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Axel's Chakram

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Everything posted by Axel's Chakram

  1. Xigbar and Demyx Zexion and Saix Luxord and Xaldin hehe, bring on the yaoi. I like da threesomes Xigbar-Xaldin-Luxord and Axel-Demyx-Roxas
  2. Lea and Isa were friends in Radiant Garden. They joined at about the same time but their friendship slowly went bad. Roxas does not fight Isa in BBS. LEA fights VEN. Ven just looks like Roxas.
  3. He likes to touch the awesomeness spiky hair. Or he just feels awkward. lol.
  4. Xion isn't a real Nobody. She is an imperfect replica of Sora. Here true name is No.I but got changed to Xion.
  5. Roxas and Namine are speacial Nobodies. They are different from the others. And I don't really agree when you say they look EXACTLY like their Somebodies. Cuz they don't. They do look different.
  6. I love both of them. But I like Lea better. I know. I'm weird that way. But I LOOOVVE Axel too! ! Lea is hooooott! 8p *drools*
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