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Everything posted by Ace326

  1. PokeDex 3D Pro. The future doesnt look too bleak. Hopefully of course.
  2. Make sure your screen brightness is well adjusted. Hold your 3DS over it for a while and try tilting it if the DE doesnt appear. I ran in to this problem, but I got it to work.
  3. As Ztar said, Frootz cat is a great choice because of the hastes. R & R Seal has 5 HP boosts and second chance so I would go with him too. A third DE would be one that fits you best. If you are more of a magic user look for magic boosts and if your more of a physical attack person go with a DE that has attack boosts. Maybe you want to have good defense so you go with a DE that has defense boosts or status blocks.
  4. No offense, but Ive never spent 40 minutes on a boss in KH2 on proud mode (Except final boss if you include all forms). Honestly Ive never played standard mode in BBS or DDD, but I feel once you get the hang of things in BBS critical mode is not hard (except for Terra). Also I find that DDD on proud mode is somewhat challenging, but also a tad bit harder than BBS critical mode. Now Re:COM on standard mode is extremely challenging regardless of what cards you have. Days was also easy on proud once I got better with the controls. Although I do realizes you were refering to standard mode I dont actually play on that mode.
  5. I feel like kh 1 and 2 he is just forgotten half the time.
  6. For this game large areas fit it although any other game without flowmotion it would not. I would probably prefer more worlds than large areas and less worlds.
  7. I ran into this glitch when I first got the game Tuesday.
  8. Is this the full list of characters or just some leaked characters?
  9. Sly 4 is coming soon. I would like to see a Mario and Luigi game on 3DS. Bowsers inside story was alright, but I didnt like it as much as the original. A new Infamous title would be awesome.
  10. Well saying gameplay and naming some limit commands made me think you were refering to command attacks like dark break or dark firaga.
  11. If you beat every enemy you encounter, smart with your abilities, and a good treasure collector youll be able to get the ultima weapon before you beat the game and beat it in 40-44 hours.
  12. Yeah it feels like a smoother version of Terra only instead of slide its a dodge roll or dark slide
  13. I find that Sora handles spirit links better while Riku does really well with the basic combat.
  14. Go on gamefaqs or something.
  15. Of course Sora drops during Pranster Paradise's boss. Riku wants to move on!

    1. terraxaqua34


      Just drop again.

    2. Decimo


      Dropping during a boss fight? Sucks to be you.

    3. Ace326


      Lol I had Pranksters Paradise completed as Riku before Sora. Im in Country of Musketeers right now

  16. During the football field seen I could barely understand him. During the last fight seen I could barely understand what Batman was saying.
  17. I payed for SFxT before I even knew about the characters. Honestly everything is about money now and they wanna milk the shit out of their loyal customers.
  18. A leveling trick you could do is go to Neverland and enter an area with tons of unversed and use mickeys D-ling (Assuming you have powered up his link all the way). I level up in like 8 minutes. Im like level 62 with Ven.
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