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  1. Thanks for adding me as a friend all!

    1. spenskh89


      Your welcome new friend.

  2. yeah im not that popular

    1. Deadshot


      why do you say that?


    2. daniel01


      cause like no one knows me

  3. wow first one to post on your profile anyways hey

  4. your Bf is waitign for you in the shower D: and bye!
  5. KH3 has been announced for a year for PS3 yeah im happy (i have like evey KH game) but its been so long you'd think at least a sneek peek at least *sigh* and the date is T/A thats sad...
  6. "ok see ya" soul walks away
  7. "ill see if i can find him"*sigh* "i wounder whats he doing"
  8. "im good i bet blakestar is fighting with death
  9. soul sees tsubaki and walks to her "what are you doing?"
  10. soul walks by death the kid and says "so your deaths kid huh?"
  11. Available people:Death,Maka,Blakestar,death the kids weapons roleplaying has started Day: 1 (at the academy)
  12. you will have to pick a person from soul eater or make your own
  13. name: john age:18 appearance: weapon:
  14. whats your name peason who keeps walking away
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