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About xxVivaLaSugar

  • Birthday 09/07/1996

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  1. 2002 - 2003! I got into it after a friend of my brother's brought it over for me to play and I begged my parents to buy it for me haha.
  2. I finished KH2FM on Critical yesterday. 0/10 won't be doing again.

  3. kh 2.5 is amazing holy moly im in love

    1. Kingdom Of Me

      Kingdom Of Me

      Everything looks soo pretty!!

    2. xxVivaLaSugar


      everything in the game looks AMAZING in hd!

    3. Kingdom Of Me

      Kingdom Of Me

      All the extra Organization cutscenes :0

  4. Hello, I hope that everyone had an amazing Christmas!!

  5. sometimes i think about watching naruto shippuden again and whisper no b/c i'm like nearly 200 eps behind :(((

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Weedanort
    3. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      Oh which console do you play?

    4. xxVivaLaSugar


      I've played the games & I've been reading the manga, I only got up to ep 130 of Shippuden then kind of just have up. I already know most of what happens because of my friends telling me and whatnot so it's not as if I don't know what's happening in the anime. I just cannot be bothered watching it, it just drags on sooooo much. :c


      I ended up skipping the fillers because they're just so irrelevant (IMO anyway) and yeah.

  6. Fruits Basket person!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      Urr... Not sure where t go from here ^_^;

      Hi! I'm Sikota

    3. xxVivaLaSugar


      Ah it's fine!

      Hello, I'm Katherine! It's a pleasure to meet you Sikota! I hope that you've had a great week? c:

    4. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      I've had an amazing week! Yesterday was a highlight in my life.

  7. wow it's been a while since i came online hahahahah oops

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      Eh it's good, just met alot of posers at school lol.

      Ah so you obtained the ability to feel a temperature huh? Seems legit.

    3. xxVivaLaSugar


      Hahah you just gotta love the posers. :P

      And yes I have! It took months of learning but I finally was able to feel a temperature, I am very proud of myself.

    4. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      Ah yes them and their SWAG, YOLO, #HASHTAG

      Yes you have obtained the power to fell temperatures!

      That's until you get absorbed >:D

  8. So I watched Legend of Korra just for fun and got addicted. Oops. But Bolin and Mako. Unf. <3

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      Welcome to the Dark Side >8)

  9. Final Fantasy IX is brilliant. I'll go crawl under my rock again now.

  10. Even though I watched Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh & Dragonball Z when I was younger, Tiger & Bunny has gotten me into Anime. I wasn't a big fan of Anime until recently. I've watched a few different Anime's over the past few weeks so.. yeah I guess I now actually somewhat like Anime. :B
  11. Okay the snow on the site is just awesome to watch.

  12. Okay hailstorms are scary. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      Canada. Snowstorms. The bane of my existence.

    3. xxVivaLaSugar


      My town had a massive hailstorm yesterday, the hail had to be at least the size of baseballs. I'm convinced the worlds ending a year early right now. Lol.

      I'd rather snowstorms over hailstorms any day. I've never seen snow either.. >.<

    4. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      That's the exact opposite of my wish. And most Canadians who despise autumn/winter. I'm more of a spring/summer person. I literally watch any type of storm during those seasons like they're a movie.

  13. School holidays/summer break has started for me, 6 weeks of nothing here I come!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MarluXia777


      I finished like 4 weeks ago and don't go back until February 1st.

    3. MarluXia777


      I finished like 4 weeks ago and don't go back until February 1st.

    4. Sora96


      But your older than us.

  14. Oh goodness Koala's are just so damn adorable. ;___;

    1. Sora96


      Yes, that is true.

    2. xxVivaLaSugar


      Each time I watch something on Austar, an advert for something called "Koala hospital" or something like that comes on. The Koala's in it are SO CUTE. I just want to cuddle one so badly now.

    3. Sora96


      That sounds very cute.

  15. Today, my dad sat and talked about the cat sitting on the CD player and how fat she is.. until he realized it was a pot. My family is full of intelligent individuals.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kinode
    3. animemylove


      .... was he petting the cat as he was saying this lol

    4. xxVivaLaSugar


      nah, he sadly wasn't. :(

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