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Phill Devil

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Everything posted by Phill Devil

  1. Aliens Real... Geez... George Lucas or Disney?
  2. Damn, I could eat dat lil hart raw, no wa i'm sayin'?
  3. I am thankful for having a floor over my head that protects me from getting rain and illness. I am thankful for having clothes covering my body protecting my from the cold and excessive sunlight. I am thankful for having food too eat everyday. I am thankful for my mother, who even having serioues psycological problems still cares about me and gives me all that. I am thankful for having internet I am thankful for having a videogame. And... I am thankful for everything in my life that lets me live and have made me who I am. May all creatures find thankfulness and peace their hearts, for they are blessed by the gift of life.
  4. I really enjoyed the anime, but i didn't know there was a movie of it
  5. idk what makes me more impressed: Tenchi Muyo, or the fact that AMERICANS STILL HAVE TOONAMI! FUQU BRAZILLIAN CARTOON NETWORK!
  6. I am so happy with the time I call the 8th generation of videogames =D. I have NEVER bought the original versions of ANY games from before the 7th generation. When I bought a PS3 that changed. And I am so happy to see games from the 5th and 6th (best) generations of videogame beeing re-released on newer consoles
  7. In fact I said ridiculous in a sense that they're too weak... But ok.
  8. I... don't know o.o' I can remember de items I most regarded, but idk if they're even rare... Gods...
  9. I am aware fo the xbox wireless controller problems. But I have a PS3, so I am more than happy with my wireless controllers . If one of them runs out of battery, I just leav this one charging and get the other one. Simple enough. And PS3 controllers tend to charge up really fast.
  10. Same. Dirty fighting is the best fighting.
  11. I hope he dies flying, or right after flying the damn thing. He'll die as the happiest man the world has ever seen...
  12. What do you mean by cannon? I suppose you don't mean that thing that throws giant metal balls at people.
  13. IS THERE A Final Mix VERSION OF BBS? I feel betrayed!
  14. My family is asleep. Thank you for the auto play
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