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About Zeamilon909

  • Birthday 10/17/2000
  1. hiya. i luv Gir!!

  2. click the image to see what my avatar looks recap:my avatar is in special.
  3. The thread I made Computer Game isn't really what I wanted in my game. The Character You Play as:Chiyoco Allie:Bleuy Note: my game will be updated soon STAGE 0: Tutorial _______________ Complete the tutorial. Enemies: Non-Attacking Training Dummy Reward: None Boss: None STAGE 1: Fort Roboticks ____________________ A enemy named Sprocket has created tons of robo-warriors to destroy all humans, you must take him out before its to late! Enemies: Heavy Trooper, Robo-Swordsman, Robot Gunner, Ailen Gunner. Boss:Sprocket bosses stats: health:130, damage:10-20, ultimate move:The Way of Pwnage , special ability: he has the power to create robots, speed: 20 Boss Weakness:water bassed moves or weapons Rewards: 50% of health, Sprocket's blade, 5,000 gold. Stage 2: Nooblies Hideout _____________________ A noob named Noobly has lost to people online 100,000,000 times, he was so fustarated he wanted to destroy the internet. (oh meh gawd.) Noobly watched a advertisement, the commercial had a incredibly powerful suit, so Noobly teleported to the area they had the suit and stole it, now this noob is a pwner and he destroyed the internet! (oh noes!) kill him! Enemies: Noobish Swordsman, Noobish Spearman, Noobish Gunner, Noobish Gladiaror. Boss:Noobly (duh) Stats: health:230, Damage: 30-40, Speed:50, Speical abilities:Thunder and lightning. Stage 3: Underworld's Coliseum __________________________ There is a tortumeant going on in the underworld.It says the winner gets to be the conquer.We need to stop them at all cost or the earth is doomed! Stage 1:Sprocket and Noobly Stage 2:Fizzy Stage 3:Dib CHAMPION NUMBER 1: Stage 4:Mushigi (once you get to stage 5 the music changes and it gets harder) Stage 5: Spike Stage 6:Bonecrusher (not the rapper : () CHAMPION NUMBER 2: Stage 7: Ultimate Omega ( the music changes and now the enemies are really hard) Stage 8:Ulatras Stage 9:Omega Final Stage:LORD PWNAGE REward: 500 % of health and fiery sword. Stage 4: The Moon There is some weird things going on at the moon,like words on the moon, and weird creatures coming from it, you should go check it out. Enemies: Swordsman Moon Spector, Spearman Moon Spector. Boss:Lunar boss stats: 300 hp, 40 -50 dmg, speed:50. reward: ultimate armor and ultimate sword. Final Stage: The end of the world (oh no!) Oh no! The world is different! Everything is white and black and there black stripes around us! You better go help them before its to late! Wait, can it be? It is Noobly! Enemies: however there is no enemy but the boss. Boss:Ultimate Noobly Boss Stats: 600 hp, 60-70 dmg, speed:70 Special:Zeamilon909 Once you finish the 4th stage you get to fight me, however, i'm not easy, before you fight me you need some powerful things otherwise you will fail epicly. Apperance:I am blue and i have a spikey tooth sticking out of my eyes and I have all black eyes ( thats not how I look in person, my avatar looks like that. The clothes I wear is the fire and ice suit.And I have the fire and ice blade. I also have a orange trophy on my head. Boss:Me Stats:800 hp, 80-90 dmg, Speed:98 Special Abilities:Levitation,teleporting,god powers,laser beams. rewards: fire and ice sword, fire and ice suit, Zeamilon909's trophy.
  4. Guys i made this real good ailen. His name is Bleuy. He is a cool ailen invader I made. Should he be added to kh 3d? I will show the picture of him when i get a camera. He has weapons though.
  5. Here is mine. Name: Chiyoco Age: 90-but he sounds normal and not old. Appearence:He has black skin (not being racist),white glowing eyes, and he has this cloak simmilar to Org.13's cloaks but it is white and it has black flame on it, he has spiked white and blacked gauntlets and he has no ears,no mouth and no nose. Bio:Chiyoco, a unknown warrior from that world that never was, he is a talented ninja who is hunting down the heartless. He is a powerful warrior. He once was almost killed by a Behemoth. He has the power to use four weapons at once. Chiyoco is the only one left of his kind. Weapons:Katana x2 (it is on his back and it forms a X) kunai knives x2 he has it on his legs. Home world:The World That Never Was Side:Neutral Gender:Male Main magic uses: teleporting,black flames and memory removal.
  6. I was gonna draw Ermac from Mortal Kombat but I don't have a camera. >:[
  7. you should go check youtube for what happens. in fact choose a video with english subs
  8. I think these mode should be added to the next KH. Story Mode- Play the story of Sora. CAC (create a character) - Customize or create a character. note the character you made cannot be played in story mode. Training Mode- Practice the game. Online Mode- Fight or fight with players online. Tournament Mode- battle players or cpus in 10 stages. (the 10th enemy is the boss) Gummi Ship Hanger (Story Mode)- Its the same thing as the previous KHs. Shopping Mode- Buy armor and weapons for your character or to customize a character.(Story Mode thing) Battle Mode- Battle a cpu or player. (to fight a player you have to be online) Two Player Mode- Fight a friend. Thats what modes I think should be added. (don't say its like soul calibur because it has a CAC mode, other games have that)
  9. Ugh... I hate the 4 armed boss gummi ship, its very annoying, just when you think you are going to complete the stage... BOOM! your dead[/size]
  10. It would be good idea if they added a Create a Character mode in the next Kingdom Hearts with the parts you can create: Helmets Face Equipment Neck Equipment torso equipment waist equipment leg equipment feet equipment hair eye color eye size eye angle weight height and skin colors note, i dont think u can create a character for story mode if they had CAC mode
  11. 1. Beat Sephiroth in a few seconds with the weakest keyblade. (hard) 2. Beat Xaldin without using Learn and jump. (medium) 3. Beat Larxene without any abilities except for growth. ( hard) 4. Preform all limits with Donald and Goofy against Xigbar. (medium) 5. Beat Roxas without taking any damage. (extremely hard) 6. Beat Terra without any abilities. (Edge Master) 7. Kill armored Xemnas in a few seconds, version 1 of the armored xemnas. (easy) 8. Sing the bird is the word while fighting Demyx. (Novice) 9. Beat a Org.13 member without going into danger mode. (beyond hard if it is on proud mode) 10.Beat a boss without using reaction commands. (hard since you will take damage most of the time) 11.(BONUS) complete the game in one day! (harder than edge master) If you beat every challenge, you could beat me.
  12. A bird ,bird, bird bird is the word. I win! yeah! (gets soda) slurp slurp yeah! (cuts off someones arm) (sucks on persons thumb) yeah!
  13. http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=6463
  14. A lot of people keep dieing when they are fighting Sephiroth so I made this thread.Okay, go to Olimpus Coliseum and go to talk to Phil,choose the last option below which is Platinum Match.It has ?????? for it. FIGHTING SEPHIROTH __________________ First Form First Sephiroth will slash you with a normal slash, use guard or jump. After that Sephiroth is wide open for a attack, attack him before he jumps away, after your combo, Sephiroth will teleport, run away or guard,if he does a spinning slash use guard, if you jump you will be slashed,if you stop your combo, Sephiroth will use his fire pillar move, after you knock out his purple bar of health and a little bit of his orange health bar he will say "come", after that he goes in his second form. Second Form When Sephiroth says come he will teleport away from you, then he will use his dangerous Heartless Angel move, use supreglide to get to him and attack him,if you do not attack him you will lose all your mp and your hp except for one piece,if you been cursed by the H.A. get away from Sephiroth and use a Elixer.Sephiroth will start running instead of walking he will attack you more, after he attacks you enough times, he will do his combo move,"Octaslash", this move is very dangerous,lock on to him and guard.Knockout half of his yellow health bar to make him enter his final form. Final Form When Sephiroth goes in his Final form he will teleport multiple times and he will get this light blue aura on him, he still runs but he learns new moves,once he slashes he summons orbs,use Aeroga to take deflecthis orbs. Sephiroth will do a meteor move , when he summons the meteors, use glide or superglide, while the meteors are spinning,use superglide or dodge roll,after the Meteors dissapear, he will attack you with the giant orb, get behind him, after that he is wide open for a attack. REWARD _______ After you beat Sephiroth, you will be rewarded with tons of exp points, for the Final Mix, you get the One Winged Angel keyblade.
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