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got it memorized

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Everything posted by got it memorized

  1. ok, so we have Terra performing the rite of succession with Riku, and Aqua unintentionally performing the rite of succession with Kairi. i got that much. what exactly was the difference between those two occurrences that gave Riku the ability to summon a keyblade but never gave that ability to Kairi? yes, she can wield a keyblade, i got that too. but in terms of like, getting her own keyblade, what was different that she wouldn't get her own keyblade?
  2. well when you go to different worlds and finish them new keys come..... wiat i'll use a better one sora promised kiari he'd bring back the good luck charm causing the memory of the promise., just like rikus memory=oblivion and that why its attack was so high=how much he thought of the noun:D cool huh i've always thought of oblivion as a representation of Riku's time walking the path of darkness. i guess a memory would make sense though.
  3. Riku's quote about the paupu fruit from KH1: "if two people share one, there destinies will become intertwined. they will remain a part of each others' lives, no mater what." from that i guess you could pull out a connection to memories, make of it what you will. i don't think that there's really much of a connection to the keyblade though.
  4. darksides were easy, wakka was just someone to farm exp from early in the game. i'm sure there's a handful of easy "bosses" in KH1
  5. it will definitely be interesting to see what happens with Terra/Xehanort. i agree that the raining hearts thing took place only in TWTNW, so that wouldn't have brought Terranort back. but if Sora can get him back some other way, along with Ven, Aqua, etc., and separate MX's heart to bring him back, it would be interesting to see what would happen with more keyblade wielders going after MX now. this time you would have Terra (maybe), Ven, Aqua, Sora, Riku, perhaps King Mickey, Kairi, maybe? (big if there), and if Sora "rescues" her, Xion may take part in the fight. there would be up to eight keyblade bearers there, going against just one (MX). lots of speculation here.
  6. actually there is sort of a connection with the "x" term in the name. i'm pretty sure i read somewhere on here that nomura said in an interview that "x" is greek for "key," so calling it the x - blade is like calling it a keyblade i guess
  7. Axel originally died from spontaneously combusting. I don't see Sora catching on fire and then dying from it in the future. Axel's other death was overexertion. IIRC, the most tired I've seen Sora was after the 1000 Heartless battle. He was more exhausted after the first battle in Twilight Town. probably because that was one of his first battles after being asleep for a year.
  8. goofy. easy choice. donald loses all his health way too esasily in both KH1 and KH2.
  9. that would make sense. my only problem with that would be that if their hearts combined into one, then wouldn't the same should have happened with the hearts of the seven princesses? they too would combine with Sora's heart, almost like building a smaller scale version of Organization XIII's kingdom hearts inside of Sora. or are the princesses of a lesser connection to Sora than Ven was?
  10. when Sora releases his heart in hollow bastion to save the seven princesses of heart, shouldn't Ven's heart have been given back to him? this may have been answered already, but i haven't quite found the answer if it has. so if anyone can enlighten me, that would clear at least one thing for me.
  11. At this point I'm just waiting for Square Enix to mention a release date, whether it be at E3 or some other time. I don't have a PSP, so unless I get one before BBS releases, I unfortunately won't be playing it right off the bat, but I've heard of enough release dates by now that I won't believe any of them until SE confirms a date.
  12. then how was it able to be put up for download on the japanese phones? or does disney have some other station in japan that allows that?
  13. i don't think any of the characters have last names, nobodies or somebodies. not that i recall anyway. i agree with brixta though, interesting question. one i hadn't thought of either.
  14. haha i think there may be actually. i think i noticed that after i chose this for the display name. i may change my display name later if i could figure out how to. thanks for the welcomes, everyone, btw.
  15. in KH, Riku. in general, well, still Riku lol. either Riku, or perhaps Sasuke from "Naruto"
  16. hey guys/girls. got it memorized is the name. been reading the forums here for a while, but never actually registered till just now. plenty of good stuff here. was actually going to start a thread myself, but then forgot what my topic was....oh well.
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