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Everything posted by ??????

  1. you know what you're right they somehow do sound alike xDDD that's really odd yet it's awesome and that darn merry had a little lamb is addicting beyond all belief but hey at least it helps you learn it oh come on now don't be like that plus they're easy actually japanese is easier than english in many ways =P for example while english is a SVO language japanese is a SOV and really it breaks down more than that. really all you need is a verb to make a complete sentence so no subject or object needed they're "optional" so don't give up on it~ ??????? "do your best!~"
  2. here is some japanese greetings sdsr5iSsJiw and another song (even faster) to help keep that kana memorized =P Q2rT8KhG8Cg here is merry had a little lamb =P dNHitUDJ1zo and this one was just for fun nxUsvRr8o0k hope they help a little~
  3. okay for all those that want a fun little song to help learn here one i recommended!~ lrMkJAzbWQc and the lyrics are as follows!~ okay enjoy i'll post more later if you want!~ ^-^
  4. pop the bubbles! i got in to top 7 see if you can beat me http://www.freearcade.com/BubblePop.flash/BubblePop.html
  5. yes or no? why or why not? '.' or is the question i'm asking a stupid question? '.'
  6. you have to check this out it's so odd http://www.cleverbot.com/ I personally think it's kinda funny what do you all think? =P
  7. okay a few people asked me "how was i able to type in japanese." well i decided instead of telling you step by step i could make a thread so if i wasn't online and you forgot how or you don't know how i could show you. okay this site has windows windows vista windows 7 and MAC OS X okay? http://www.japonin.com/lang-setup.php?os=vista i put the link with vista since most people i know have vista. but you can change it by clicking on the different systems at the top. "To see instructions for other systems, please click here: Windows Vista Windows 7 Mac OS X" *for windows users: if you don't have the windows cd just tell me and i can help you out i have all the japanese fonts and IME saved on my flash drive and i can send them to you if you need em kay? ^-^
  8. okay here it is. what would be your ideal pet or pets? mine is a bunny a duck and a puppy
  9. i'm glad you liked it this is my favorite video ^-^ it makes me sad to think my dog is gonna die one day.. I'm gonna miss him so much DX so i make sure i spend as much time with him as possible. (he's laying next to me and looking out the window )
  10. okay, you don't have to answer this question but here's my answer what's one thing you saw in a movie that you would like to do? my answer is to get a slinky and make it go down a huge thing of stairs like in ace bentura (spelling sorry =/) pet detective
  11. The title is hajimete no tomodachi it means first friend but because japanese people have a "because i'm speaking i mean me" type language the whole this is "my first friend" it has subs so enjoy ^-^ etw3aSumBEU
  12. well you can always learn the way i do. try studyjapanese.org as well as sharedtalk.com at shared talk you'll find more then people who can teach you japanese there's alot of tutors from just about any language you can think of. also you may want to get a japanese to english dictionary or english to japanese i recommend both. aslo to learn about particles try http://home.inter.net/kenbutler/particlehome.html#particleMenu ?????? ???????? ????????????
  13. yeah the raws make it better subs always distract me from watching the video because i always try to read the subs O.e
  14. well hanamaru youchienn is a cute little show and i thought i'd show you what it was here's my first amv =P if you wanna watch the show i can help i know where you can watch it besides youtube '-' (all the eps i have are raw meaning no sub titles subs ruin the video in my opinion '-') 7CqjrvV08hg
  15. ??????


    i know huh? japan is epic =D i wanna work for square-enix!~ kanji is fun there's so many of them i think over 3000 o.o that's alot mhmm o.o
  16. gasp i know that songy it's epic
  17. aww doesn't king micky look so cute?
  18. well i can never decide witch one is better so i'm gonna have a witch do you think is better?
  19. ??????


    thanks yeah i just barley posted it actually
  20. ??????


    thankies i shall =D kh is epic like that
  21. ??????


    hi everyone i'm new here thought i'd say hi and hmm well i guess it's only polite to write something about me? well i'm hyper random fun i like anime and manga and videogames of course (kh ftw =P) lets see.. anything else.. well i'm learning japanese cause i wanna move to japan one day and work for square-enix (oh yeah gotta love that company ) i'm learning video game design and i use a program called blender to do so. it's kinda fun =P but yeah that's all i can think of at the moment.. any questions?
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