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Everything posted by Kuroishii

  1. I expected it to be more epic. Or iunno. Like, even older versions of Sora, Riku and Kairi, new worlds, new enemies, stuff like that.
  2. Oh. owo Then there's no doubt about it; that game is not Re:Coded.
  3. Ohmygod. FINALLY. A PROPER RP. D: Expect a template soon. <3
  4. Yes, I knoooow. But I meant that the 3DS logo may have been shopped beneath the screenshots to make them seem like 3DS screens. :I
  5. It looks a lot like Re: Coded. Then those would be DS screenshots. But who knows~
  6. http://translate.google.fr/translate?u=http://www.khdestiny.fr/news-830-E3-2010-Un-Kingdom-Hearts-en-3D.html&sl=fr&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8
  7. I didn't like Aqua's voice somehow. o-o;; But still, loved it. <3 Gave me the shivers. c:
  8. Omg I love Keiji Fujiwara. He's the Japanese voice actor of Axel. That's epic, yes, but on top of that... he dubbed the voice of The Joker in The Dark Knight. How awesome is that? I literally squealed when I found out. <3333 And he does an awesome job as Aizawa in Death Note as well. c:
  9. NEVER. D8< HE'S AAALIIIIIIVEEEEEEEE and I'm raping him lolololol. <3333333
  10. Uwah. ;-; Ew. 3 Well guess who lost aaaall respect she had for YOU! D': omg I still love you lol NO. ;A; HE'S ALIVE. DON'T TELL ME HE'S DEAD, HE'S NEVER DEAD! ;____; owo Hehee. <3333 Hurrrr let's go fangirl on hot pairings together, Kuriketto. It's pretty hot, yes. 8D <3
  11. Hi Jason! <3 I see you like Axel. *u* Aweshum~ <333 Welcome! Have fun~
  13. Alright then, have fun whatever you're doing! Unless it's a funeral or something. Though I've never heard of a 5-day funeral. Anyhow, I digress. c8 See you soon~
  14. CHOCOLAAAAAATE ;A; I NEED CHOCOLATE NOW. D: Oh gosh, chocolate is so good. I love it love it love it. <3333
  15. NO. NONONONONO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. ;A; Just... no. AkuRoku is the pairing I despise WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL. 333
  16. I'M IN. 8D Everyone knows who I'm drawing. xDD <3
  17. She looks so mysterious... somehow scary. owo I like it. Okay, well, the chin is too narrow. Like, the head starts to go too flat from below the eyes, if you get what I mean. ;3 Otherwise I love her face. <333 The neck has an odd shape; it's narrower from the middle. And it's a bit too thin for a head that size~ The shoulders could be slightly wider as well. Still, good job. <333 It has your style in it, which I am very happy of.
  18. Halllooo~ c8 Welcome, I'm sure you'll like it here. <3 Enjoy your time.
  19. Ooo, all the way to China? owo Have fun. <3
  20. No probs~ c: Ahaha, spicy? Well, if you see my style like that, I'm fine with it. <3
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