for is in harms way. Other than that he will never fight till his opponent is dead. Bio/History: Dexer has been through a mess of a life. He was orphaned the day he turned 13. His parents were mysteriously killed in a fire. Its only mysterious because the Brown Dimension doesn't see fire ever. Dexer suspects there is something fishy but after the death of his parents he's doesn't want anyone else to die, but he will only kill when he finds it necessary. Karmen
  24. I guess Yuffie hasn't been on. She said she was going to put it up tomorrow but it was like 3 days ago that she said that
  25. I'm so excited lol. I need to get back on the RP Train
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