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Everything posted by harplayer

  1. I tried to, but only got up into the 70s. That was after I had played a few times. My first time through the game I left the island as soon as i could.
  2. I love Xigbar, Axel, and Demyx HATED Larxene, Marluxia, and Vexen
  3. I rarely play at all anymore. School takes up all of my time.
  4. Probably Demyx because of his sense of humor (he always made me smile while playing), his sitar, and his hair. Overall, he's adorable and he's absolutely adorable.
  5. High school and working. That and homework consumes a large portion of my time. Ugh can't wait till summer....
  6. My mom used to be really into Legend of Zelda...my dad can barely work our dvd player. lol
  7. 1) Dragon/ Maleficent 2) Neverland 3) Beast
  8. When i was really young, I went to Disney world and played kh2 at some gaming thing. i had no idea what it was at the time, but I guess it counts! lol
  9. That's so cool! Is there any way I can view the website in English?
  10. when you had to fight a bunch of the harder monsters (was it 5 of them?) in twilight town. I never had enough curagas or potions.
  11. Am I weird for liking Ant-Form the most? I don't know why i like it...it's just fun. I used to use all the rest just to get it.
  12. Not sure actually. I played around with kh2 when i was younger and didn't know what it was so i don't know if that count. Then i tried to play kh1 but failed, so i just played kh2...so...kh2 then!
  13. I absolutely HATED Atlantica. It took me nearly 3 times as long to get through it. Ugh. Hated that world. The Tarzan world was a bit confusing also, but at least it was entertaining!
  14. I love it!...are you going to include songs from other kh music cd's?
  15. I was trying to find the kh reference in my gameinformer, but couldn't find it. Where is it mentioned?
  16. I love it!!! I listen to every time i go to work.
  17. Mine is something else. I used to go to Disney World a ton. A while ago, they had a section where you could play disney games. And even though i didn't know it at the time, they had KH2 there. I remember trying to fight the nobodys with Roxas (when you first see them outside the mansion. Pretty close to the beginning of the game.) I think i was only playing it for 10 minutes, but i managed to die about 8 times. Whatever though! I was hooked! Yep. Been playing it ever since.
  18. huh. nobody voted for Xigbar? He's my favorite. He has funny guns, is pretty funny, and has an eye patch. He's awesome.
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