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got it memorized

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Everything posted by got it memorized

  1. i would be happy if they could do the graphics like the ending scene in KH2 when sora and riku return to destiny island. whether that'll actually happen or not, idk. but that's personally how i would like it.
  2. it's a very good theory, and i almost want to go with it. but going back to the door of Kingdom Hearts, in KH2, yes, sora, mickey, AND riku use their keyblades to enter Kingdom Hearts and battle xemnas. but if you look back to KH1, after you fight ansem SoD, when the door was closed, that time it was only sora and mickey using their keyblades to close the door.
  3. i hate to burst your bubble, but i think you do have to pay for it. whether it leaks or not, i guess we'll see what happens with that, but i'm pretty sure you have to pay for a copy of the game.
  4. i don't have psp or ds, so i'm stuck without another kh game either way =(. but as may have said in another thread here at kh13, and i know i've said on a kh fanpage on facebook, i think SE needs to narrow things down to one console and stick with one console. if i were to get a psp or ds, at this point it would probably be just for kingdom hearts game, and maybe some final fantasy games. if that's all i'm going to get them for, then i see no need in getting them, and i can just come here to figure kh games out on those consoles.
  5. well, whether BBS was meant to be before or after KH2 doesn't matter, in my opinion. so far, there have been no keyblade wielders trying to bring chaos to the worlds during sora's time. the only keyblade wielder that has used darkness during sora's time was riku, but that was just the path he chose in his adventure to seek out kairi. ocne he realized what the darkness was doing to him, and once he found kairi and she had gotten her heart back, there was no need for him to use the darkness until the events of CoM and when he was facing roxas in 358/2 days.
  6. i don't care about age...i'd go for a few of the girls. my list: aqua kairi namine and ollete
  7. well, if riku still feels he has to deal darkness still in his heart, i would probably set something up where he pulls a sasuke move, from naruto, where sasuke joins orochimaru to become stronger and defeat itachi (i haven't seen that show in such a long time, so idk if he was successful or not, but whatever).
  8. yeah, there's no reason for them to bash on you. let them drool over all their special KH exclusive stuff, you like the KH series, that's probably all that really matters.
  9. haha i'm pretty sure you're talking about demyx with that last one (i'm a guy though, so i don't pay much attention to what the fangirls come up with for other names of characters). on topic, i agree with what everyone has said so far.
  10. for the games on the ps2 i've pretty much used strength and speed. i don't have a ds or psp so i lack days and bbs, but i would probably use a bit more strategy on days and stay with strength and speed on bbs, but taking advantage of bbs's battle system
  11. i've never seen generator rex, so i don't know about that, but i could see kh + code lyoko myself.
  12. the difference is that BBSFM has a another secret ending, you get to play as Unversed, you fight Eraqus Sentiment, and there is a Monstro level. ok, so someone in SE has confirmed that you can play as Unversed in the BBSFM secret ending? not trying to be a skeptic, but that would be a good find with the right proof.
  13. for me it would be: namine kairi aqua
  14. I think that he may have forgotten after the merged being of MX and Terra split into Ansem SoD and Xemnas. if I remember correctly from the secret Ansem reports from KH1, I think one of the reports mentions the door to Kingdom Hearts, and doing something with it is how the merged being split into Ansem SoD and Xemnas. either that or I'm thinking of the door to the heart of the world of Radiant Garden.
  15. if he comes back you may get to beat him up again =P. anyway, back on topic, i would expect the original six, especially braig, to come back, if anyone. for who i would want to come back, i would want axel back for sure, maybe demyx, just to see what his somebody would be like, and maybe some others.
  16. the playable secret ending in BBSFM looks like it's sparking a debate in another thread, so i thought i would open one to give a central location, i suppose, for everyone's thoughts as well as putting my own thoughts in. in re:coded king mickey and yen sid say they think they know where ventus's heart is, so that just leaves finding terra. only mentioning those two, it is assumed that they are aware of aqua's presence in the realm of darkness. i'm thinking this playable secret ending could in some way shape or form consist of either aqua or ansem the wise figuring a way out of the realm of darkness, and working together to retrace steps in their memories (what they have of them) to find sora, and to work towards finding terra. if aqua remembers fighting terranort in radiant garden, she might be able to bring sora and company to investigate terra's possible return there. any thoughts on that and/or your own theories are welcome
  17. There is another game left before KH3. The remaining mystery game. then perhaps that could be the game with the mark of mastery test. i don't know the storyline for KH3D, so i don't know what the story line in that "mystery game" will entail. which just means all i'm really doing right now is speculating....
  18. well, depending on what SE does with KH3D, there may be a need for another game between that and KH3. in re:coded's secret ending, Yen Sid calls for a mark of mastery test for Riku and Sora. if KH3D covers the mark of mastery test, then they just need to put in whatever else is necessary for the storyline, and then they can continue on to KH3. if KH3D is something else, then they may need to add a game to cover the mark of mastery test.
  19. actually, now that i think of it for a few seconds, why did they even make a town outside of the hollow bastion castle? enough happened in the castle that i think i would make sense if they kept things in/around the castle. they could have brought back some of the areas from KH1, made some new places to explore within the castle from those familiar places, maybe do something like put a door somewhere in the library leading to ansem's computer lab, stuff like that. i just thought of this now, so sorry if it sounds like i'm just rambling on. just a thought though.
  20. if so, most likely it would be because a keyblade would have recognized Ven's heart in Sora, and saw that to be a suitable reason to choose to have Sora as its wielder.
  21. Sora officially has his own keyblade. he won't lose it when he gives Ven's heart back to him. remember back in KH1 when the keyblade went into Riku's possession at Hallow Bastion? That was because at the time, Riku's heart was stronger than Sora's AND he was meant to be the original recipient of the keyblade, having undergone the rite of succession with Terra. but then later in Hallow Bastion Sora reclaims the keyblade showing more strength of heart than Riku. that's when Sora officially becomes a keyblade wielder of his own will. i think sharing Ven's heart only helped to get Sora the keyblade the first time, back on Destiny Island, when Riku first fell to the darkness.
  22. well in an interview with tetsuya nomora he completly unofficaly announced that there going to make kh3 with alot of kh games to come as well which means we still could be waiting a while for KH3, if there's "alot of kh games to come as well."
  23. hatok's idea sounds interesting. If anything I would like better graphics, all voice acting, more optional/secret bosses, pretty much most of what other people have said here. but most of all I would just like KH3 to start being made. I'm starting to think some of these games are just being released to answer questions us fans have about the plot of the series. I could be wrong, but that's just what I'm starting to think.
  24. will it be open on Itunes once it's released? or will people be dumb and not release that, just like everything else with KH music?
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