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About Kuroishii

  • Birthday 06/11/1993

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  1. aahahaha this place

    1. Sora96


      Is a very wonderful place.

  2. Understanding it yet? :P So this is basically our version of profile comments.

  3. > in finland NOPE.AVI Yeah but really, come November and it's everywhere.
  4. lol i'm 18 now. /old

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rob


      Now youu know how others feel. lol

    3. The Transcendent Key
    4. Paranoia


      "So you're legal now? :D" LOL xD

  5. Thx guys. Nope, not anymore. Attention can be achieved in many other means.
  6. OSHIT. ;_____; Daniiii. /hug Awh, ilu too. So much. <33 /hughughug
  7. I am content with the DmC trailer and AC: Revelations info. Somehow the Wii U didn't get to me. I mean sure, it's fancy and TECHNOLOGY MAGIC IDK. I have just always discriminated Nintendo consoles a bit for some reason.
  8. weirdest place ever.

  9. I have never seen a skin like this before. Just, what. And still no dark skin? Tsk tsk. Also hi I guess I'm back AGAIN. Where my darlings at? Like idk Cella, Kuriketto, Paolette, Jenny. COME HERE I WANT TO GIVE YOU A BIG HUG.
  10. Yes, I'm afraid of it. Greatly so. But a while ago I read post on another forum concerning the subject. It said that we shouldn't worry because we didn't exist before our birth either, and how did that feel? Well, nothing. So why be afraid if you won't even have the consciousness? It'll just be the same thing. I'm not religious at all, but I do believe our presence moves to another body after death. The gap in-between, it'll just be nothing. When that nothing hits us, we won't even be afraid of it or worry about it or give a damn. Because we can't.
  11. Oh my god, after listening to the newest album, Stranger In A Strange Land became my number one song ever ever ever ever ever. IT GIVES ME SO MANY EMOTIONS.
  12. Those who didn't get my lame joke, SHAME ON YOU. OHMYGOD CELLA-LA-LA-LAAAA <3
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